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deleteedit8An Introduction to Qrimp<!--<nobreak>-->
<h3>What is Qrimp?</h3>
Qrimp is a web platform that allows you to create and operate your own custom information management system.
<h3>How does it work?</h3>
When you create an app, you get a url, such as, plus a login and password by email. When you log in to your Qrimp app you have the tools you need to build custom solutions for any type of software system and manage your data securely on the web.
<h3>What is Qrimp for?</h3>
Qrimp is used to create web-based software applications with forms, workflow, reporting, business rules, data views, design templates and more. You can start with your existing data or add data as you go. Some types of software that have been built on Qrimp include Customer Relationship Management, Inventory Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Supply Chain Management, Knowledge Management, Digital Asset Management, Financial Management, Human Resources, Intranet and more.

<h3>How do I sign up?</h3>
If would like to create a new web application for yourself or your company, go to<a href=""></a>. If your company already has an app, speak to your administrator and they will create an account for you.

<h3>How do I access it?</h3>
Qrimp systems are accessible online any time from any web browser, including mobile phone browsers. There is no software to download. If desired, Qrimp can be installed behind a firewall on a local machine (see <a href="" alt="Qrimp Server">Qrimp Server</a>).

<h3>Who can see my data?</h3>
Qrimp systems are all private by default. If you would like to show data to the public, use the anonymous user group under security permissions (see <a href=>User Groups</a>).

<h3>Does Qrimp work with ...?</h3>
Qrimp can integrate with external services for payment processing (PayPal, Authorize.Net), maps, UPS (shipping), Flickr, Twitter, RSS - anything with an API. You can also share data from your Qrimp application to external sites using <a href=>Share Data</a>.

<h3>What about my existing files?</h3>
Qrimp lets you upload existing documents, such as Word, Excel, PDF, video, and other files. These documents are stored in Qrimp as attachments. See <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=137&vid=11">Adding Attachments</a>.

<h3>Can you build my system?</h3>
If you do not have the time or knowledge to build your system, the Qrimp Services team can provide help. If you'd like our help, please <a href="">contact us</a>.
deleteedit144Anonymous AccessBy default, data in your application is only visible to individuals with usernames and passwords. The default user group "Anonymous" is used when you want to make your data accessible to the public, such as for an online store, a blog, or a company website. (See also [User Groups].)

To allow your data to be visible on the internet, you must set each <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=252&vid=11">database table</a> as visible to the Anonymous user group by using [Table Security]. You must also make sure that anonymous users have permission to see each menu tab by setting up [Group Menu Visibility].
User Groups
deleteedit12Assigning Users to GroupsBy default, every Qrimp application comes with the following [user groups]: Administrator, Developer, Tester, User and Anonymous. You may wish to create additional groups based on specifics of your organization, such as "Accounting", "Editors" or "Human Resources".

By default the first user is an Administrator. Administrators can see most tables by default.

To add a user to a group go to Admin > Assign User to Groups. Click the add new icon.

You will see two drop-down boxes. Choose the user from the first, and the group from the second. Click the Create button.

<img src="/attachments/931603f9-0552-4351-9984-17befcb57aba/AssignUsertoGroup.png">

You must repeat this process for each user and each group.
<h2>Bulk Assigning</h2>
To bulk assign users to groups, go to the gridedit view of your users table. There is no link to this by default so you will have to type in a url: Replace myapp with your app name.
Managing Users
deleteedit1278Attachment PermissionsUser accounts need the appropriate security permissions to add attachments. An admin can grant permission to a user to upload attachments by going to Manage Users > Manage Security Groups and clicking "yes" under Enable Uploads. (See [User Group Settings])Attachments
deleteedit26Attachment ViewersUse attachment viewers to control how attachments are displayed (with img tags or embeds). We have included default displays for several common types of attachments:
<img src="/attachments/d391bca0-5be9-424b-9258-b0e9abd0004e/AttachmentViewer.png">

To change how an attachment type displays, go to Admin > Attachment Viewers. Edit the itemtemplate field you want to change. For example, if the attachment file is an mp4 file, embed a Quicktime plugin in the itemtemplate to make the file play in Quicktime.

<img class="border" src="attachments/de8100e4-29f5-4e92-a3ea-da2d97f12a16/AttachmentViewersHelp2.JPG" />
deleteedit137AttachmentsYou can upload nearly any type of file as an attachment to your Qrimp app including Word, Excel, PDF, .jpeg, .mp3, .mpeg and other file types.

Each attachment is uploaded to a record in one of your tables.

<h2>Viewing Attachments</h2>
If attachments to a record exist, you will see a thumbnail or a link to the attachment in the right hand side of the [detail view] of the record. Images will be displayed as thumbnails. Other documents show an icon that represents the type of document you have uploaded. You will see thumbnails for up to six documents.
<img src="/attachments/3a94e630-8601-4710-8313-483ed15552c3/attachmentthumbs.PNG">

To open the attachment, click the link or thumbnail. To change what happens when you open an attachment using [Attachment Viewers].

To view all of the attachments to all records in a table, click the attachments link above the thumbnails. You will be redirected to the Attachments table. From there you can sort by columns or use the search function to limit the results.

<h2>Adding an Attachment</h2>
To add an attachment, go to the [detail view] of the record you want to attach the item to. Then click the "add" link below Attachments in the right-hand column.

Select your file or files and click the upload button. Once you have uploaded your file(s), they will be attached to the item, and will appear in the right-hand column in the [detail view].

<img src="/attachments/c2edc05c-7776-4b97-b65f-52aba415bde8/Attachments.png">
Working with Data
deleteedit40AuditingAuditing keeps track of who created an entry into the table and when. Adding auditing to your tables will allow you to use the [date search] feature to find all items created on a particular date.

You can also use auditing to quickly find all the items created by a particular user or setup security so that users can only see the items they have created.

<img src="/attachments/71aa356f-a1e3-4e2f-a880-3d8095cc6f6b/Auditing.png">

<strong>Please note the warning. To have the functionality to sync with your laptop you must select Auditing and Versioning.</strong>
Data Analysis
deleteedit165Automated Backup ProcessIf you'd like to set up an automated process, here's how to do it.

Issue a form post to your application like this:
txtUsername= {your username}
txtPassword= {your password}

You can also use a get, but then the logs show the query string in some server setups. Better to use a post.

Now, the response will contain a GUID representing the user who just logged in. Next, download a file from the following url using GET:
https://yourqrimpappurl/inserts.aspx?backup=true&download=true&uid={uid from above}

or more securely using FORM Post to:

and then save the result to a local .zip file. By default, the filename will include the Qrimp app URL and the date and time in the file name, but you can save it as whatever filename you like.

Your file will be encrypted and zipped up and locked with a password to prevent tampering. If you ever need to restore your database to one of these points in time, then email [Qrimp Support] or [Open a Trouble Ticket] and we will restore your system. Additional fees may be required for certain hosted plans or download accounts.

Enterprise customers can backup their database to Amazon S3 in an automated fashion like this as well. Please contact [Qrimp Support] for more information about how to do this. We will soon be adding backup to Mosso CloudFS for databases smaller than 5 GB.

Also, remember, this does not copy the attachments, it only backs up the data. If you would like to copy attachments as well, use [Synchronizer] with automation.
Backing up your data
deleteedit1265AutomaticIDsQrimp automatically assigns every table and every record in every table an id number. This number is used by the system to identify those tables and records. IDs are created sequentially and start at 1 for the records in a table.

By default, you will see the id for a record in the [grid view] for a table. Click the id number to go to the [detail view] for that record.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

The default link or <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a> for each record will also show the id. You can find this in the [location bar] of your browser. The url for customer with an id of 238 will look like this:

<strong><noeval></noeval><span class="error">&id=238</span></noeval></noeval></strong>

The customer with an id of 238 is the 238th customer that was added to your system. If a record is deleted, the id numbers in that table will become non-sequential.
Table Best Practices
deleteedit166Automating SynchronizerIf you would like to automate the synchronization process to create a [redundant fail over system] for [disaster recovery], you will want to automate your Synchronizer on an hourly or daily interval.

Automating Synchronizer will allow you to create two systems that are identical up to the last synchronize -- including data and file attachments.

Because the synchronize process takes a bit of time itself, remote copies of applications are not identical and should not be considered identical. Using Synchronizer in this way is fine for remote sites that are all copies of a master. In this way, your system can be set up as a [Content Delivery Network] to serve users in remote locations on Qrimp nodes closer to them. You can also [Automate Qrimp Publisher] in this way to push static copies of your site to remote servers around the globe.

Imagine a scenario where your data management happens inside a firewall and you publish content to a CDN outside your firewall. You could first deploy your application from inside the firewall to a secure node in the cloud. Remote nodes around the world could be set to automatically synchronize from that remote node, then publish their contents using templates customized to the locale of the visitors hitting those nodes.

If you would like to configure Qrimp to deliver your information in this way, please contact [Qrimp Support].
deleteedit146Backing up your dataYou can back up your data with <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/shellscript.png" height=16 width=16 align=absmiddle style="border:0" />Qrimp Backup, which you will find below the Admin menu.

Qrimp Backup will allow you to backup your data in many ways, including SQL Scripts to insert your data into another database and create tables to store it. You can also download a full MS SQL Server backup of your data. This backup will be compressed and secured with a password to prevent tampering.

If you would like to restore your database to that backup, <img align="absmiddle" class="menuicon" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kword.png" style="border:0" /> <a href=""> create a trouble ticket</a> and we will assist you.
Working Offline, Backing Up, Getting Data out
deleteedit123Before You Start<!--<nobreak>-->
<p>Before you get started, think about what your application is for. Which information do you want to track? Which types of users do you want to have? Who will be able to view and change your data?</p>

<p>You may wish to start with a data model. If so, read our [Brief Intro to Data Modeling].</p>

<h2>Basic steps to creating a Qrimp app</h2>

<ol><li>Designing your data model</a></li><li>[Create Tables] <ul> <li>Option 1: Create Tables Manually</li> <li>Option 2: Import Data</li> </ul></li><li>[Entering and Editing Data]</li><li>Customize your Application with<ul> <li>Views</li> <li>Templates</li> <li>Headers and Footers</li><li>Security</li> <li>Menus</li></ul></li></ol>

<p>We recommend drawing out a list of tables and listing the columns you want to have before you get started. You can add additional tables, add rows, delete rows, change data types, and drop columns at any time, so nothing is set in stone. Having a structured idea of what type of database you will build before you start will save you time and help you mentally organize your information first.</p>

<p>There are many resources on the web that teach you about database methodology.<!--We have gathered some links for you here: <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=55&vid=11">Designing your data model</a-->.</p>

<p>Of course, you can also get started with no learning, and figure it out as you go! A good place to start is by adding your first data table. There are two ways to add data: [Create Tables] and [Import Data].</p>
An Introduction to Qrimp
deleteedit1297BillingCover topics related to paying for your Qrimp account and Services
deleteedit39Brief Intro to Data Modeling<h2>What is a data model?</h2>
A data model is an organized overview of the data you need to keep track of, like a blueprint for your application. When you create a data model, you decide which "things" you want to store information about, and which information about those things is important.

<h2>Why model data?</h2>
Mapping out a data model before you start building your database will help you build a more efficient system. Data modeling is not required to build a Qrimp app.

Let's say I have a grocery store. When I think about my information, I decide that I want to track the following "things":

- Employees
- Stock
- Suppliers

Information in a database is stored in tables. So in my database application, I will have three tables: Employees, Stock, and Suppliers. In each table, I enter further details about the things you want to keep track of.

In the grocery store example, I would create a <strong>table </strong>for each of these "things". I would also want to track certain information about each item, so I would add several columns in each table. For example, I would want to track my employees <strong>names</strong> and <strong>hire dates</strong>, so I'd add columns for those.

In a database, it's best to break down column names into the most detail possible. Rather than tracking "EmployeeName: Jane Doe" it's best to track "FirstName: Jane" and "LastName: Doe".

<strong>In other words...</strong>
What you have to do is think of the tables you'd like to create and decide which information you want to store. The tables will be the things we want to keep information about (ie: Books), and the columns will be specifics about that thing (ie: Author). Remember - Qrimp allows for [Adding Columns] if you think of something else you want to track later.

You create a table by navigating to Develop > Create Tables.

Once you have a basic set of data tables, you can manage your application by [Adding Columns] to existing tables and by creating more tables. You can also [Import Data] if you already have your information in spreadsheets or .csv files. Most applications, including Quickbooks, MS Outlook, banking websites and more allow for .csv export of data.

Here are some good links to help you get started with the concept of data modeling:

<a href="">Table (database)</a>
<a href="">Relational Database</a>
<a href="">Data modeling (wiki)</a>
<a href="">Database normalization</a>
<a href="">Database normalization discussion</a>.
An Introduction to Qrimp
deleteedit1325Building Your SystemEverything you need to know about how to build an app in Qrimp.
deleteedit1330CachingCaching is a way that data from your website is stored temporarily in your browser to make your browsing experience faster. Caching is very common on the internet. Stored data is kept in your browser's cache, and can be cleared from your browser. Qrimp makes use of caching.

<a href="">Wikipedia article on caching</a>
deleteedit56Calendar ViewAll tables with a date field (Date/Time [datatype]) will be viewable on a Calendar. When the Calendar view is available, the calendar icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/d8b7ffcf-fc7d-4ec9-ae46-a5428e455455/CalendarIcon.png">appears near the top of the page in the [Content Header]. A link to the calendar view also appears by default in sub-menu tabs.

The Calendar View opens for the current month. You can select other months and years from the drop-downs at the top of the page. You can also go to a day view.

<h2>Tables with CreateDate and Other Date Fields</h2>
If you choose the [Auditing] option when creating your table, your table will be given a "createdate" field, which means that when you click on the Calendar View icon, you will see a calendar of when items were created.

If there is more than one Date field in a table, the Calendar will show items with the FIRST date column by default. Once you are in the Calendar, you will be able to choose to show the calendar with items from another date field using a drop-down box.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

For example, if I have a Projects table with two date fields "Start Date" and "End Date", when I first open the table in Calendar view, I will see items that Start on days in the month I am in. If I want to see when items end, I can choose "End Date" from the "View By" drop-down box at the top left of the view.

<h2>Changing Due Dates with Drag and Drop</h2>
You can [drag and drop] an item on the Calendar and the selected date field will update the item to the new date.
deleteedit159Cancelling PayPal SubscriptionsThe following is from the PayPal website and tells you how to cancel your Qrimp subscription. We added screenshots to make it easier.

A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment.

1. Log in to your account
2. Click the My Account tab.
3. Click the History subtab.
4. Choose the Subscriptions field from the Show drop-down menu.
<img src="attachments/6bc9e2f3-5360-4f88-9125-cb1fe80414a0/ppsubscriptionsdropdown.JPG" />
5. Check the From box and change the date back to your subscription date.
6. Click Search, and then click Details.
<img src="attachments/52ba7245-98a1-4c5a-902d-c90b2d3dfa73/ppsubscriptionsdetailslink.jpg" />
7. Click Cancel Subscription.
<img src="attachments/56f00d36-c3fa-42cf-99c3-6db5efb4ebc0/cancel button.JPG" />
deleteedit1276Change your skinYou can change the look and feel of your site in an instant by changing the skin. The skin is the CSS code that determines the colors and positions of elements in your app.

To change your skin, go to Design > Skins.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Select a different skin from the [drop-down] and click "Select Skin".

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Now your site will look different:

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit265Changing a DatatypeTo change the [datatype] for a field, go to your table, then to Develop > Table Management.

Choose the field that you want to change and click 'change datatype'.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/c8ae671f-4210-4ab4-a9cf-848a68f2470d/ChangeDatatypeLink.png" />

In the dialog box, select a new datatype from the drop-down list.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/ab431970-6824-42f2-b9e1-164566e1d93b/ChangeDatatype.png" />

<h2>Before you Convert</h2>
Make sure your data is clean. Use the [grid edit] view and sort by the column you wish to convert to a drop-down.

You would not want to change this data to a drop-down:

Gas Station
Grocery Store
Grocery STrore
Gas Station

If you converted data like that, every time someone was picking from the drop-down they would see all the misspellings!

So take the time to correct them first.
Manage Tables
deleteedit180Changing the LogoYou can change the logo that appears in the top left corner of your app to your company logo. Save a copy of your logo with a maximum width of 150 pixels and a maximum height of 80 pixels.

First, upload your logo as an attachment in your Qrimp app. See [Adding Attachments]

Copy the url where your image is located ie:

There are two ways to change the logo:

<h2>Changing your logo in the skin (CSS)</h2>

Go to Design > Skins

Search the skin for #logo. Change or add the background element so the url for the background is the file location of your image, as below. <strong>Every character as symbol is needed, so type carefully!</strong>

background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
<h2>Remove the logo altogether</h2>
If you just want to remove the logo, you can comment out the 'background' line for the logo style, like this:

/*background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;*/
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;

Or mark it as none:

background: none;
top: 25px;
left: 1px;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;

<h2>Adding a logo to a Custom Header</h2>
Below the Edit Skin section you can create a custom site header see [Site Header]. You can enter whatever HTML you wish in there, including the image link to your logo image. Note that if your logo is contained in a div called #logo, the CSS from the default Qrimp app skin, positions.css, will also apply to the div.

If you do this, the existing contents of your table header, such as your login link and search form will be overwritten, so be sure to include these in your site header as well.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit1323Changing the Look and Feel of Your AppYou can change the colors, fonts, logos and more in your Qrimp app.Display and Design
deleteedit224Changing your favicon (tab image)You can change the image that appears in a browser tab.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen -1.png" />

First, create or find your favicon. It should be 16 pixels wide and 16 pixels high. Although it is created as a png or jpg, you will need to re-save it as a .ico. Your operating system may ask if you wish to do this, say yes.
<img class="border" width="200" src="/attachments/ screen 0.png" /> <img class="border" width="200px" height="217px" src="/attachments/ ico.png" />

Then navigate to Design > Skins
<img class="border" src="attachments/ screen 1.png" />

Scroll to the bottom of the skin and click the link that says Upload Images.
<img class="border" width="550" src="/attachments/ screen 2.png" />

Upload your image.
<img class="border" width="400" src="attachments/ screen 3.png" />

After it uploads, you will see the attachment detail view. Look on the right hand side under attachments and click on the image of your favicon. It will take you to your attachment url.

<img class="border" width="400" src="attachments/ screen 4.png" />

Copy the attachment url to your clipboard. Only copy the part starting at the word "attachments", ie: "/attachments/".
<img class="border" width="400" src="/attachments/" /><!--You will see the details about your image. Don't worry, your icon won't actually be this big! Click the link that says "View attachment details".<img class="border" width="500" src="/attachments/ screen 6.png" /-->

Now, go to Design > Clean URL map.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen 7.png" />

Click the add new button at the top.
<img class="border" width="500" src="/attachments/ screen 8.png" />

In the CleanUrl field, enter "favicon.ico". In the DirtyUrl field, paste the file location from your clipboard and add a slash "/" in front of the word attachment.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/ screen 9.png" />

Depending on your browser, it may take up to several days for your new favicon to appear. Favicons are stored in the browser cache and we're not sure why sometimes they take so long to refresh. You can sometimes see it sooner by checking your site on a different computer. There may be problems with certain combinations of operating system/browser. If your favicon does not populate within a couple of days, let us know.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit183ChartsA Help Topic to step through the value of Qrimp's Charts.

