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Deployment Manager

With the Deployment Manager, you can push changes in an application to another application. This allows you to customize an application in a development environment, then move those changes to a test environment, then to a production environment.

We highly recommend you backup your target application before performing a deployment. If an error occurs during the deployment process or network connectivity is lost, your target application may be rendered unusable.

There are two ways to deploy your application:
  1. Full Deployment

    If you click the check box by the Full Deployment option, an full copy of your application will be moved to the target application specified in the Application text box.

    This option will overwrite all system tables and user tables containing data for your application. If you would like to preserve information entered into your target application, do not check this box.

    Changes to your user tables, including new columns or new tables will be copied in a full deployment.

  2. Default Deployment

    The default deployment scenario will copy all system tables except those that manage user configuration, including the following tables: Users, Groups, Attachments, Site Settings, User Groups, User Portals, and others like that. This will allow you to configure design and development aspects of your system while preserving user settings for different environments.

    Under the default deployment scenario, changes to the user tables are not deployed, only content of the system tables. If you add a column or table to your development environment, you will need to modify your target environment to include the new tables and columns before deploying your Qrimp App to the target system.


To use the deployment manager, use this suffix for your app:


For example, if your app is http://localhost/qrimp, then the deploy url would be:


If you use the deployment manager frequently, you can add a menu. You can read more about Menus for help with this.


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