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Separate name and address fields (From WebOffice)

If you are coming to Qrimp from WebOffice, this applies to you.

If you used the "name" or "address" datatypes when you built your WebOffice, the WebOffice back-up tool concatenates your separate name and address fields into one field. For example, if you had FirstName, MiddleName, LastName they would all be merged into one Name field.

If you want to re-separate the fields, follow the steps below. Note that there are two ways to pull the data into your app.

Step 1 for both options: Create Separate Fields

In your Qrimp app, Add columns for FirstName, MiddleName, LastName or Address1, Address2, City, State, ZIP, to the affected database table.

You now have to choices about how to get the separated data into those fields:

Option 1: Fast Qrimp Update Statement and Manual Review of Fields

Let your Qrimp rep know when you have separated your fields. A Qrimp support person will run a big update statement that will update all your records with the broken out data at no additional charge. You will need to review the data that is created, as it may have some problems which will need to be fixed manually. This option requires less work but doesn't give perfect results. Some of your data may not split properly depending on punctuation, spelling and symbols in the fields.

Option 2: WebOffice Custom View and Thorough Qrimp Update Statement

Create a custom view in your WebOffice that breaks the Name/Address fields out, then a Qrimp rep updates your app. Qrimp charges at our Hourly Rate for this service. Each table will take about 2 hours. This is more thorough than Option 1. It requires more work on your part, but gives the best results possible. This solution can be problematic if WebOffice does not provide a UniqueID field. A UniqueID field is only provided in some cases.

Steps to Complete Option 2

Go to your WebOffice. Create a custom view that breaks the NAME and ADDRESS fields out into individual columns for each portion of the name and address. This view must include the UniqueID of the record in the view.

Export your data to a .csv file, then import it into your Qrimp app as a new table. Name the new table "ClientMap".

Let your Qrimp rep know when you are finished with this and they will run an update query that updates all the records with what WebOffice exports in that custom view.

Note: If WebOffice doesn't provide the UniqueID, then we have to find some other field(s) to use as a unique identifier to update the records and that's not always possible depending on the data.


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