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deleteedit1317You must enter a value for itemtemplate. Please click your browser's back button and enter somethingOnce you edit a field template, you can no longer leave it blank.

If you try to leave it blank, you will get this error message:

"You must enter a value for itemtemplate. Please click your browser's back button and enter something for itemtemplate."

If you really want to leave the template blank, you can enter an empty <noeval>[HTML]</noeval> tag, such as
Error Messages
deleteedit1308You have not included NumCurrentUsers in your column list above.Occurs in [Custom View (Sorting and Filtering)].

If you are trying to add totals or subtotals, you must first add a column to your view.

Error Messages
deleteedit1306You entered a value that was not the correct type.If you are doing data entry, you may get this error if the data in one of your records does not match the [datatype] for that field.

If you are entering a number (with or without decimals) please don't enter commas.

You will also get this error if you are in a custom view ([Custom Views (Sorting and Filtering)], but do not have the id column included in the view, and you attempt to click through a link to a record.
Error Messages
deleteedit76XML ExportYou can export your data tables in XML format. Go to the grid view of your data table. Below your table you will see Qrimp export options. Click on the XML link. You will see the document tree of your page in XML format. You can then copy and paste the XML and do whatever you please with it.Export Options
deleteedit111Writing OperationsWriting operations in Qrimp is similar to writing stored procedures. You can use existing operations as templates to build your new operations. To view existing operations go to Admin > Operations.

You can use wildcards with % around a word that you want to restrict your query on. ie: like '%overdue%'.
deleteedit197Working with DataThis section explains how to get data into and out of your Qrimp app. You will learn how to add data, delete it, edit it, import it, export it and more.
deleteedit1326Working Offline, Backing Up, Getting Data out
deleteedit157WorkflowWorkflow in a business software application controls how a user navigates the data in an application to complete business processes. It is a series of operations or tasks, done in a particular order.

Using Qrimp you can create custom workflows to control which pages are presented to a user and when.

The three main tools used to set up custom workflows with Qrimp are [Views], [Headers and Footers] and [Field Templates].

Pull data into your views, add [NextPrevious] arrows to your headers and footers, controlling the action on the buttons, and placing instructions and more in your field templates are a few ideas of how you can guide users through data entry processes.
deleteedit208WidgetsYou can also add widgets to your form to create borders around groups of text entry fields or to otherwise spruce it up. Watch the video below for more a demonstration of widgets.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="876" height="728" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="876" height="728" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Form Designer
deleteedit245Why can't I see my column in grid view (view 1)?There are a couple reasons why you may not be able to see a newly added column to a table in your Qrimp app.

First reason, some apps may have a setting that only shows 10 columns at a time in the grid view.

To see more columns, go to Design > Form Designer. Click "Edit Column Labels" in the right hand column. Click on the "N" in the "Hide In Table" column for the column you wish to show.
Return to your table to see your column.

The second reason your column may not appear would be due to [Column Security] being enabled on the Table. When column security is enabled, you'll see a message at the top of the table description after you add the column letting you know that you'll need to configure column security to enable users of the system to see the column you just added. In that message is a link to configure column security.

If you miss the link, you can easily get to the column security configuration page by hovering over Develop, clicking Table Management. Then find the table you added the column to and click the Column Security link for that table. You'll notice on the configuration page that appears that the checkboxes for the new field are all empty for all the groups. Click the checkboxes for the groups you'd like to see the column. Your changes are saved automatically.
Showing and Hiding Columns with the Query String
deleteedit170WebinarIf you have a bug that cannot be resolved, or would like hands on tutoring, please <a href="">request a webinar using our trouble ticket system</a>, contact [Qrimp Support], or fill out our <a href="">information request form</a> and indicate some days and times that are good for you.

Webinars let us show you our screen while we move the mouse around so you can see how we do things. In a webinar, we can also browse to your web application and give you control of our browser so you can log in. We can then help you from directly within your system and you can see what we are doing right on your screen. A webinar is a great way to learn more about Qrimp and how to perform these tasks yourself later.
Getting More Help
deleteedit263web browserA program used to browse the internet. Common web browsers are Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">Some web browser icons</span>

Many smart phones have built-in web browsers.
Views are ways of displaying data on the page. Qrimp can display data in a table, a photo gallery, XML, or a large number of other layouts. Views are also used to let you edit data or rearrange it on a page. Advanced developers can also use views as page templates to add new layouts using <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=203&vid=11">HTML</a> and Qrimp's [square brackets] notation.

