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deleteedit105Clear Menu CacheUnder the Develop menu tab, you will see a menu called <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/tab_duplicate.png" height=16 align=absmiddle /> Clear Menu Cache.

<img src="/attachments/143e278e-f99c-4b85-87ab-09640c611215/ClearMenuCache.jpg">

Clearing your menu cache will update the menus to reflect any changes you have made. Menus are cached to improve system performance by alleviating the need to fetch the menu list from the database for each page view. The downside to this approach is that changes to menus aren't always immediately reflected. Logging out and relogging in will also clear the menu cache, so users will always have the latest menus when they log in.
deleteedit26Attachment ViewersUse attachment viewers to control how attachments are displayed (with img tags or embeds). We have included default displays for several common types of attachments:
<img src="/attachments/d391bca0-5be9-424b-9258-b0e9abd0004e/AttachmentViewer.png">

To change how an attachment type displays, go to Admin > Attachment Viewers. Edit the itemtemplate field you want to change. For example, if the attachment file is an mp4 file, embed a Quicktime plugin in the itemtemplate to make the file play in Quicktime.

<img class="border" src="attachments/de8100e4-29f5-4e92-a3ea-da2d97f12a16/AttachmentViewersHelp2.JPG" />
deleteedit128Query String ParametersUse the following [query strings] options to query your data and drill down into particular records and even columns.

Use these query strings with Qrimp's [JavaScript API] and [Square Brackets] to build custom behaviors for your websites and [share data] on other websites.

<h2>Selecting the Data to Display</h2>
The most important query string parameter is <b>t</b>, which specifies the table from which to pull data. Since it's the most important, you'll probably use it with the ? like this:
?t=1005 or ?t=HelpTopics

For example, to display Help Topics in a Grid View, you would use this url:
<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>db</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

You could display the HelpTopics on the [Calendar View] like this:
<a href="calendar.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>calendar</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

Or in a [Tree View] like this:
<a href="treeview.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>treeview</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

You can use either the ID of the Table or the TableName. You can get a list of tables from the Develop > My Tables menu.

<h4>Formatting the Data</h4>Another useful parameter is the vid parameter which specifies which layout format to use from the [Views] Table. With views, like with tables, we can use either the ID or the name of the view, like so:
&vid=1 Uses the Grid view.

Combine the t and vid parameters like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=1>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>vid=1</b></a> <-- Click it and see. View 1 is the default view, so usually you will not need to specify &vid=1, unless a default view has been specified in the [Table Settings].

As another example, let's look at the Help Topics as a list of links:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=14>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>vid=14</b></a>

<h2>Sorting your data</h2>

To order the results by a column, simply add &orderby= to the end and specify the column number to order by. Adding multiple orderby parameters, or values separated by commas will reverse the order. For example &orderby=5 will sort the fifth column ascending and &orderby=5,5 will sort the fifth column in descending order. The sorted column in a grid view will be highlighted. A quick way to sort your data by most recently created items first would be to order by the ID field descending like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&orderby=1,1>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>orderby=1,1</b></a>

<h2>Filtering your data</h2>

You can filter your data many ways using the query string. If you would like to limit records to a particular value within a column add &columnname=value where columnname is the name of the column and value is the value for the filter. For example, to display a particular record you can reference that record by the ID.

Look in the location bar now and you will see:
<a href=/db.aspx&gotopage=9&orderby=2&orderby=3&t=HelpTopics&vid=1>/db.aspx&gotopage=9&orderby=2&orderby=3&t=HelpTopics&vid=1</a> Which means, show the item from the HelpTopics table using view number 1 and for the Help Topic with id equals 128.

If you would like to be more specific about your query, you can use query operators and query values like so

For example, to show only Help Topics that contain the word Parameters in the name, you could use a query string like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&nameop=contains&namequery=Parameters>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>nameop=contains&namequery=Parameters</b></a>

To show all help topics with created since May 1, 2008, you'd use this url: <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&createdateop=>&createdatequery=5/1/2008">db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>createdateop=>&createdatequery=5/1/2008</b></a>
<b>contains</b> : Find items that contain the query value, same as contains
<b>like</b> : Find items that are like the value, same as contains
<b>not like</b> : Find items that do not contain the query value
<b>startswith</b> : Find Items that start with the query value
<b>=</b> : Find items equal to the query value
<b><></b> : Find items not equal to the query value
<b>>=</b> : Find items greater than or equal to the query value
<b>></b> : Find Items greater than the query value
<b><</b> : Find items less than the query value
<b><=</b> : Find items less than or query equal
<b>in</b> : Specify a list of items. Example: &idop=in&idquery=1,2,3
<b>&pagesize=</b> Determines how many records are shown. Do you want <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&pagesize=20">20 Help Topic Links</a> or <a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&pagesize=50>50 Help Topic Links</a> By Default, the page size is pulled from the [Table Settings]
<b>&hidecolumns=</b> Determines which column names should be hidden <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&hidecolumns=description">Help Topics without the description field</a>
<b>&selectcolumns=</b> Determines which column names should be pulled from the database. <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&selectcolumns=id,name,createdate">Show Id, Name and CreateDate</a>
<b>&noheader=true&nofooter=true</b> Hides the page header and footer <a href=db.aspx?t=helptopics&noheader=true&nofooter=true>Help Topics sans Header/Footer</a> These will be useful when using the [Share Data] feature when you want to include data, but not the menus and content in the right rail. We call it the footer because it appears at the bottom of the HTML source, even though it is rendered on the right hand side of the page. You can use [Skins] to change this behavior.
<b>_fieldvalue=fieldname</b> This parameter used in conjunction with the id= parameter will show only the contents of the specified column. For example, to show <i>only</i> the description for this Help Topic, use the following url:
<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=128&_fieldvalue=description">db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=128&_fieldvalue=description</a>
<b>&qid=</b> Allows you to specify one of your custom [Ad Hoc Queries] to filter the records or build complex joins among tables.
Query Strings
deleteedit1278Attachment PermissionsUser accounts need the appropriate security permissions to add attachments. An admin can grant permission to a user to upload attachments by going to Manage Users > Manage Security Groups and clicking "yes" under Enable Uploads. (See [User Group Settings])Attachments
deleteedit4User GroupsUser Groups are group profiles that help you manage sets of users and control access and permissions to your data. User groups are often based on job function, such as HR or accounting, or by access level, such as administrator or anonymous.

<h2>Default User Groups</h2>
Your Qrimp app has five default user groups: Administrator, Developer, Tester, User and Anonymous. The Administrator Group has the most default privileges, while the Anonymous group, which refers to public (not logged in) users, has none. You can change these settings on a table by table basis using [Table Security] and/or [Group Menu Visibility].
Managing Users
deleteedit129Export OptionsUsers will see export options at the bottom of a table in the [grid view], provided they are in a user group (see: [User Groups]) with the appropriate permissions.

Export options include .xls/.csv export [Excel Export], [XML export], and [Share Data]. You can also export your data as [Insert Statements] to be used in other database applications such as MySql etc.

<img src="/attachments/9075d7d3-3be5-43b0-bffc-a982ce70a068/ExportCSV_XLS.png">
Working with Data
deleteedit32VersioningVersioning shows you a history of all changes made to a record in your database. This is great for SOX compliance (<a href="">Sarbanes Oxley</a>).

<h2>Enable Versioning</h2>
You can only enable versioning when you [Create Tables] or [Import Data]. To enable, check the checkbox beside Versioning.

To see your version history for an item, go to the item and click on the <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/file_temporary.png" /> icon in the [Content Header]. You will see a side-by-side comparison of the new version and the version that was saved previously. Choose older versions from the drop-down list containing version edit dates and times.

Versioning may not be available for some items.
Data Analysis
deleteedit1291Form Field LayoutWe have changed the name of the form field layout feature. Please see [Form Designer].Form Designer
deleteedit24Error MessagesWhen you are working with your Qrimp app, you may encounter error messages. The error messages will appear in red and should tell you what to do to correct the problem, if possible. Many of these occur if you are entering data that is not the correct type, or if your data model is not correct.

Sometimes you will see a warning at the top if you have just deleted a record. This may sometimes persist to a new table as you are navigating. Usually these types of warning messages will disappear if you refresh your browser or if you continue using your app as normal.

We will attempt to document the most common errors and warnings in this section.

If you come across blank pages or unexplained errors, please [contact us] or submit a Feedback blurb with a detailed explanation of what happened.
deleteedit193Default TemplateWhen you build a database, data can be displayed in different ways. For example, sometimes the data appears in a select box, a table or grid view, and if it is a record related to another one, sometimes it appears on the right hand side when viewing a main record.

Let's say we have a table called Transactions that has many Payments associated with it. When creating a Payment, a select box will appear prompting the user to select a Transaction to associate with the new payment. If, after creating the payment, the transaction selected in the drop down box is viewed, the right hand rail will show a list of Payments associated with the Transaction record.

In this case, Qrimp will try to be smart about how it shows those records in the right hand rail so you can understand exactly which payments those are. Because screen space in the browser is limited, Qrimp chooses just a single piece of information to display. It does this in a particular order:

<li>If a field exists in the table called "Name" that data is shown.
<li>If no Name field exists, Qrimp finds the first text field with 100 or fewer characters to represent the record.
<li>If no no text fields with less than 100 characters is found, Qrimp shows the ID for the record.

Sometimes this strategy is suboptimal, meaning, you want to "help" Qrimp understand how to present the data to your application's users. To help Qrimp, each table in your database has [Table Settings] which you can use to describe how Qrimp should display the data in it.

There are two fields on the Table Settings page that you can use to tell Qrimp how to display the data, the first is the [default field] which appears near the top of Table Settings Edit screen. If you want Qrimp to display data from only one field in your table in the right hand rail or in select boxes, choose a column in the Default Field drop down.

The Second field is the Default Template, which can be seen near the bottom of the page. If you want to create a template for records in the table that contains information for several columns, use the Default Template.

Continuing from the example above, let's have a Payments table with just the ID, Amount, PaymentDate, and PaymentMethod. The PaymentMethod is a pickfrom the PaymentMethods table. In this table, there is no text field to represent the payments, so we want to create a Default Template using the Payment Amount and the Payment Method. Since the Payment Method is a pick from, we need to use Square Brackets to represent this.

To accomplish our goals, we will create a Default Template as follows:
$[Amount] - [PaymentMethods:[PaymentMethod]]

This use of Square Brackets tells Qrimp, that when displaying a Payment, format the data using a dollar sign, then the Amount of the payment, followed by the name of the payment method used, which is retrieved from the PaymentMethods table using the value in the PaymentMethod field of the particular Payment record.

Table Settings
deleteedit58Related DataWhen you create one-to-many relationships between your tables, links to the related tables will appear by default on the right hand side of the page. If those related tables contain data, you will see the data rows listed.

<strong>Adding More Related Data</strong>
You may also see the option to add related data. For example, if I am in sub-project 2 and I wish to add another sub-project section, I click the "+ add..." and it takes me to a new sub-project, already configured to be related to sub-project 2.

<img class="border" src="attachments/0bd253ce-f5ff-4a48-b947-709b240c8ec6/RelatedDataHelp1.JPG" />

If you have enabled [Attachments] to your table, you will see a list of attachments with the related data.

Read more about [Adding Attachments].

Read more about [Headers and Footers].
Above and beside your data
deleteedit141Deployment ManagerWith the Deployment Manager, you can push changes in an application to another application. This allows you to customize an application in a development environment, then move those changes to a test environment, then to a production environment.

<strong>We highly recommend you backup your target application before performing a deployment. If an error occurs during the deployment process or network connectivity is lost, your target application may be rendered unusable.</strong>

There are two ways to deploy your application:
<ol><li><strong>Full Deployment</strong><p class=blurb>If you click the check box by the Full Deployment option, an full copy of your application will be moved to the target application specified in the Application text box. <br><br>This option will overwrite all system tables and user tables containing data for your application. If you would like to preserve information entered into your target application, do not check this box.<br><br>Changes to your user tables, including new columns or new tables will be copied in a full deployment.</p></li><li><strong>Default Deployment</strong><p class=blurb>The default deployment scenario will copy all system tables except those that manage user configuration, including the following tables: Users, Groups, Attachments, Site Settings, User Groups, User Portals, and others like that. This will allow you to configure design and development aspects of your system while preserving user settings for different environments.<br /><br />Under the default deployment scenario, changes to the user tables are not deployed, only content of the system tables. If you add a column or table to your development environment, <strong>you will need to modify your target environment to include the new tables and columns before deploying</strong> your Qrimp App to the target system.</p></li></ol>

To use the deployment manager, use this suffix for your app:


For example, if your app is http://localhost/qrimp, then the deploy url would be:


If you use the deployment manager frequently, you can add a menu. You can read more about [Menus] for help with this.
Working Offline, Backing Up, Getting Data out
deleteedit157WorkflowWorkflow in a business software application controls how a user navigates the data in an application to complete business processes. It is a series of operations or tasks, done in a particular order.

Using Qrimp you can create custom workflows to control which pages are presented to a user and when.

The three main tools used to set up custom workflows with Qrimp are [Views], [Headers and Footers] and [Field Templates].

Pull data into your views, add [NextPrevious] arrows to your headers and footers, controlling the action on the buttons, and placing instructions and more in your field templates are a few ideas of how you can guide users through data entry processes.
deleteedit111Writing OperationsWriting operations in Qrimp is similar to writing stored procedures. You can use existing operations as templates to build your new operations. To view existing operations go to Admin > Operations.

You can use wildcards with % around a word that you want to restrict your query on. ie: like '%overdue%'.
deleteedit1315Manually Subscribing Users to PortalsYou can 'subscribe' to existing portals.

Go to Design > Portals. You will see a list of Portals. Click the name of the portal you want to subscribe to. On the right, click the top link that says "Portal Subscriptions".

Click the names of the users who should see that portal on their [Dashboard].
deleteedit65Adding Related DataYou can add a link to the footer (#rightcontent) of a table that makes it easy to create a new related item (in a different table). One example of related data is the "add attachments" link that you see in almost every table.

In this example, let's say we wanted to be able to quickly look at Poll Numbers associated with that particular candidate. To do this, we'll add a link in the footer of the table.

<img src="/attachments/f8757fc8-aefe-4a8c-8c31-c27429dec238/AddRelatedData1.png">

Related Data
deleteedit19Adding ColumnsYou can add additional fields to any table in your Qrimp app.

Go to Develop > Manage Tables. Find your table in the list. Add the bottom of the page you will see a section called "Add a Column". Enter a name for your field in the table and a [datatype] and click "Save" or "Add Column".

<img class="border" src="/attachments/e11af951-c4aa-4655-9407-2d768f6e1ade/AddColumn1.png">

Configure [Column Level Security] for your table.
Building Your System
deleteedit47Add a RecordYou can add records to a [database table] from anywhere you see the "Add New" icon (a piece of paper with a green plus sign).

<h2>Adding a New Record</h2>
Navigate to the [grid view] of the table you want to update and add a row to that table by clicking the add new icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/117ed1d1-e1de-4622-a31b-351e439d2946/AddNewButton.png"> in the [Content Header]. All records added to your tables are given [AutomaticIDs].

<img src="/attachments/b1e60dd6-4fa8-40e1-a7f5-25ee77c632e1/AddNewColumn.png" />
Working with Data
deleteedit208WidgetsYou can also add widgets to your form to create borders around groups of text entry fields or to otherwise spruce it up. Watch the video below for more a demonstration of widgets.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="876" height="728" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="876" height="728" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Form Designer
deleteedit250Table BackupYou can back up the information in your tables one by one by downloading a copy of your data to Excel or .csv format.

To download a copy of your data, go to the table you wish to export and go to grid view. At the bottom of the grid you will see a link that says 'excel/csv'. Click that link, and the file will download to excel and open in excel. You can then save that file in either Excel or csv format.

<img src="/attachments/" />

If you do not see this option below your table, please contact your site admin and ask for permission to see export options.
Backing up your data
deleteedit146Backing up your dataYou can back up your data with <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/shellscript.png" height=16 width=16 align=absmiddle style="border:0" />Qrimp Backup, which you will find below the Admin menu.

Qrimp Backup will allow you to backup your data in many ways, including SQL Scripts to insert your data into another database and create tables to store it. You can also download a full MS SQL Server backup of your data. This backup will be compressed and secured with a password to prevent tampering.

If you would like to restore your database to that backup, <img align="absmiddle" class="menuicon" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kword.png" style="border:0" /> <a href=""> create a trouble ticket</a> and we will assist you.
Working Offline, Backing Up, Getting Data out
deleteedit1323Changing the Look and Feel of Your AppYou can change the colors, fonts, logos and more in your Qrimp app.Display and Design
deleteedit224Changing your favicon (tab image)You can change the image that appears in a browser tab.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen -1.png" />

First, create or find your favicon. It should be 16 pixels wide and 16 pixels high. Although it is created as a png or jpg, you will need to re-save it as a .ico. Your operating system may ask if you wish to do this, say yes.
<img class="border" width="200" src="/attachments/ screen 0.png" /> <img class="border" width="200px" height="217px" src="/attachments/ ico.png" />

Then navigate to Design > Skins
<img class="border" src="attachments/ screen 1.png" />

Scroll to the bottom of the skin and click the link that says Upload Images.
<img class="border" width="550" src="/attachments/ screen 2.png" />

Upload your image.
<img class="border" width="400" src="attachments/ screen 3.png" />

After it uploads, you will see the attachment detail view. Look on the right hand side under attachments and click on the image of your favicon. It will take you to your attachment url.

<img class="border" width="400" src="attachments/ screen 4.png" />

Copy the attachment url to your clipboard. Only copy the part starting at the word "attachments", ie: "/attachments/".
<img class="border" width="400" src="/attachments/" /><!--You will see the details about your image. Don't worry, your icon won't actually be this big! Click the link that says "View attachment details".<img class="border" width="500" src="/attachments/ screen 6.png" /-->

Now, go to Design > Clean URL map.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen 7.png" />

Click the add new button at the top.
<img class="border" width="500" src="/attachments/ screen 8.png" />

In the CleanUrl field, enter "favicon.ico". In the DirtyUrl field, paste the file location from your clipboard and add a slash "/" in front of the word attachment.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen 9.png" />

Depending on your browser, it may take up to several days for your new favicon to appear. Favicons are stored in the browser cache and we're not sure why sometimes they take so long to refresh. You can sometimes see it sooner by checking your site on a different computer. There may be problems with certain combinations of operating system/browser. If your favicon does not populate within a couple of days, let us know.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit180Changing the LogoYou can change the logo that appears in the top left corner of your app to your company logo. Save a copy of your logo with a maximum width of 150 pixels and a maximum height of 80 pixels.

First, upload your logo as an attachment in your Qrimp app. See [Adding Attachments]

Copy the url where your image is located ie:

There are two ways to change the logo:

<h2>Changing your logo in the skin (CSS)</h2>

Go to Design > Skins

Search the skin for #logo. Change or add the background element so the url for the background is the file location of your image, as below. <strong>Every character as symbol is needed, so type carefully!</strong>

background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
<h2>Remove the logo altogether</h2>
If you just want to remove the logo, you can comment out the 'background' line for the logo style, like this:

/*background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;*/
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;

Or mark it as none:

background: none;
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;

<h2>Adding a logo to a Custom Header</h2>
Below the Edit Skin section you can create a custom site header see [Site Header]. You can enter whatever HTML you wish in there, including the image link to your logo image. Note that if your logo is contained in a div called #logo, the CSS from the default Qrimp app skin, positions.css, will also apply to the div.

If you do this, the existing contents of your table header, such as your login link and search form will be overwritten, so be sure to include these in your site header as well.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit1276Change your skinYou can change the look and feel of your site in an instant by changing the skin. The skin is the CSS code that determines the colors and positions of elements in your app.

To change your skin, go to Design > Skins.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Select a different skin from the [drop-down] and click "Select Skin".

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Now your site will look different:

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing