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deleteedit1330CachingCaching is a way that data from your website is stored temporarily in your browser to make your browsing experience faster. Caching is very common on the internet. Stored data is kept in your browser's cache, and can be cleared from your browser. Qrimp makes use of caching.

<a href="">Wikipedia article on caching</a>
deleteedit139Clean UrlsClean urls direct visitors to a shortened version of the web address (url) for your site. Clean urls help make web addresses "human readable" and improve search engine optimization (SEO) by indicating to the search engine that the page content at a web address is the same as the terms searched. This is great for public-facing websites, splash pages and any other site that you would like visitors to access easily, remember and link to.

<h4>Clean vs. Dirty</h4>
Dirty url:
<a href=""></a>
Clean url:
<a href=""></a>
<h4>Creating clean urls</h4>
To create clean urls, go to Develop > Add Module > Clean URL Mapper. Once your clean url table is created, navigate to Design > Clean URL Map. Enter the 'clean url' that you would like users to type in and the 'dirty url' that is used to access the item directly.
<strong>Entering the clean and dirty urls</strong>
Click the add new icon <img src="" />. You will see two fields "dirty url" and "clean url".
<strong>Dirty Url</strong>
In the dirty url field, enter the part of the address of the table/id/view, starting at db.aspx like so: db.aspx?t=OscarsTable&id=1&vid=1. It is important to enter only the end of your url, starting at db.aspx. Do not enter the "" or a backslash (/).
<strong>Clean Url</strong>
This is the name of the site to which you are directing traffic, for example "home". Enter only the word you want to appear after your site name in the url and nothing else.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="588" height="584" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="588" height="584" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>

<strong>Advanced Clean URLs</strong>
Full web address on the Qrimp platform contain the db.aspx page, your table name, the record number and the view. The link below shows the "American Gangster" Record of the Oscars table in detail view.
<a href=""></a>

You can use Field names and view numbers in your clean url to make your web address "human readable". Replace spaces in your records with a plus sign.
<a href=""></a>

The web address is hierarchical, from site name to table name to record name to view:

The itemname and viewname can be replaced with the number representing the ID for the entry as well:
<strong>Adding Static Content with Clean Urls</strong>
Use Clean Urls with a Pages table to manage static websites.
Watch this demo to learn more:

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="602" height="604" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="602" height="604" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>

The clean url mapper will comb the Pages table for pages that contain the word in your clean url when executing a clean url.
Query Strings
deleteedit74Edit ViewClick the edit icon (<img alt="Edit Icon" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png">) in the [Action Icons] area to edit records in your table. You will see each of the fields in your table shown as textboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists etc. Enter or edit text, select options from drop-down list fields, change radio button options and dates and more. To save, click the save button at the bottom of the page.

<img alt="Edit View"src="/attachments/2603fbe4-4e91-43f7-a7df-b7d11c64c9c5/Edit View.png" />
deleteedit57ReportsClick the reports icon <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/spreadsheet_document.png" alt="Reports"/></a> to view reports.

You can also filter the reports by clicking the <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/filefind.png" alt="Search"/> on the Reports page.
Data Analysis
deleteedit1297BillingCover topics related to paying for your Qrimp account and Services
deleteedit1275CSSCSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This is the code that determines the colors and positions of elements in your web app.Definitions
deleteedit1286Design ModeDesign Mode is a tool that lets you quickly edit [Field Templates] to change the display of your fields in any table and any view.

To turn design mode on, go to Design > Design Mode On.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

A gear icon will appear near the top right every field that has a field template. Click the gear to edit the template.
Field Templates
deleteedit51Design ViewDesign view or the Form Designer lets you re-arrange the location of the fields on the screen. Design view is used exclusively for the [Detail View] and [Edit View]

To design a view for a table, go to the table and view you want to change, then go to Design > Form Designer. Your page will reload with a dotted background. Click and hold the the field you want to move until a multi-directional arrow appears, then drag and drop it in its new location.

<img src="attachments/" />

You can also move the "Save/Copy/Cancel" buttons that appear at the bottom of a page.
deleteedit253Detail ViewDetail view shows you one individual record in a table at a time.

If you go to the detail view of a record, you can see related data, attachments and more on the right hand side of the table.

The view id for the view is 11.
deleteedit1319Table ManagementDevelop > Manage Tables

You can click the edit link for the table to edit the columns and field types for your tables. You can also manage [group security] and [column security] as well. Click the settings link to change the title of the table, enter default templates and pick the field to show in drop downs or links to items in the table. You can also enter an [SQLSecurity] clause to restrict access to records in your table or [show and hide items in a drop down box].
Manage Tables
deleteedit169EmailEmail support is available for paying customers. We also offer email support to customers during any free trial periods. Email support at qrimp dot com.

For issues that we can't resolve via email, we can set up a [Webinar], or even log in to your account remotely, with your permission. Just contact us, we will work with you.
Getting More Help
deleteedit70IconthemeEvery Qrimp app comes with a set of icons built in. To view all of the icons included with your Qrimp app go to Design > Icons List.

<strong>Changing your default IconTheme</strong>
Each user can choose which icon size they wish to use in their [Content Header] when they are logged in. You can choose 16x16 icons or 32x32 icons.

To change a user's icon settings, go to [Admin] > [System Tables]. Find the t_settings table. You will see a list with all of your users in the userid column and their chosen icon style in the icontheme column. Click on edit icon in the row that contains the record you would like to change.

<img src="/attachments/506118aa-6f10-4062-ba05-bedbda15faf7/Picture 5.png">

When you are in [Edit View], go to the icontheme field and change the display size from 16x16 to 32x32 or vice versa.

<img src="/attachments/1ca1d94c-230b-4089-81fb-e41f742e6c41/Picture 4.png">

<strong>Using Your Custom Icons</strong>
Qrimp plans to allow you to add your own icon set if you wish. At the present time, this is only possible if you choose the same naming convention for your iconset as is used for the crystal project icons (names must include folders in url).

If Qrimp has 1000 icons in one set and 100 in another, and you set an icon to point to one of the 900 we don't have and change the icon theme, then they'll be broken images.

<strong>Using the Default IconTheme in your urls</strong>
When you are writing a url and want to link to an image automagically, you can use [square brackets] around the word icontheme to create a link to it in a url. Qrimp will automatically display whichever icon theme you have chosen. For example, [ /icons/crystal_project/32x32 ] will insert /icons/crystal_project/32x32. You must be sure to write the folder location for the urls correctly. Follow this example: /icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/1day.png
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit1293Find the ID number of a TableEvery table in Qrimp is automatically assigned an id number. (See [AutomaticIDs])

To find the id number of a table, go to Develop > Table Management.

Find your table in the list and note the id # that appears in brackets beside your table name.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit124Table SettingsEverything in your Qrimp app is stored in a table, even information about tables. The Table Settings view allows you to modify information about those tables, including which field to use to represent information in the table and which HTML View Template to use as the default if no view is specified.

<div class=warning>Renaming tables with the rename link can cause trouble if anything else in the app or on the internet links to the table. Try updating just the name in the name box or the Title of the table first.</div>
Manage Tables
deleteedit1325Building Your SystemEverything you need to know about how to build an app in Qrimp.
deleteedit201My AccountEverything you need to know to keep your account running.
deleteedit7Field TemplatesField Templates wrap every field in your database. By editing the field template, you can control how any field in any table for any view is presented. You can create user messages, style your fields, make fields links and more.

<img class="border" src="attachments/">
<span class="small">Some of the other things you can change with field templates</span>

Field templates can have <a href="">HTML</a>, [CSS] and [JavaScript] code in them. In these help documents, we will give you some basic code that you can copy and paste into your field templates to customize your fields.

<img class="border" src="attachments/">
<span class="small">The default field appearances for the grid view</span>

This grid view has an extra icon that lets you click it to view the record.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/">
<span class="small">The id field template has a second icon in it</span>

<h2>Changing a Template</h2>
Go to the table and view for which you want to change a field template. Go to Design > Design Mode On.

Click the gear icon at the top of the column you want to change.

Enter HTML in the field to alter the appearance of your field.

<h2>Add icons with links</h2>
<textarea><a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=2 id="edititem"><img align=absmiddle src=/c6401/630.png height=20 width=20 align=absmiddle border=0 alt="edit"></a><a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=11 id="viewitem"><img align=absmiddle src=/images/webexview.gif height=20 width=20 border=0 alt="edit"></a><a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=11" title="View Details">[DATA]</a></textarea>

In the HTML above, the following link was not part of the default template. Adding this creates a link to the [detail view], that is an image (an icon).
<textarea><a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=11 id="viewitem"><img align=absmiddle src=/images/webexview.gif height=20 width=20 border=0 alt="edit"></a>

<h2>Change the color of a link</h2>
<textarea><span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">[DATA]</span>

Put a <span> with the style you want around the [DATA] tag.