Qrimp also has [Custom Views (Sorting and Filtering)]

<h2>Basic Views</h2>
Frequently used views are linked to by default in the [Content Header] with the following icons:<br/>
[Calendar View]  <img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/cal.png"><br/>
[Tree View]  <img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/> <br/>
[Grid View]  <img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_text.png" alt="Grid View"/> (Also called list view or table view).<br/>
[Grid Edit]  <img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png" alt="Grid Edit"/><br/>

Each Qrimp app comes with many default views.

<h2>Creating links to Views (for menu tabs and more)</h2>

In the location bar of your browser, you'll see the <a href="/db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a> you are on ie: "". The vid=11 tells the app to use view 11, which is the detail view. Changing the vid in your url will show you a different view. Note that if you are on a custom page or a page with a [clean url]) you will not see the vid. (See also [Query String Parameters])
Click the "Customers" tab to see the following screen, customers, displayed in Grid View (vid=1).

<img src="attachments/de08c23c-a1b5-4c0d-9972-4ff0c4668c17/ShipCustomer.jpg">

Try to open a table with the XML View, which has an id of 19. Go to a table and edit the query string in the URL so that "vid=19". Qrimp will apply the XML View to the data being returned on the page.

<img src="attachments/be8b1ffe-a495-41a4-8fba-a7ef3d8cad2f/XMLvIew.jpg">

<li>Here is a list of fields for a template and what they mean:
<p>This is the name of the view for easy reference or for adding to the query string using the vid=name parameter. You can also use the ID of the view.
<h5>Description</h5>A description of your view
<h5>Displayid</h5>This tells Qrimp how to display the data, do you want your data in a table format like in the grid view or do you want it in a list. Most views you create will be a repeater. These controls are based on the ASP.NET <a href="">Repeater Control</a> and the <a href="">DataGrid Control</a>.
<h5>Header</h5>The header content will appear above any data that is pulled from the database.
<h5>Footer</h5>The footer content will appear below any data that is pulled from the database.
<h5>ItemTemplate</h5>The item template is the HTML code that formats the display. If you are using a Repeater type view, then this HTML will format one complete record from the database. In a table type view, the item template will be applied to each column. In the table view, if there is no item template, then the template for the column is obtained from the [Field Templates].
<h5>CellTemplate</h5>In a repeater view, this should probably always be [DATA]. If you'd like to wrap the item template with an extra bit of HTML, you can add it here.
<h5>PageSize</h5>How many records to display by default. You can override this setting in the url using the &pagesize= parameter.
<h5>ContentType</h5>The content type tells the browser how to display the data. If blank, text/html is assumed. If you want to display xml, use text/xml.
<h5>EnableWiki</h5>If EnableWiki is true, square bracketed items will be hyperlinked.

<h2>Advanced: Building a New View</h2>
The easiest way to create your first View is to copy an existing view and then modify it. To copy a View, Go to Design > Views > Select the edit icon next to the View you want to copy > Scroll down to the bottom of the page > click the Copy button > Click the edit icon > edit the HTML > Save your edits with a new name.
Display and Design
deleteedit32VersioningVersioning shows you a history of all changes made to a record in your database. This is great for SOX compliance (<a href="">Sarbanes Oxley</a>).

<h2>Enable Versioning</h2>
You can only enable versioning when you [Create Tables] or [Import Data]. To enable, check the checkbox beside Versioning.

To see your version history for an item, go to the item and click on the <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/file_temporary.png" /> icon in the [Content Header]. You will see a side-by-side comparison of the new version and the version that was saved previously. Choose older versions from the drop-down list containing version edit dates and times.

Versioning may not be available for some items.
Data Analysis
deleteedit106Using SQL StatementsYou can use custom SQL statements get information about your existing tables and to manipulate your data.

The query builder is in Beta Mode. You can use it to generate your own custom queries for your database to return very specific resultsets or even execute UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements, but of course be careful with these.

If you select a table from the query list and click "show sql," a select statement will appear. Click Run Query to return results.

You can save your queries also. If you have selected a table, then save a query, a link will appear to the right of the query list that you can click on to view the results in your browser and save a menu that will display these results for you. You can also use these results in Portals.
Data Analysis
deleteedit112Using Operations in urlsYou can use operations in urls when you are creating [Menus] tabs, adding internal links, editing the action that is behind an [action icon] link or in any other internal Qrimp app links. An operation goes to the table in the url and performs a certain action on it.

<strong>Composing the URL</strong>
To use an operation in a link, simply add "&o=" plus the operation number to the url. An example of a url with an operation restriction would be:


When the user clicks this link, they will delete record 82 from the clients table.

<h2>Operation Permissions</h2>
If you create a link using an operation, and the user who can see it does not have permission to perform the operation, they will see the login screen and the error message "you do not have permission to _read__ the _Clients___ table". To give your user permission, you must set up the correct [Table Security].
deleteedit1343Users aren't receiving their temporary password emailQrimp sends many emails every day and sometimes those emails are blocked
by email settings at the recipient end. In this case, the user will not
receive their username and password email when you create their account.

The long-term solution is to add Qrimp's support email account to your
email filtering software's safe list. ConstantContact maintains a help
topic on <a href="">how to add safe senders in many different email programs</a>.

Sometimes the above step won't work or you need an administrator to help,
but in the meantime, you need to get your new users into the system. The
best way to do this is to follow our guide on <a href="//">How to reset a users password in Qrimp</a>.

IMPORTANT: When you click the Approve account in the final step, write down or
copy/paste the temporary password so you can share it with the new user
via email or in person.
Adding Users
deleteedit4User GroupsUser Groups are group profiles that help you manage sets of users and control access and permissions to your data. User groups are often based on job function, such as HR or accounting, or by access level, such as administrator or anonymous.

<h2>Default User Groups</h2>
Your Qrimp app has five default user groups: Administrator, Developer, Tester, User and Anonymous. The Administrator Group has the most default privileges, while the Anonymous group, which refers to public (not logged in) users, has none. You can change these settings on a table by table basis using [Table Security] and/or [Group Menu Visibility].
Managing Users
deleteedit1279User Group SettingsOn the User Security Page you can allow or disable the following options by group:

<img src="attachments/">

Should this user group be allowed to write [HTML]? HTML fields can change the appearance, color, style, font and layout of your data.

Should this user group be allowed to write scripts, such as Javascript? Scripts should only be given to trusted users, as they can be used to alter your system.

<h2>Allow Edit CSS</h2>
Can this user group to edit Cascading Style Sheets?

<h2>EnableUploads </h2>
Can this user group upload attachments to your Qrimp app?

<h2>Show Export Options</h2>
Can this user group see [export options] to export data from your tables?

<h2>Show related data</h2>
Should the group see [related data]?

<h2>Default Start Page</h2>
The default start page is what a user sees when they first log in. If you do not change this setting, all users see the [Dashboard].

See [Change the Default Start Page]

<h2>Input Black List</h2>
If the user group has permission to enter [HTML], which characters can they not enter?
User Groups
deleteedit261urlA url (uniform resource locator) is the string of words and symbols that makes an address on the internet.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">A url</span>

If you type in into the [location bar] of your [web browser], you have just written a url.

Links on websites are also urls.

A url usually has two parts. A file path leads to a location on the internet, like a website, and [query strings] contain parameters that specify which data from a site or database to pull back into your browser for display. Query strings are used when a website communicates with a database - the information in the query string tells the database which data to pull in to the web browser.
deleteedit153Tutorial - Stacked and Custom ChartsIn this 5 minute demonstration, you'll learn how to build stacked charts from your cross tab reports and custom drill down reports.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Data Analysis
deleteedit155Tutorial - MenusHere you'll learn a little more about the system menus that come with all Qrimp apps and also how to control the visibility of menus for your users and anonymous browsers from the Internet. We'll also add read access for the anonymous users so they can see the data in your tables.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
deleteedit156Tutorial - Intuitive InterfacesQrimp automates many of the software development tasks needed to manage relational information intuitively. Checkboxes for many-to-many relationships and spreadsheets to edit tabular data. In this tutorial we show you how to view those more intuitive interfaces for the information and add menus to get to those views easily.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Display and Design
deleteedit152Tutorial - Importing DataIn this video demo, we get right down to business and import some data in one of our spreadsheets. This is the quickest way to get data into your Qrimp App and start building reports and adding information to your portal. In this demo, we also add a cross tab report to give us another view of our data.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Import Data
deleteedit154Tutorial - Email NotificationsIn this tutorial, you'll see how to add a notification so you can be alerted by email when changes are made to information in your Qrimp App. We also briefly jump into some table management to make a field a bit bigger. We'll also customize the notification template so that we see only information that meets certain criteria.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Notification Subscriptions
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing