Tree View
List View
Alphabetical List


Default View

If you don't change this setting, the default view is always the table/grid view, showing all of your data, dependent of course, on your Security rules.

On the Develop > Table Settings page, there is a field called "Defaultview" with a drop-down list that lets you choose among the many Views (these are basically page templates) in your application to set which one is the default for that table. This is handy if you want people to see your table laid out in a particular way.




Creating your own views

If you would like to display your information on a page in a custom layout, and none of the pre-configured data Views match the data in the table or the desired layout effect, you can create your own view.

In the Menus, go to Design > Views and click "Add New"

Create a descriptive name for your view that will help you remember it. For example, if you are creating a view showing only the images from your table, with a border around them, name the view "Images With Borders". In the "Description" area, use Qrimp Square Brackets notation or urls to pull in data from your table.

Formatting your data with HTML and CSS
Enter HTML and inline CSS tags in the description field to control how your data is displayed.

For example, let's say we had a small inventory table with four fields: id, ItemName, Description and ItemCount. We'll want to display only the name of the inventory item.

We can get the using square brackets as such - ItemName

We can also style this information. Let's imagine that we wish to make the ItemName an h2 and we'd like to make in a div with a red background.

Here is what our HTML and square brackets would look like:

And here is what our result would look like:

Inventory Item 1

This is just a basic example. Learn more about pulling data into page templates with Square Brackets




Clear Menu Cache

Under the Develop menu tab, you will see a menu called Clear Menu Cache.

Clearing your menu cache will update the menus to reflect any changes you have made. Menus are cached to improve system performance by alleviating the need to fetch the menu list from the database for each page view. The downside to this approach is that changes to menus aren't always immediately reflected. Logging out and relogging in will also clear the menu cache, so users will always have the latest menus when they log in.




Using SQL Statements

You can use custom SQL statements get information about your existing tables and to manipulate your data.

The query builder is in Beta Mode. You can use it to generate your own custom queries for your database to return very specific resultsets or even execute UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements, but of course be careful with these.

If you select a table from the query list and click "show sql," a select statement will appear. Click Run Query to return results.

You can save your queries also. If you have selected a table, then save a query, a link will appear to the right of the query list that you can click on to view the results in your browser and save a menu that will display these results for you. You can also use these results in Portals.




Creating a Look-up Table

A look-up table lets you select data from a drop-down list in any one of your tables. Like this:

To let the system know which table you want to pick from, you have to create a look-up table.

Adding a look-up table with Import Data

If you are adding a look-up table with a lot of records, Import data is the fastest way to create it.

Go to Develop > Import Data.

Enter a Table Name.

Check the checkbox beside "First row contains field names".

In the box below, enter:

XYZ Company
JKL Manufacturing

Then click "Import Data!". Leave the advanced features
unchecked for look-up tables.

See also Convert a Field to a Drop-Down and Adding a Drop-Down Field




Content Header

The "Content Header" or "Header" is the area below the menu tabs and above your records. By default, this area contains the Action Icons that allow you to perform actions and navigate to different Views of your data.

A default content header with a custom message to users of the products table.

Content Headers are completely customizable with a combination of custom messages, HMTL, CSS and JavaScript. You can add Icons, error messages, warnings, shared data, external links, queries and more. (See: Headers and Footers).

A customized content header with fewer icons than normal.

Advanced: For CSS and Javascript in Content Headers

For CSS, declare #contentheader to style the content header.




Writing Operations

Writing operations in Qrimp is similar to writing stored procedures. You can use existing operations as templates to build your new operations. To view existing operations go to Admin > Operations.

You can use wildcards with % around a word that you want to restrict your query on. ie: like '%overdue%'.




Using Operations in urls

You can use operations in urls when you are creating Menus tabs, adding internal links, editing the action that is behind an action icon link or in any other internal Qrimp app links. An operation goes to the table in the url and performs a certain action on it.

Composing the URL
To use an operation in a link, simply add "&o=" plus the operation number to the url. An example of a url with an operation restriction would be:

When the user clicks this link, they will delete record 82 from the clients table.

Operation Permissions

If you create a link using an operation, and the user who can see it does not have permission to perform the operation, they will see the login screen and the error message "you do not have permission to _read__ the _Clients___ table". To give your user permission, you must set up the correct Table Security.




Known Issues

Some things are not yet possible with Qrimp. (We know, hard to believe!) Here's a list of things that have caused our users trouble in the past.





At Qrimp, we know that sometimes the easiest way to find something is with a search.

We have three default ways to search your app:

Site Search
Date Search
Table Search

Advanced users can also add a search form to the top of any Table see Table Search Box




Menu Tabs Hide Action Icons

If you have too many tables and/or a narrow browser window, you may find that your menu tabs overlap the Content header area of your site, obstruction your view of the Action Icons.

To resolve this issue, you can sometimes press Ctrl and the minus key (Ctrl-) to reduce the text size on the tabs and move them up.

We are working to resolve this issue.





To use synchronizer to work offline, you will have to have IIS7 web server software and the database SQL Server 2005 Express (free) installed on your computer.




Before You Start


Before you get started, think about what your application is for. Which information do you want to track? Which types of users do you want to have? Who will be able to view and change your data?

You may wish to start with a data model. If so, read our Brief Intro to Data Modeling.

Basic steps to creating a Qrimp app

  1. Designing your data model
  2. Create Tables
    • Option 1: Create Tables Manually
    • Option 2: Import Data
  3. Entering and Editing Data
  4. Customize your Application with
    • Views
    • Templates
    • Headers and Footers
    • Security
    • Menus

We recommend drawing out a list of tables and listing the columns you want to have before you get started. You can add additional tables, add rows, delete rows, change data types, and drop columns at any time, so nothing is set in stone. Having a structured idea of what type of database you will build before you start will save you time and help you mentally organize your information first.

There are many resources on the web that teach you about database methodology..

Of course, you can also get started with no learning, and figure it out as you go! A good place to start is by adding your first data table. There are two ways to add data: Create Tables and Import Data.




Table Settings

Everything in your Qrimp app is stored in a table, even information about tables. The Table Settings view allows you to modify information about those tables, including which field to use to represent information in the table and which HTML View Template to use as the default if no view is specified.

Renaming tables with the rename link can cause trouble if anything else in the app or on the internet links to the table. Try updating just the name in the name box or the Title of the table first.




Action Icons

These icons generally appear in the Content Header, which is displayed at the top of your table below the Menus.

Default Icons

When you build a new table in your Qrimp application, icons are created automatically based on the functionality that is possible within that table and according to the User Groups permissions. You can add or delete icons if you need more or less functionality. You can even create new actions by writing your own operations then choosing icons from the /icons/crystal_project/32x32 and putting them in the Headers and Footers.

Editing Actions

Go to the table and view you want to change the actions for. Then go to Develop > Header/Footer. You will see the HTML for the icons. If nothing is listed, you will need to edit the default header / footer for your table, which is part of the table definition.

The following are some default icons you will see in your Qrimp app.

Views Icons

These icons allow you to change the way you are viewing the data. To learn more, read about Views.
Calendar View
Tree View Tree View
Grid View Grid View
Reports Reports
Next Item Next Item - see NextPrevious
Previous Item Previous Item - see NextPrevious

Data Editing Icons

Add records, edit or copy existing records, search and delete your data and more.
Add New Create View
Search Search
Edit Table Display View Headers and Footers
Design Design View
delete Delete
Cancel Cancel

Advanced: Hiding Icon Labels in the Content Header

If you do not want to see the word that corresponds to the icon below the icon, you can change the stylesheet to #contentheader.label{display:none} or you can write a sql statement to remove them from all or selected tables. See Stylesheets, CSS and Using SQL Statements.




Query String Parameters

Use the following query strings options to query your data and drill down into particular records and even columns.

Use these query strings with Qrimp's JavaScript API and Square Brackets to build custom behaviors for your websites and share data on other websites.

Selecting the Data to Display

The most important query string parameter is t, which specifies the table from which to pull data. Since it's the most important, you'll probably use it with the ? like this:
?t=1005 or ?t=HelpTopics

For example, to display Help Topics in a Grid View, you would use this url:

You could display the HelpTopics on the Calendar View like this:

Or in a Tree View like this:

You can use either the ID of the Table or the TableName. You can get a list of tables from the Develop > My Tables menu.

Formatting the Data

Another useful parameter is the vid parameter which specifies which layout format to use from the Views Table. With views, like with tables, we can use either the ID or the name of the view, like so:
&vid=1 Uses the Grid view.

Combine the t and vid parameters like this:
db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=1 <-- Click it and see. View 1 is the default view, so usually you will not need to specify &vid=1, unless a default view has been specified in the Table Settings.

As another example, let's look at the Help Topics as a list of links:

Sorting your data

To order the results by a column, simply add &orderby= to the end and specify the column number to order by. Adding multiple orderby parameters, or values separated by commas will reverse the order. For example &orderby=5 will sort the fifth column ascending and &orderby=5,5 will sort the fifth column in descending order. The sorted column in a grid view will be highlighted. A quick way to sort your data by most recently created items first would be to order by the ID field descending like this:

Filtering your data

You can filter your data many ways using the query string. If you would like to limit records to a particular value within a column add &columnname=value where columnname is the name of the column and value is the value for the filter. For example, to display a particular record you can reference that record by the ID.

Look in the location bar now and you will see:
/db.aspx&t=HelpTopics&pagesize=20&gotopage=4 Which means, show the item from the HelpTopics table using view number vid and for the Help Topic with id equals ID.

If you would like to be more specific about your query, you can use query operators and query values like so

For example, to show only Help Topics that contain the word Parameters in the name, you could use a query string like this:

To show all help topics with created since May 1, 2008, you'd use this url: db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&createdateop=>&createdatequery=5/1/2008
contains : Find items that contain the query value, same as contains
like : Find items that are like the value, same as contains
not like : Find items that do not contain the query value
startswith : Find Items that start with the query value
= : Find items equal to the query value
<> : Find items not equal to the query value
>= : Find items greater than or equal to the query value
> : Find Items greater than the query value
< : Find items less than the query value
<= : Find items less than or query equal
in : Specify a list of items. Example: &idop=in&idquery=1,2,3
&pagesize= Determines how many records are shown. Do you want 20 Help Topic Links or 50 Help Topic Links By Default, the page size is pulled from the Table Settings
&hidecolumns= Determines which column names should be hidden Help Topics without the description field
&selectcolumns= Determines which column names should be pulled from the database. Show Id, Name and CreateDate
&noheader=true&nofooter=true Hides the page header and footer Help Topics sans Header/Footer These will be useful when using the Share Data feature when you want to include data, but not the menus and content in the right rail. We call it the footer because it appears at the bottom of the HTML source, even though it is rendered on the right hand side of the page. You can use Skins to change this behavior.
_fieldvalue=fieldname This parameter used in conjunction with the id= parameter will show only the contents of the specified column. For example, to show only the description for this Help Topic, use the following url:
&qid= Allows you to specify one of your custom Ad Hoc Queries to filter the records or build complex joins among tables.




Export Options

Users will see export options at the bottom of a table in the grid view, provided they are in a user group (see: User Groups) with the appropriate permissions.

Export options include .xls/.csv export Excel Export, XML export, and Share Data. You can also export your data as Insert Statements to be used in other database applications such as MySql etc.




Share Data

Share data lets you add data to your dashboard, copy data into other records in your app, other Qrimp app, and even other websites.

Adding an item to your dashboard

See Portals.

Sharing data

There are two ways to get to the share data interface: the link below the grid view...

...and the Open Share icon in the Content Header

When you click the link or the icon, you will see the following popup:

You will see two boxes with HTML. The HTML on the left is for sharing within your app. The HTML on the left is for sharing on the web.

Copy and Paste HTML

Copy and paste a snippet of HTML code. You do not have to understand HTML to do this, but please go slowly and be sure to select and copy ALL of the text in the box!

You can paste this in a portal, a field template a description box, or any other text area in your app. Experiment! If something doesn't work, you can delete it.

This snippet of HTML code pulls in the data and the view (see: Views) and determines whether you are sharing an individual item or the whole table.

Sharing data internally

To share data within your Qrimp App, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the first share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field in any table. The table you have selected will magically pop into that area. The text field must be pasted into a table that is in the same app as the HTML.

Sharing data externally

To embed your data into a separate Qrimp application or display it on another domain, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the second share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field on one of your other Qrimp apps or on any website that allows you to embed HTML and/or scripts.

If Anonymous Access is not allowed for your data and you share the code in a publicly viewable area of your app, the data will not be visible (see: Table Security).

Custom HTML Templates for Shared Data

You can build your own HTML template to format the shared data so that it will appear in your host page exactly the way you want it. Use square brackets to insert particular data items into the HTML template.

Advanced: Sharing data to a local file

You can paste the code for your shared data into any file that you can view with your web browser (save as .html). The first time you are opening a local file that contains a script to pull in shared data, you will need to be online to access the data (does not apply to Qrimp Server users). If your data is not visible to 'Anonymous' users (see: Table Security), you will have to log in.

Once you have viewed the data, you can save the HTML to the file before closing for offline viewing.

Shared Data Display Options

Use Query String Parameters to sort and limit which data is displayed.

Use HTML and inline css to style your shared data.

Images in Shared Data

To ensure that the images and links referenced in your shared data area appear properly wherever you share them, use absolute urls rather than relative urls to reference them within your original table.

Who can share data?

The share data link is not visible to all users by default. To allow a group to share data, you must allow User Groups to view the export options.

Open Share Icon

To simplify the process of sharing data, you can add a module called Open Share Icon available under Admin > Add Module. This module will add an icon to your headers next to the search icon that will open a lightbox with the same content as clicking the share button below the grid view. The Share Icon will be visible on more pages and easier to access than the share link.

Read more about the Open Share Icon

Learn about other Export Options.




Page Layouts

Page Layouts tell Qrimp how to display data. Page layouts come in two varieties: Grid and Repeater


Grid templates are similar to a spreadsheet or HTML table layout and are generally useful to show a lot of data in tables. In this display type, the cell template field applies to each row/column combination.


Most all other templates will be the repeater type. In this display type, each record in the table is considered a cell. You can include values from each field in the row by using square brackets notation.




Computed Column


What is a Computed Column?

A Computed Column is a datatype that allows you to calculate mathematical equations using numerical data from other columns in your table, concatenate strings from other fields or add and subtract dates. For example, if you had a Products table with columns for price and tax rate, you could calculate price + tax. Computed columns allow you to take full advantage of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Transact-SQL functions. You can read more about T-SQL functions at the MSDN Library.

Adding a Computed Column

You can only add a computed column after a table has been created. Go to your table, then go to Develop > Table Management. Enter a new column name under Add a column, and select computed column as the datatype.


Calculations with Numbers

Formulas with numbers are the same as we learned in school. To calculate Profit in a table with a Unit Price and a List Price, we enter a new column called Profit and in the formula box, enter "UnitPrice-ListPrice".

Column with Dates

In this example, we calculate the number of days between two dates in our table. For more information about formulas you can use on dates, see the Date and Time Functions entry.

Concatenating Fields

Concatenation is putting two strings together into one string. To add a concatenated field, use the + sign. To make a full name from a first and last name, enter a new column called FullName and in the formula box enter "Lastname + ', ' + Firstname". Click here to read more about T-SQL String Functions.


go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 243 records. Showing