<h2>Make a field a radio button</h2>
<textarea>[radios:yesno:[DATA]:autoupdate] </textarea>

<h2>Make a field a select box</h2>
Display and Design
deleteedit1284"..." in the Grid ViewFields with a lot of data will be converted to a "..." to preserve space in the [grid view]. If you hover over the "..." you will see a small box pop-up that shows the data in that field.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

If you want to see the full text in the grid view, you will have to edit the field template (See <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=7&vid=11">Field Templates</a>) for that record. The easiest way to do this is to turn [design mode] on. Go to Design > Design Mode On.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

A gear icon will appear near the top right every field that has a field template. Click the gear to edit the template.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You can see that the "..." is coming from this template.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Change the ... to <noeval>[DATA]</noeval>. Then click save.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Your full field (description) will now appear.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Field Templates
deleteedit233Logging inFirst, make sure you have a Qrimp account. When you sign up, or when your admin creates an account for you, you get an email with your login info. Find this email.

Now, go to your app ie: "". Enter the email address and your temporary password from your sign up email. Passwords are cAsE sEnSiTiVE! Be sure to type slowly and carefully when entering your password (or copy/paste).

<img class="border" src="/attachments/ in screen.png" />
Once you are logged in, change your password. Memorize your new password, or write it down and keep it in a safe place.

If you forget your password, click the link that says "login help" and request a new password.

Please only contact us for help after you have tried all of the above. Lost passwords are a main use of support staff time and increase costs for all users. Take your time, be patient, follow the instructions and type carefully.
deleteedit254Add a Drop-Down FieldFirst, make sure you have an appropriate table to use as a lookup table (see [Look-up Tables].)

Go to the table you want to add a drop down to, then go to [Table Management]. Click "Add a column"

In the "datatype" drop-down, select the database table you wish to add as a lookup table.

You may also wish to [Convert a Field to a Drop-Down].
Creating a Look-up Table
deleteedit198Data AnalysisGet deeper insight into your data with queries, reports and charts.
deleteedit1267Deleting a TableGo to Develop > Manage Tables

Find your table and click the delete link:

<img class="border" width="550" src="attachments/" />

You will be prompted to make sure you really want to delete the table:

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

<strong>Deleting a table is final!</strong> If you are sure you won't ever need any of the data in this table again at any point in the future, go ahead and click yes.

If your table had relationships, you will be warned about those connections so that you do not have orphaned records.

Manage Tables
deleteedit259Grid EditGrid edit is a [view] that makes data entry faster.

You also use the Grid Edit view to re-order columns in your [database table]. See [reordering columns].

In grid edit, you look at multiple rows in your table, and you can click each field to edit it from the table, without going into each record.

To get to grid edit, go to the table you want to edit and select the "Grid Edit" sub-menu tab.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Click the field you want to edit. Edit your data. Click save when you are finished.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Advanced: Grid Edit Query String</h2>
Enter &_showeditgrid=true" in your query string to get a grid view for any table. (See [query strings]).
Entering and Editing Data
deleteedit79Group Menu VisibilityGroup Menu Visibility sets the visibility of [Menus] by [User Groups].

<h2>Quick Group Menu Visibility</h2>
To change visibility of all menu tabs for a group go to Develop > Manage Menus. Click the button at the top that says "menu item visibility".

Select the user group you want to set menu visibility for.

Click the checkboxes on the right next to the menu items to make a menu tab visible to the user group. You can click the plus to show sub-menus.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

Note: A user will only be able to see a table linked to in a menu if they have permissions to the table under [Table Security].

<h2>Classic Group Menu Visibility</h2>
The old way of editing Group menu visibility. If you are on a mobile device, you can use this method to edit menu visibility. Go to Develop > Menus > on the left click the "Classic Menus" link. Click the name of the Menu Item. You are now in the detail view for that item.

On the right (the [Footer]), you will see a link that says "Group Menu Visibility". If any [User Groups] have permission to see the menu tab, you will see them listed here. You will also see a link that says "Add", click it to add menu tab visibility for more user groups.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/2b035c93-a495-42cf-a39c-a12e54b21392/GroupVisibility.png">

Use the checkboxes to toggle visibility on or off.
<img class="border" src="/attachments/dc8623d3-7ee4-474d-8202-137f08a4f40f/2008-12-14groupmenuvis.png" />

<h2>Hidden, but not necessarily inaccessible</h2>
Note that Group Menu Security does not limit your users from accessing your tables. Hidden menu tabs can still be accessed if a user types in the /db.aspx to a table. For complete security set up [Table Security].
deleteedit1311PayPal Order IPN ModuleHelp Topic coming soon.Modules
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing