Note: This help topic is a stub and will be expanded. Please contact if you are interested in using this feature and cannot follow these instructions.
Admins can use the squarebrackets variable "lockedoutusername" to create a notification template called "ACCOUNTLOCKOUT" and then subscribe to that in the admin notifications area.
If someone tries to log in and fails a bunch of times and their account is locked out, the subscribers to that notification will get an email letting them know that a user in their app is having trouble and they can meet the issue head-on. The notification template can include a link to a help topic that explains what to do if an account is locked out.
Sharing Information
Use this form to build a widget you can use to share your information...
Share within your Qrimp App:
Share in a remote site:
Input Form Embed:
Add to Dashboard
If you would like to build your own format to display the shared data, enter the HTML template in this box,
then click the Build Embed button to build your embed script.