In every grid view in your Qrimp Application at the bottom of the data there are a few default buttons.<br><br> <img src="">

Qrimp does offer a few canned [Reports] but to get your hands dirty with your data Qrimp has Custom and Cross Tab Reports.

When you are in the Grid View, one of the default buttons in the [Content Header] is Reports. If you click on that you will get a screen similar to this <br><br> <img src="">

Once you are at this screen you can now see the buttons in the [Content Header] that say Custom and Cross Tab Reports.

Here is an example of a Cross Tab Report. The data is from 2006 and 2007 Most Expensive Zip Codes in the US ranked by Average Median Sale Price. The Report compares the Counties year over year.

<img src="">

To CHART this Cross Tab report we can go to the bottom of the data and click 'Chart' it will take you to a screen like this.

<img src="">

There are several ways to change the look and feel of your chart.

Lets begin with the Chart Title. The Chart title will appear above the Chart.

<img src="">

The View Next button allow you to scroll through various charts to represent the data in a different way. Here is the same chart as above after Clicking "View Next". You can also use the Drop Down Menu located to the left of the "View Next" button.

<img src=""

The Show Top field allows for adjust of records you want to see. In the two images below is of the same Chart but different amount of records displayed just by changing the "Show Top" field.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The Order By Column allows you to switch the order by which the graph is displayed. By default it is ascending but the radio button next to the field allows you to order by descending as well. This can be seen in action in the two images below.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The Dimensions of the Chart can be changed to make the graph more readable. This might be used if the data set is large and the default width and height need to be expanded. The first image is the default size and the second image changes the width and height to make the graph a little more readable.

<img src="">

<img src="">

Sometimes on the x-axis the labels get jumbled together, like the first image below. To make the graph a little more readable there is a Rotate Names radio button that will rotate the names vertically, like in image two.

<img src="">

<img src="">

The "Animate" radio button adds a little functionality to your Chart. If you check the button and click "Show Chart" it will build the Chart right before your eyes. Watch the video below to see it in action.

<embed src="" autostart=false height=500 width=1100 />

Sometimes the graphs don't tell the whole picture. By adding values to a chart the User will know the exact amount. So, by clicking the radio button next to "Show Values" the Values will appear on top of the bars, like in image two.

<img src="">

<img src="">

To make graphs more readable you can add colors to distinguish between each type of bar. By clicking on the palette a color picker box will appear (image 2) and because I have three different labels I will click three different colors. There is no need to close the box each time.

<img src="">

<img src="">

<strong>The Share button can be used to add Charts to your Portal page. Here is a help topic that will walk you through the process. [Creating A Portal with a Chart]</strong>
Data Analysis
deleteedit91Check POP3 Email AccountsAdd Qrimp's <a href="">POP3 Email</a> account checker to display your email addresses with a message count in brackets beside the name of the email address, like this: (7 new) (10 new)

You can set up each email address to link to the sign in page for the email provider. Depending on your provider, you may also be able to add automatic sign in when you click on the link.

You must be a site admin to add POP accounts.

Go to Admin > POP Email Accounts.

In the name field, enter the text for the link. You can use the email address name ie: "" or something like "My Web Mail Account".

In the userid drop-down list box, select the user who will check the account.

Enter the POP Server ie: If you are unsure what your POP Server address is, check email provider's help files.

In the popusername field, enter the email address, ie:

Enter the actual current password for the email account. If you are creating a POP Account for someone other than yourself, you will have to get them to do this. The password will always be displayed as stars (**********) to every user.

Enter the url of your email service (the page you visit to check your account). If your provider allows for automated sign in using a url, you can enter the specified url, and use square bracketed field names to populate the required user-specific information from the Qrimp POP Email Accounts table, as follows: [ popusername] [ poppassword]

Do not enter anything in the lastupdatedate field. It will update automatically.

Enter 0 in the messagecount field.

That's it.
Communicate and Share
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing