Backing up your data
You can back up your data with

Qrimp Backup, which you will find below the Admin menu.
Qrimp Backup will allow you to backup your data in many ways, including SQL Scripts to insert your data into another database and create tables to store it. You can also download a full MS SQL Server backup of your data. This backup will be compressed and secured with a password to prevent tampering.
If you would like to restore your database to that backup,
create a trouble ticket and we will assist you.
Sharing Information
Use this form to build a widget you can use to share your information...
Share within your Qrimp App:
Share in a remote site:
Input Form Embed:
Add to Dashboard
If you would like to build your own format to display the shared data, enter the HTML template in this box,
then click the Build Embed button to build your embed script.