The web.config file in the root folder of your IIS web application contains settings for your Qrimp App for the database, SMTP server (for sending email), and more. Below you will find a list of the configuration keys and what they mean.
To get to your web.config files here are the steps:
1. Open My computer C: Drive
2. inetpub
3. Qrimp
4. Scroll to the bottom and double click 'web', Microsoft Visual Studio should open and you will see the web.config files.
The connection string tells Qrimp how to connect to your database. It should be in a form that looks like the following. Add the values for your particular environment.
"database=;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=;Data Source=;"
database is the name of the database containing your Qrimp App.
User ID is the username of a user that has DBO rights to your database. DBO rights are needed so that you can create database tables and perform other operations within your database.
If you are unable to use DBO privileges for your web application, Qrimp will still work, but you will not be able to modify the database from the web.
password is the password for the user.
Data Source is the name of the physical server on which your database resides. If you are running your Qrimp Application on the same machine as the database, you can use (local) for the data source.
If enablecaching is "true" Qrimp will cache your database values. This will improve performance significantly, but does require clearing the cache in certain circumstances. In an pooled application environment, each application instance will have its own cache.
Any other value will disable caching.
In situations where you can access a
Tree View for your drop down list boxes can also be displayed as trees. A value of "true" will show the data in these drop down list boxes as trees, any other value will show the data in a single list.
If you Automatically Approve Accounts, then users who fill out the Create Account page will be created assigned to the group id (see below) and instantly emailed a password they can use to log in to your Qrimp App. If you do not automatically approve accounts, then each new user will need to be manually approved and the Group can be set at that point.
This is the group id new users will be assigned to if you choose to Automatically approve accounts (see above).
If this value is true, then users will be required to access your Qrimp App via an SSL encrypted line. This will require a secure certificate on your server and users must use the HTTPS:// url protocol.
If caching is enabled, then select lists are cached in their HTML form to improve performance. There are some instances where caching these select boxes can be problematic. In this case, you can disable caching for a particular table by setting this key to true. For example, to turn off select cache for the users table, you'd add this key to your web.config:
The notification email is the email that will appear in the from line of emails sent by your Qrimp App.
The smtp-relay is the name of the email server you will use to send emails for notifications that occur within your Qrimp app.
The smtp-username is the username that will authenticate your SMTP session. Qrimp requires SMTP authentication to send emails to improve security and reduce the risk of spamming.
This is the password for your SMTP server.
This is the Amazon Access key that will allow you to perform remote backups and other functions that will be announced in future releases of Qrimp.
This is the Amazon secret key, see above.