A Help Topic to step through the value of Qrimp's Charts.
In every grid view in your Qrimp Application at the bottom of the data there are a few default buttons.
Qrimp does offer a few canned
Reports but to get your hands dirty with your data Qrimp has Custom and Cross Tab Reports.
When you are in the Grid View, one of the default buttons in the
Content Header is Reports. If you click on that you will get a screen similar to this

Once you are at this screen you can now see the buttons in the
Content Header that say Custom and Cross Tab Reports.
Here is an example of a Cross Tab Report. The data is from 2006 and 2007 Most Expensive Zip Codes in the US ranked by Average Median Sale Price. The Report compares the Counties year over year.

To CHART this Cross Tab report we can go to the bottom of the data and click 'Chart' it will take you to a screen like this.

There are several ways to change the look and feel of your chart.
Lets begin with the Chart Title. The Chart title will appear above the Chart.

The View Next button allow you to scroll through various charts to represent the data in a different way. Here is the same chart as above after Clicking "View Next". You can also use the Drop Down Menu located to the left of the "View Next" button.

The Show Top field allows for adjust of records you want to see. In the two images below is of the same Chart but different amount of records displayed just by changing the "Show Top" field.

The Order By Column allows you to switch the order by which the graph is displayed. By default it is ascending but the radio button next to the field allows you to order by descending as well. This can be seen in action in the two images below.

The Dimensions of the Chart can be changed to make the graph more readable. This might be used if the data set is large and the default width and height need to be expanded. The first image is the default size and the second image changes the width and height to make the graph a little more readable.

Sometimes on the x-axis the labels get jumbled together, like the first image below. To make the graph a little more readable there is a Rotate Names radio button that will rotate the names vertically, like in image two.

The "Animate" radio button adds a little functionality to your Chart. If you check the button and click "Show Chart" it will build the Chart right before your eyes. Watch the video below to see it in action.
Sometimes the graphs don't tell the whole picture. By adding values to a chart the User will know the exact amount. So, by clicking the radio button next to "Show Values" the Values will appear on top of the bars, like in image two.

To make graphs more readable you can add colors to distinguish between each type of bar. By clicking on the palette a color picker box will appear (image 2) and because I have three different labels I will click three different colors. There is no need to close the box each time.

The Share button can be used to add Charts to your Portal page. Here is a help topic that will walk you through the process. Creating A Portal with a Chart