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deleteedit175CRUDIn every Qrimp app, there are five default [operations] that users can perform on a database: Create, Read, Update, Delete and Admin. To allow your users to perform these operations, give them the permission to do so using [Table Security].

You can create as many levels of access as you like. Add, remove, or adjust the configuration of existing operations to fine tune the capabilities your users have within your Qrimp Application.

Learn more about CRUD by searching the web.
deleteedit23Headers and FootersIn Qrimp, the area above your tables is the "Header" and the area to the right is the "[Footer]". The Header is also known as the "[Content Header]" (#contentheader in [CSS]).

<h2>Default Headers and Footers</h2>
Each table has a default header, in most cases containing the [Action icons] that allow you to change [Views], see [Reports], add new items, edit, etc. Each of the default <a href="db.aspx?t=1006&id=176&vid=11">views</a> has its own Header showing icons relevant to that view. For example, if you are in already edit view, you will not see the edit icon in the header. Headers are also a great place to put a custom messages to your users, rss feeds, shopping carts, images, shared data or even [Custom CSS] specific to that item and view.

The default footer usually contains [Related Data], [Attachments] , related tables, or custom messages to users.

<h2>Changing Headers and Footers</h2>
To change the header or footer, go to the table and the view you are changing it for. Then go to Develop > Header/Footer.

<img src="/attachments/3b12cead-6669-46a6-83b7-00ac5329fb79/Heade_Footer.jpg"/>

If a custom header or footer exists for that table and view, you will see it in the list.

<img class="border" src="attachments/c3500bae-f1ad-4b79-8b4e-786752c82cb9/HeaderFooterHelp2.JPG" />

Click the small edit icon <img src="/images/edit.gif" />to open the header/footer for editing.

You will see a text box for the HTML for your Header and a separate text box with the HTML for your footer.

Change the HTML to create your custom message. Save a copy of the working Header or Footer HTML for reference while you are working. [Versioning] is enabled by default for all header/footer tables. To view previous versions of your header/footer, click the [Versioning] icon <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/file_temporary.png"> once you have saved the custom header/footer.

<img class="border" src="attachments/d62d2971-740c-4fdc-beb5-a1b40859ae4a/HeaderFooterHelp3.JPG" />
Above and beside your data
deleteedit48Square BracketsAn Introduction to Qrimp</textarea>

and produces this:

You can show a "friendly name" for items in the detail view, rather than the id number of the field. (See also [AutomaticIDs]

For example if you have an address table with a foreign key to the states table, when displaying the address, you'd like the state name to be displayed instead of the unique id for the state. To do this, you'd use something like the following:

[states:48] where 48 is the ID of the element to be displayed from the states table.

If this item is being displayed in the grid view, you can dynamically insert the Foreign key ID value into the square brackets like this:

<noeval>[states:[DATA]]</noeval> uses the data in the database for this cell to grab the state name. By default, Qrimp will display this notation in the web page with a link back to the detail page for the table and item specified by [DATA]. To show only the data without the link back to the item, use [states:[DATA]:nolink].

<noeval>[</noeval>t_users:<noeval>[</noeval>DATA<noeval>]</noeval><noeval>]</noeval></textarea> Will pull back a list of users and show the current user.

<h2>Square Brackets and Server Variables</h2>
Here's a <a href="">full list</a> of server variables. You can also read more about <a href="">Working with Server Variables</a>.">In Qrimp, you can use Square Brackets "[]" to create links. This is similar to functionality available in Wikipedia and WordPress. Square brackets can also be used to insert server variables and session values, display a field as a select box or radio button and more.

<h2>Creating Links with Square Brackets</h2>
The data in these Help Files is stored in a table called Help Topics. The current record has the Name "Square Brackets". To create a link to the Help Topics table type in <noeval>[Help Topics]</noeval>. To link directly to the Square Brackets record type in <noeval>[Square Brackets]</noeval>. You can also link to a record in a table with square brackets by using the name of the table followed by a colon and the record id, like this: <noeval>
Square Brackets</noeval>.

<h2>Limitations of Square Brackets for Linking</h2>
If there are multiple records in your database with the same name or if the Name field is edited, your square brackets link will not work.

<h2>Links to Default Items</h2>
You can use square brackets in the HTML for links to make links more flexible and generic (see also [query string urls]). Normally when writing the HTML for a url, you would write &t=customers, but if you write <noeval>&t=HelpTopics</noeval> the link will go to the 'current' table or 'default' record. Links with square brackets are most commonly used in [Menus], the [Content Header], [Views] and [Field Templates]. For example, imagine this link: <img src="attachments/" /> is in the Content Header of my customers table. When I click the link, I will go to the create view (view 8) of the customers table. Square brackets pull in the closest item. <noeval>HelpTopics</noeval> will pull in the current table. <noeval>48</noeval> will pull in the current id.

<h2>Square Brackets to pull in DATA</h2>
Use <noeval>[DATA]</noeval> between the a tags to pull in the data from the linked record.

<h2>Square Bracket Select Lists</h2>
When displaying a form with a column or field that is a pick-from (drop-down), Qrimp displays a select box in HTML so the user can choose from the list. Behind this is a template. The template looks like this:


and produces this:

You can show a "friendly name" for items in the detail view, rather than the id number of the field. (See also [AutomaticIDs]

For example if you have an address table with a foreign key to the states table, when displaying the address, you'd like the state name to be displayed instead of the unique id for the state. To do this, you'd use something like the following:

[states:48] where 48 is the ID of the element to be displayed from the states table.

If this item is being displayed in the grid view, you can dynamically insert the Foreign key ID value into the square brackets like this:

<noeval>[states:[DATA]]</noeval> uses the data in the database for this cell to grab the state name. By default, Qrimp will display this notation in the web page with a link back to the detail page for the table and item specified by [DATA]. To show only the data without the link back to the item, use [states:[DATA]:nolink].

<noeval>[</noeval>t_users:<noeval>[</noeval>DATA<noeval>]</noeval><noeval>]</noeval></textarea> Will pull back a list of users and show the current user.

<h2>Square Brackets and Server Variables</h2>
Here's a <a href="">full list</a> of server variables. You can also read more about <a href="">Working with Server Variables</a>.
Advanced Development
deleteedit153Tutorial - Stacked and Custom ChartsIn this 5 minute demonstration, you'll learn how to build stacked charts from your cross tab reports and custom drill down reports.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Data Analysis
deleteedit154Tutorial - Email NotificationsIn this tutorial, you'll see how to add a notification so you can be alerted by email when changes are made to information in your Qrimp App. We also briefly jump into some table management to make a field a bit bigger. We'll also customize the notification template so that we see only information that meets certain criteria.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Notification Subscriptions
deleteedit152Tutorial - Importing DataIn this video demo, we get right down to business and import some data in one of our spreadsheets. This is the quickest way to get data into your Qrimp App and start building reports and adding information to your portal. In this demo, we also add a cross tab report to give us another view of our data.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Import Data
deleteedit148Iterative DevelopmentIterative Development is a development methodology that is based on building a project quickly, in a series of short development cycles that allow for frequent feedback between the developer and the purchaser/end user/testers of the system.

Iterative development can reduce development time as it allows the changes that the user requests to be implemented sooner in the development process, reducing the amount of work that has to be done or undone.

There is a fairly comprehensive <a href="">article on iterative development</a> at wikipedia.
deleteedit1285JavaScriptJavaScript is a type of code that is used with <a href="">to make the </a> elements of a page interactive.Definitions
deleteedit199Display and DesignLearn about how to display data in Qrimp and change the look and feel of your application with skins (CSS stylesheets). Change where form fields appear on a page.
deleteedit200Communicate and ShareLearn to use Qrimp for messaging and share data that is in your Qrimp app.
deleteedit99Look-up TablesLook-up tables are tables that are connected to other tables as drop-downs to make data entry easier. This is very convenient for oft-repeated data entry areas, such as country or say 'productcategory'. Enabling users to select data from a drop is great for data integrity, increasing accuracy and reducing spelling errors.

In this example, FurColor is a look-up table:

Name: Fuzzy
Nickname:<input type=text size =20 id=name name=name maxlength=50 >
FurColor: <select name="datatype0"><option value='pickfrom_accounttypes'>Brown</option><option value='pickfrom_t_furcolor'>White</option><option value='pickfrom_t_users'>Blue</option><option value='pickfrom_t_views'>Black</option><option value='pickfrom_yesno'>Beige</option></select>

I could only have this drop-down if I already have a FurColor table in my application.

See also [Creating a Look-Up Table], [Adding a Drop-Down Field], and [Convert a Field to a Drop-Down].
deleteedit210Javascript and JQuery in QrimpMake your Qrimp App more dynamic with JavaScript and JQuery.Advanced Development
deleteedit1313Add a Menu LinkMenu links to your tables and to other areas of your app such as [Dashboard] and Admin, Develop and Design (if a user is permitted).

To add a menu tab, go to Develop > Manage Menus then click the Create Menu Item button.

Enter the following information:

Name: The word that will appear in the Menu Tab.

Link template: Enter the url that you would like users to land on when they click the tab. It is easiest to navigate to the data and the view (see Views) first, then copy/paste that url.

Parent Menu: Choose a top level menu tab to show your menu in a sub-menu below it.

Description (Optional): Enter a description.

Icon (Optional): Click the edit link and choose an icon.

Security: Select which groups can see the menu tab (See also [Group Menu Visibility]).
deleteedit10MenusMenu tabs are used to navigate your Qrimp application. A menu tab can lead to database tables, pages where you can work with your data or even a particular record, or a function, such as "add a new record". You can completely customize your menus.

<h2>Default Menu Tabs</h2>
A Qrimp administrator will see three default top-level tabs: Admin, Develop and Design. When you hover over a menu tab you will see the sub-tabs for that menu. <em>Quick tip: To see a brief description of what each of the Admin, Develop or Design sub-menu tabs does, click the top level link.</em>

<h3>Dashboard or Home</h3>Most Qrimp apps are set up with a [Dashboard] or Home Tab. This is blank when your app is first created. Dashboards are usually used as a collection of [Portals], but can be customized to anything. The home page is set in User Group Settings (see: [User Groups]).

<h3>Admin</h3>Menu for administrative options, such as account creation and security.

<h3>Develop</h3>Develop is for tools such as table creation and views that facilitate back- and front-end data design and manipulation.

<h3>Design</h3>Design is for front-end designer tools such as skins and page layouts.

<h2>New Tables and Default Menu Tab Creation</h2>
When you create a new [database table], under the advanced options section below the rows, there is a checkbox for "Add Menus" that is selected by default. If you do not want to see a menu tab for a table (such as for minor tables like drop-down tables), unselect this checkbox.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Use [Group Menu Visibility] to make menu tabs visible when you create new tables.

<h2>Adding a Menu Tab</h2>
To add a menu tab, go to Develop > Manage Menus then click the Create Menu Item button.

Enter the following information:
<li>Name: The word that will appear in the Menu Tab. </li>
<li>Link template: Enter the url that you would like users to land on when they click the tab. It is easiest to navigate to the data and the view (see [Views]) first, then copy/paste that url.</li>
<li>Parent Menu: Choose a top level menu tab to show your menu in a sub-menu below it.</li>
<li>Description (Optional): Enter a description.</li>
<li>Icon (Optional): Click the edit link and choose an icon.</li>
<li>Choose which groups can see the menu.</li>
<li>Security: Select which groups can see the menu tab (See also [Group Menu Visibility]).
<h2>Why can't I see a certain menu option?</h2>
Qrimp users only see menu tabs that they have permission to see. If you can access Develop > Manage menus, you can set up which menus you can see. If not, please contact your app Administrator.

<h2>Advanced: Classic Menus</h2>
Menu tabs and sub-tabs are stored in the Menus table. The Menus table can be found under Develop > Manage Menus. Below the links to manage your menus is a link to classic menus. This will let you manage the data the same way data is managed in a regular table.
deleteedit98ModulesModules add functionality to your app at the click of a button. Modules contain pre-built [database table]s, [views], [menus], [operations] and more.

Some parts of modules may be included in other modules. As an example a "Priorities" look-up table might be included both an events module and a tasks module.

There are simple modules such as [look-up tables] for countries or states or complex modules like the PayPal Order IPN.

<h2>A List of Current Modules</h2>
<em>Note: Not all modules are available in all apps</em>
<span id=Modulesbodydata> <h4>Current Modules</h4> </span> <script> getContent('db.aspx?t=Modules&vid=1&orderby=2&hidecolumns=id,description,status,scripturl,createid,createdate&noheader=true&nofooter=true' ,'Modulesbodydata'); </script>

Building Your System
deleteedit1308You have not included NumCurrentUsers in your column list above.Occurs in [Custom View (Sorting and Filtering)].

If you are trying to add totals or subtotals, you must first add a column to your view.

Error Messages
deleteedit136Item FooterOn the right of the [Detail View] for an item, you can see the "Item Footer". This is where [Attachments] and [Related Data] can be found. Though the item footer appears to the right by default, it can be moved with CSS to appear anywhere on the page.

<h3>Editing the Item Footer</h3>
To edit your Item Footer go to Develop > Header/Footer. The footer field corresponds to the footer. You can style the item footer using #rightcontent.
<img src="/attachments/500ad038-88ba-4e6d-997b-64f5fbfdb35b/Footer.png">

See also [Headers and Footers] and [Related Data].
Above and beside your data
deleteedit14Manage TablesOn the Table Management page, you can access all of the custom data tables you and authorized users have created. Go to the Develop > Manage Tables to access a list of tables that have been created in your application. If you have not created any tables, this list will be blank.

You can create your first table in just a few minutes using data you already have in a spreadsheet (see [Import Data]) or by entering columns manually (see [Add a Table]).

You can also download pre-built [Modules] which are "Solution Accelerators". A module is a set of [database tables] and relationships that gives you a head start on your custom web application.
Working with Data
deleteedit1279User Group SettingsOn the User Security Page you can allow or disable the following options by group:

<img src="attachments/">

Should this user group be allowed to write [HTML]? HTML fields can change the appearance, color, style, font and layout of your data.

Should this user group be allowed to write scripts, such as Javascript? Scripts should only be given to trusted users, as they can be used to alter your system.

<h2>Allow Edit CSS</h2>
Can this user group to edit Cascading Style Sheets?

<h2>EnableUploads </h2>
Can this user group upload attachments to your Qrimp app?

<h2>Show Export Options</h2>
Can this user group see [export options] to export data from your tables?

<h2>Show related data</h2>
Should the group see [related data]?

<h2>Default Start Page</h2>
The default start page is what a user sees when they first log in. If you do not change this setting, all users see the [Dashboard].

See [Change the Default Start Page]

<h2>Input Black List</h2>
If the user group has permission to enter [HTML], which characters can they not enter?
User Groups
deleteedit1317You must enter a value for itemtemplate. Please click your browser's back button and enter somethingOnce you edit a field template, you can no longer leave it blank.

If you try to leave it blank, you will get this error message:

"You must enter a value for itemtemplate. Please click your browser's back button and enter something for itemtemplate."

If you really want to leave the template blank, you can enter an empty <noeval>[HTML]</noeval> tag, such as
Error Messages
deleteedit255Portal SubscriptionsOne way to add [Portals] to your [Dashboard] is to subscribe to them.

Hover over the Dashboard menu tab, then click the sub-menu for 'Portal Subscriptions'. (Note: If you cannot see Portal Subscriptions, please contact your site Administrator to get permission to the menu).

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

Click the checkboxes next to the portals that are of interest to you, then click save. If your user group does not have permission to see that area of the site, the portal window will be blank, and you should delete it.
deleteedit22OperationsOperations allow system users to perform actions upon data in your application. Operations are analogous to stored procedures. The five types of operations that users can perform on a database are Create, Read, Update, Delete and Admin.

* Create - Users can create entries in the table.

* Read - Users can view items in the table.

* Update - Users can update existing records.

* Delete - Users can delete information from the table.

* Admin - Full Permission. Users can add and remove fields from the table, rename columns, and rename the table. Admin rights also allow them to control security on the table.

Qrimp has additional default operations such as add notifications, gettree, etc.

To view the operations in your system go to Admin > Operations (<img class="noborder" align="absmiddle" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kfouleggs.png">). Access to the Operations table is restricted to Administrators by default.

To allow your users to perform operations, you must first make sure they have the security privileges to do so. You can control operation privileges using [Table Security].

You can also write your own operations to set up specific functionality based on particular tables, etc. Qrimp has a generic operation statement writing language that should be fairly intuitive to advanced database administrators. Learn more about [Writing Operations] and [Using Operations in urls].
Advanced Development
deleteedit132Page LayoutsPage Layouts tell Qrimp how to display data. Page layouts come in two varieties: Grid and Repeater

Grid templates are similar to a spreadsheet or HTML table layout and are generally useful to show a lot of data in tables. In this display type, the cell template field applies to each row/column combination.

Most all other templates will be the repeater type. In this display type, each record in the table is considered a cell. You can include values from each field in the row by using [square brackets] notation.
Creating your own views
deleteedit158Paying with PayPalPaying for your Qrimp hosted application is easy. We use PayPal. If you have used PayPal before, it should be fairly straightforward. We've outlined the process below.

From the Qrimp <a href="">sign-up page</a>, click the "Sign up" Button.

On the next screen, select the plan you would like and click the "Pay Now" button.

Sign in to your PayPal account or select "Pay with Credit Card" if you do not have one.

deleteedit181PortalsPortals are windows to your data that appear in boxes on your [dashboard]. Your Dashboard is a collection of portal boxes. Each user must add or subscribe to their own set of portals. A user can either add a portal from the [grid view] or subscribe to a portal.

<img class="border" width="500" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Adding a Portal from Grid View</h2>
To add a portal from the [grid view]:

Go to the table you want to get data from > go to the bottom of the grid view > click the link that says "Share".
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
A box will appear with a button that says "Add to Dashboard". Click the Add to Dashboard button.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Enter a name for your dashboard.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Another link will appear that lets you view your dashboard
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Your portal window has been added.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">

<h2>Moving Portals</h2>
To move a portal, go to the top right corner of the square. Hover over the icon that looks like two windows <img class="move" src="/c6401/559.png" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16">". It will turn to a multi-directional arrow <img class="move" src="attachments/" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16">. Click and drag the arrow to move the portal to a spot before another portal square. The square you are moving it in front of will turn green.

<h2>Resizing Portals</h2>
To resize a portal, click the magnifying glass icon in the top right <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/viewmag.png" />. You can change it to be large, small or medium.

<h2>Customize Portal Background Colors</h2>
To choose a new background color for a portal, click the palette icon in the top right <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/colors.png" />. Different colors can help you quickly find data that looks the same.

<h2>Advanced: Manually Editing Portals</h2>
To edit a portal, click on the edit icon in the top right corner of the square <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png" />. This will take you to the edit view of that portal in the Portals table. Note: You can see all of the records in the portals table by going to Design > Portals.

Name: The Name of your portal window. Use a name that describes which data will appear in the portal and how it will appear. For example "Logins by Date", "Unpaid Bills" or "Red Shoes - Thumbnail images". The name you choose will appear in the header of the portal.

Description: Describe your portal to help you remember what it's about.

Template: Copy and paste a [ShareData] script. The ShareData script is much like an embed tag. It links to your data, storing the table id, the sort on your data, search information, hiddencolumns and whatever else you tell it to. Advanced: add styles to your portals by using inline styles in the template field.

Link: The Portal Link specifies where the user will go if they click on the portal header.

<h2>Deleting Portals</h2>
To delete a portal from your home page, click the red X in the top left hand corner. You will be unsubscribed. To resubscribe, simply go to Home and find the link in the top left of the page that says "Add Portal".
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing