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deleteedit106Using SQL StatementsYou can use custom SQL statements get information about your existing tables and to manipulate your data.

The query builder is in Beta Mode. You can use it to generate your own custom queries for your database to return very specific resultsets or even execute UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements, but of course be careful with these.

If you select a table from the query list and click "show sql," a select statement will appear. Click Run Query to return results.

You can save your queries also. If you have selected a table, then save a query, a link will appear to the right of the query list that you can click on to view the results in your browser and save a menu that will display these results for you. You can also use these results in Portals.
Data Analysis
deleteedit145Ad hoc queriesYou can create your own queries using the <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kexi.png" align=absmiddle height=16 width=16 /> Query Designer under the Develop menu.

<img src="attachments/d6d7df44-aee7-45a6-afdc-65b37f5bb980/AdHocQuery.jpg">

<h4>Querying Data</h4>To quickly show the SQL Statement for a particular table, select the table name in the drop down and click the show sql link. This selected table will be used for the templates for the data that is returned. Click Run Query to show the results.

<img src="attachments/65621552-9ab3-4361-90f0-4065980f7a04/RunQuery.png">

<h4>Saving Queries</h4>You can save your queries for use later. Specify the query to use by adding a &qid= parameter to the end of your querystring using the ID or the Name of the query you save. To keep your data secure, you must assign permissions to the query by group. When you first click the Save Query link, you will be presented with a list of Groups who you want to allow to view the Query Results. Click the view queries link to view, delete or modify existing queries.

<img src="attachments/83e48c3f-9210-4fa6-82ed-b30966c60eeb/SavingQuery.png">

<h4>Updating Data</h4>The Query Designer will let you write ad hoc SQL statements against your database. You can run any statement you like, but we suggest using only SELECT statements to prevent damage to your database. If you are going to run statements to update your data, you should do a backup first, which is covered in [Backing up your data].
Data Analysis
deleteedit153Tutorial - Stacked and Custom ChartsIn this 5 minute demonstration, you'll learn how to build stacked charts from your cross tab reports and custom drill down reports.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Data Analysis
deleteedit183ChartsA Help Topic to step through the value of Qrimp's Charts.

In every grid view in your Qrimp Application at the bottom of the data there are a few default buttons.<br><br> <img src="">

Qrimp does offer a few canned [Reports] but to get your hands dirty with your data Qrimp has Custom and Cross Tab Reports.

When you are in the Grid View, one of the default buttons in the [Content Header] is Reports. If you click on that you will get a screen similar to this <br><br> <img src="">

Once you are at this screen you can now see the buttons in the [Content Header] that say Custom and Cross Tab Reports.

Here is an example of a Cross Tab Report. The data is from 2006 and 2007 Most Expensive Zip Codes in the US ranked by Average Median Sale Price. The Report compares the Counties year over year.

<img src="">

To CHART this Cross Tab report we can go to the bottom of the data and click 'Chart' it will take you to a screen like this.

<img src="">

There are several ways to change the look and feel of your chart.

Lets begin with the Chart Title. The Chart title will appear above the Chart.

<img src="">

The View Next button allow you to scroll through various charts to represent the data in a different way. Here is the same chart as above after Clicking "View Next". You can also use the Drop Down Menu located to the left of the "View Next" button.

<img src=""

The Show Top field allows for adjust of records you want to see. In the two images below is of the same Chart but different amount of records displayed just by changing the "Show Top" field.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The Order By Column allows you to switch the order by which the graph is displayed. By default it is ascending but the radio button next to the field allows you to order by descending as well. This can be seen in action in the two images below.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The Dimensions of the Chart can be changed to make the graph more readable. This might be used if the data set is large and the default width and height need to be expanded. The first image is the default size and the second image changes the width and height to make the graph a little more readable.

<img src="">

<img src="">

Sometimes on the x-axis the labels get jumbled together, like the first image below. To make the graph a little more readable there is a Rotate Names radio button that will rotate the names vertically, like in image two.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The "Animate" radio button adds a little functionality to your Chart. If you check the button and click "Show Chart" it will build the Chart right before your eyes. Watch the video below to see it in action.

