If you find the balance... you'll be wealthy beyond belief. Just don't forget the tutorials. The only ones who don't need the How To's are the truly advanced.
I think there are many, just like me, who have so many great ideas and are only now learning how to facilitate and deploy them because of services like yours.
I can't wait to see the evolution of your product.
I wonder if you couldn't develop parallel development universes. One for the advanced developers (the un-cut version) and one for the rest of us moderate (or lower) users.... template/wizard driven... with lots of help along the way. I know this would not be efficient... but, I don't think you can please all the people all the time. So, why not segregate so that your power users will not be held back by the masses of users who don't even know what they "could" do with your product?
See you around.
- Jim
6/6/2008 4:58:39 PM
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