<embed src="" autostart=false height=500 width=1100 />

Sometimes the graphs don't tell the whole picture. By adding values to a chart the User will know the exact amount. So, by clicking the radio button next to "Show Values" the Values will appear on top of the bars, like in image two.

<img src="">

<img src="">

To make graphs more readable you can add colors to distinguish between each type of bar. By clicking on the palette a color picker box will appear (image 2) and because I have three different labels I will click three different colors. There is no need to close the box each time.

<img src="">

<img src="">

<strong>The Share button can be used to add Charts to your Portal page. Here is a help topic that will walk you through the process. [Creating A Portal with a Chart]</strong>
Data Analysis
deleteedit14Manage TablesOn the Table Management page, you can access all of the custom data tables you and authorized users have created. Go to the Develop > Manage Tables to access a list of tables that have been created in your application. If you have not created any tables, this list will be blank.

You can create your first table in just a few minutes using data you already have in a spreadsheet (see [Import Data]) or by entering columns manually (see [Add a Table]).

You can also download pre-built [Modules] which are "Solution Accelerators". A module is a set of [database tables] and relationships that gives you a head start on your custom web application.
Working with Data
deleteedit47Add a RecordYou can add records to a [database table] from anywhere you see the "Add New" icon (a piece of paper with a green plus sign).

<h2>Adding a New Record</h2>
Navigate to the [grid view] of the table you want to update and add a row to that table by clicking the add new icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/117ed1d1-e1de-4622-a31b-351e439d2946/AddNewButton.png"> in the [Content Header]. All records added to your tables are given [AutomaticIDs].

<img src="/attachments/b1e60dd6-4fa8-40e1-a7f5-25ee77c632e1/AddNewColumn.png" />
Working with Data
deleteedit63Entering and Editing DataTo enter data, go to the menu tab for your table, which appears on the top or left of your window. Hover over the tab, click the add icon in the sub-menu.

To edit records from the grid view, click the edit icon <img src="/images/edit.gif" /> next to the row you would like to edit.

To edit items from the [detail view] click the Edit icon <img src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png" /> in the [Content Header].

Clicking on this icon takes you to the [Edit View].
Working with Data
deleteedit129Export OptionsUsers will see export options at the bottom of a table in the [grid view], provided they are in a user group (see: [User Groups]) with the appropriate permissions.

Export options include .xls/.csv export [Excel Export], [XML export], and [Share Data]. You can also export your data as [Insert Statements] to be used in other database applications such as MySql etc.

<img src="/attachments/9075d7d3-3be5-43b0-bffc-a982ce70a068/ExportCSV_XLS.png">
Working with Data
deleteedit137AttachmentsYou can upload nearly any type of file as an attachment to your Qrimp app including Word, Excel, PDF, .jpeg, .mp3, .mpeg and other file types.

Each attachment is uploaded to a record in one of your tables.

<h2>Viewing Attachments</h2>
If attachments to a record exist, you will see a thumbnail or a link to the attachment in the right hand side of the [detail view] of the record. Images will be displayed as thumbnails. Other documents show an icon that represents the type of document you have uploaded. You will see thumbnails for up to six documents.
<img src="/attachments/3a94e630-8601-4710-8313-483ed15552c3/attachmentthumbs.PNG">

To open the attachment, click the link or thumbnail. To change what happens when you open an attachment using [Attachment Viewers].

To view all of the attachments to all records in a table, click the attachments link above the thumbnails. You will be redirected to the Attachments table. From there you can sort by columns or use the search function to limit the results.

<h2>Adding an Attachment</h2>
To add an attachment, go to the [detail view] of the record you want to attach the item to. Then click the "add" link below Attachments in the right-hand column.

Select your file or files and click the upload button. Once you have uploaded your file(s), they will be attached to the item, and will appear in the right-hand column in the [detail view].

<img src="/attachments/c2edc05c-7776-4b97-b65f-52aba415bde8/Attachments.png">
Working with Data
deleteedit1290Configuring Imported TablesIf your system was created from imported data, here are a few things you may wish to do:

<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=213&vid=11">Re-order columns</a>

Change your [Table Security]

<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=256&vid=11">Add a Calendar List to your Dashboard</a>

[Change your skin]

<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=180&vid=11">Change your logo</a>

<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=247&vid=11">Set up Custom Views (Filtered and Sorted Reports of your data)</a>
[Edit an Existing Custom View]

[Convert a Field to a drop-down]
[Add a drop-down Field]
[Hide Inactive Fields from drop-downs]
<a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=265&vid=11">Change a field to a drop-down</a> Make sure you have clean data first! Try out [grid edit] and sort by the field you want to convert to a drop-down.

Working with Data
deleteedit10MenusMenu tabs are used to navigate your Qrimp application. A menu tab can lead to database tables, pages where you can work with your data or even a particular record, or a function, such as "add a new record". You can completely customize your menus.

<h2>Default Menu Tabs</h2>
A Qrimp administrator will see three default top-level tabs: Admin, Develop and Design. When you hover over a menu tab you will see the sub-tabs for that menu. <em>Quick tip: To see a brief description of what each of the Admin, Develop or Design sub-menu tabs does, click the top level link.</em>

<h3>Dashboard or Home</h3>Most Qrimp apps are set up with a [Dashboard] or Home Tab. This is blank when your app is first created. Dashboards are usually used as a collection of [Portals], but can be customized to anything. The home page is set in User Group Settings (see: [User Groups]).

<h3>Admin</h3>Menu for administrative options, such as account creation and security.

<h3>Develop</h3>Develop is for tools such as table creation and views that facilitate back- and front-end data design and manipulation.

<h3>Design</h3>Design is for front-end designer tools such as skins and page layouts.

<h2>New Tables and Default Menu Tab Creation</h2>
When you create a new [database table], under the advanced options section below the rows, there is a checkbox for "Add Menus" that is selected by default. If you do not want to see a menu tab for a table (such as for minor tables like drop-down tables), unselect this checkbox.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Use [Group Menu Visibility] to make menu tabs visible when you create new tables.

<h2>Adding a Menu Tab</h2>
To add a menu tab, go to Develop > Manage Menus then click the Create Menu Item button.

Enter the following information:
<li>Name: The word that will appear in the Menu Tab. </li>
<li>Link template: Enter the url that you would like users to land on when they click the tab. It is easiest to navigate to the data and the view (see [Views]) first, then copy/paste that url.</li>
<li>Parent Menu: Choose a top level menu tab to show your menu in a sub-menu below it.</li>
<li>Description (Optional): Enter a description.</li>
<li>Icon (Optional): Click the edit link and choose an icon.</li>
<li>Choose which groups can see the menu.</li>
<li>Security: Select which groups can see the menu tab (See also [Group Menu Visibility]).
<h2>Why can't I see a certain menu option?</h2>
Qrimp users only see menu tabs that they have permission to see. If you can access Develop > Manage menus, you can set up which menus you can see. If not, please contact your app Administrator.

<h2>Advanced: Classic Menus</h2>
Menu tabs and sub-tabs are stored in the Menus table. The Menus table can be found under Develop > Manage Menus. Below the links to manage your menus is a link to classic menus. This will let you manage the data the same way data is managed in a regular table.
deleteedit115SearchAt Qrimp, we know that sometimes the easiest way to find something is with a search.

We have three default ways to search your app:

[Site Search]
[Date Search]
[Table Search]

Advanced users can also add a search form to the top of any Table see [Table Search Box]
deleteedit157WorkflowWorkflow in a business software application controls how a user navigates the data in an application to complete business processes. It is a series of operations or tasks, done in a particular order.

Using Qrimp you can create custom workflows to control which pages are presented to a user and when.

The three main tools used to set up custom workflows with Qrimp are [Views], [Headers and Footers] and [Field Templates].

Pull data into your views, add [NextPrevious] arrows to your headers and footers, controlling the action on the buttons, and placing instructions and more in your field templates are a few ideas of how you can guide users through data entry processes.
deleteedit215DashboardYour dashboard is a collection of portals that you subscribe to. Dashboards make great home pages, as they give you an overview of what is happening in your app and/or your company.

To learn more about customizing your dashboard, read about <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=181&vid=11">Portals</a>.

<img class="border" width="600px" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit260Query StringsA query string is part of a <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a>. The query string is one of Qrimp's most powerful customization tools. We encourage you to take some time to experiment with query strings.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">The query string that pulls back the current record from the help topics table</span>

In general, a query string will allow you to specify the source of your data (the table) and select which data from that table to display. You can also use a query string to format and filter your data. You can even limit which data within a particular record you would like to display.

A query string contains [query string parameters] that identify which data to pull back and how to display it.

The rules of <a href="" title="Read more about Query Strings at Wikipedia">Internet URL Query String Syntax</a> specify that the first parameter after the .aspx should be a ?. All subsequent parameters should be prefixed with an &.
deleteedit1324Above and beside your dataAbove your data, you generally find the Header and below, you find the footer, or 'rightcontent' or [item footer].Navigation
deleteedit31Tree ViewThis is tree view:<br/>
<img class="" src="attachments/416de4ab-cb95-4eaf-8a1d-079cc115b8d6/TreeViewHelp1.JPG" /><br/>

Use Tree View if your information has sub-categories and you want to see a drop-down folder "explorer-style" view of it.

<h2>Adding a Table with Tree View</h2>
You can only add tree view at the moment you are creating table. To enable tree view, simply click the tree view checkbox at the bottom of the create table page.

<h2>Navigating to your Tree View</h2>
Look for the following icon in your table header: <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/>

<h2>Adding the tree view icon</h2>
Use the following url to add the tree view icon: src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/
deleteedit46Grid ViewThe "grid view" or "list view" is a view of a [database table] formatted as a table. By default, a grid view shows you all of the rows and columns in a table. It is represented with this icon <img align="absmiddle" alt="List View" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_text.png">.

You can usually get to the grid view by going to the menu tab and clicking the "grid view" sub-menu tab.

<img width="600" class="border" src="/attachments/">

By default, most views of your data have a link to the grid view in the [Content Header] above your data.

Click the id link or double click a row to view the record. Click the edit icon to edit.

<h2>Deleting and editing rows in grid view:</h2>
Next to the id field in most tables you will see two icons, a delete icon <img src="images/delete.gif" alt="delete icon"/> and an edit icon <img src="/images/edit.gif" alt="edit icon"/>.

Clicking the delete icon allows you to delete the row from the data table (it warns you if you want to delete first).

Clicking the edit icon allows you to change data in that row.

<img src="/attachments/4ec6c6cc-f65f-4668-bdc6-5837864d83d1/GridView1.png">

To add additional icons to your id columns, use [Field Templates].

deleteedit51Design ViewDesign view or the Form Designer lets you re-arrange the location of the fields on the screen. Design view is used exclusively for the [Detail View] and [Edit View]

To design a view for a table, go to the table and view you want to change, then go to Design > Form Designer. Your page will reload with a dotted background. Click and hold the the field you want to move until a multi-directional arrow appears, then drag and drop it in its new location.

<img src="attachments/" />

You can also move the "Save/Copy/Cancel" buttons that appear at the bottom of a page.
deleteedit56Calendar ViewAll tables with a date field (Date/Time [datatype]) will be viewable on a Calendar. When the Calendar view is available, the calendar icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/d8b7ffcf-fc7d-4ec9-ae46-a5428e455455/CalendarIcon.png">appears near the top of the page in the [Content Header]. A link to the calendar view also appears by default in sub-menu tabs.

The Calendar View opens for the current month. You can select other months and years from the drop-downs at the top of the page. You can also go to a day view.

<h2>Tables with CreateDate and Other Date Fields</h2>
If you choose the [Auditing] option when creating your table, your table will be given a "createdate" field, which means that when you click on the Calendar View icon, you will see a calendar of when items were created.

If there is more than one Date field in a table, the Calendar will show items with the FIRST date column by default. Once you are in the Calendar, you will be able to choose to show the calendar with items from another date field using a drop-down box.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

For example, if I have a Projects table with two date fields "Start Date" and "End Date", when I first open the table in Calendar view, I will see items that Start on days in the month I am in. If I want to see when items end, I can choose "End Date" from the "View By" drop-down box at the top left of the view.

<h2>Changing Due Dates with Drag and Drop</h2>
You can [drag and drop] an item on the Calendar and the selected date field will update the item to the new date.
deleteedit74Edit ViewClick the edit icon (<img alt="Edit Icon" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png">) in the [Action Icons] area to edit records in your table. You will see each of the fields in your table shown as textboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists etc. Enter or edit text, select options from drop-down list fields, change radio button options and dates and more. To save, click the save button at the bottom of the page.

<img alt="Edit View"src="/attachments/2603fbe4-4e91-43f7-a7df-b7d11c64c9c5/Edit View.png" />
deleteedit103Default ViewIf you don't change this setting, the default view is always the table/grid view, showing all of your data, dependent of course, on your [Security] rules.

On the Develop > [Table Settings] page, there is a field called "Defaultview" with a drop-down list that lets you choose among the many [Views] (these are basically page templates) in your application to set which one is the default for that table. This is handy if you want people to see your table laid out in a particular way.

<img src="/attachments/1a26b6f1-f45e-4fc2-b502-a9f2f88c1c54/DefaultView.jpg">

deleteedit104Creating your own viewsIf you would like to display your information on a page in a custom layout, and none of the pre-configured data [Views] match the data in the table or the desired layout effect, you can create your own view.

In the [Menus], go to Design > [Views] and click "Add New" <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/edit_add.png" />

Create a descriptive name for your view that will help you remember it. For example, if you are creating a view showing only the images from your table, with a border around them, name the view "Images With Borders". In the "Description" area, use Qrimp [Square Brackets] notation or urls to pull in data from your table.

<strong>Formatting your data with HTML and CSS</strong>
Enter HTML and inline CSS tags in the description field to control how your data is displayed.

For example, let's say we had a small inventory table with four fields: id, ItemName, Description and ItemCount. We'll want to display only the name of the inventory item.

We can get the using square brackets as such - [ItemName]

We can also style this information. Let's imagine that we wish to make the ItemName an h2 and we'd like to make in a div with a red background.

Here is what our HTML and square brackets would look like:

<style> #red{background:red;}</style>
<div id="red">

And here is what our result would look like:
<style> #red{background:red;}</style>
<div id="red">
<h2>Inventory Item 1</h2>

This is just a basic example. Learn more about pulling data into page templates with [Square Brackets]
deleteedit247Custom Views (Sorting and Filtering)To enable custom views, you must install the custom views module. Go to Develop > Add Modules. Scroll down to "Custom View By Reports" and click "Add module".

To add a new custom view, go to the [grid view] of your table. At the top of the page you will see a drop down that shows "View By". In the drop down, select "Add new view".
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views add new.png" />

Enter a Name for your view and select whether you want to make it the default view for yourself or all other users. Choose the columns you wish to appear in the view. Put the columns in the order you would like them in.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views 1.PNG" />

If desired, you can add further sorting and grouping to your columns.

Note: You must select a column in the GroupBy section in order to add totals for your view.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views sorting and grouping.png" />

You can also add optional filters to the view, to only show data that meets certain requirements.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views filtering.png" />

Select which users and/or groups can see the view:
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views permissions.png" />

Last but not least, click Save:
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views save.png" />

And then you have a view. This is a very simple view of Teams by year formed.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ views teams by year.png" />
deleteedit253Detail ViewDetail view shows you one individual record in a table at a time.

If you go to the detail view of a record, you can see related data, attachments and more on the right hand side of the table.

The view id for the view is 11.
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing