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deleteedit1284"..." in the Grid ViewFields with a lot of data will be converted to a "..." to preserve space in the [grid view]. If you hover over the "..." you will see a small box pop-up that shows the data in that field.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

If you want to see the full text in the grid view, you will have to edit the field template (See <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=7&vid=11">Field Templates</a>) for that record. The easiest way to do this is to turn [design mode] on. Go to Design > Design Mode On.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

A gear icon will appear near the top right every field that has a field template. Click the gear to edit the template.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You can see that the "..." is coming from this template.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Change the ... to <noeval>[DATA]</noeval>. Then click save.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Your full field (description) will now appear.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Field Templates
deleteedit1324Above and beside your dataAbove your data, you generally find the Header and below, you find the footer, or 'rightcontent' or [item footer].Navigation
deleteedit126Action IconsThese icons generally appear in the [Content Header], which is displayed at the top of your table below the [Menus].

<img src="attachments/16a4647b-af66-4cc7-8048-a4602798d624/ActionIcons.png">

<h2>Default Icons</h2>
When you build a new table in your Qrimp application, icons are created automatically based on the functionality that is possible within that table and according to the [User Groups] permissions. You can add or delete icons if you need more or less functionality. You can even create new actions by writing your own [operations] then choosing icons from the /icons/crystal_project/32x32 and putting them in the [Headers and Footers].

<h2>Editing Actions</h2>
Go to the table and view you want to change the actions for. Then go to Develop > Header/Footer. You will see the HTML for the icons. If nothing is listed, you will need to edit the default header / footer for your table, which is part of the [table definition].

The following are some default icons you will see in your Qrimp app.

<h2>Views Icons</h2>
These icons allow you to change the way you are viewing the data. To learn more, read about [Views].
<img src="/attachments/d8b7ffcf-fc7d-4ec9-ae46-a5428e455455/CalendarIcon.png"> [Calendar View]
<img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/> [Tree View]
<img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_text.png" alt="Grid View"/> [Grid View]
<img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/spreadsheet_document.png" alt="Reports"/> [Reports]
<img align=absmiddle src=/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/next.png alt="Next Item"> Next Item - see [NextPrevious]
<img align=absmiddle src=/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/previous.png alt="Previous Item"> Previous Item - see [NextPrevious]

<h2>Data Editing Icons</h2>
Add records, edit or copy existing records, search and delete your data and more.
<img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/edit_add.png" alt="Add New"/> Create View
<img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/filefind.png" alt="Search"/> [Search]
<img align=absmiddle src="icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kmenuedit.png" alt="Edit Table Display"/> View [Headers and Footers]
<img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/kivio_flw.png" alt="Design"/> [Design View]
<img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/cancel.png" alt="delete"> [Delete]
<img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/undo.png" alt="Cancel"> [Cancel]
<img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/file_temporary.png"> [Versioning]

<h2>Advanced: Hiding Icon Labels in the [Content Header]</h2>
If you do not want to see the word that corresponds to the icon below the icon, you can change the stylesheet to #contentheader.label{display:none} or you can write a sql statement to remove them from all or selected tables. See [Stylesheets], [CSS] and [Using SQL Statements].
Content Header
deleteedit145Ad hoc queriesYou can create your own queries using the <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kexi.png" align=absmiddle height=16 width=16 /> Query Designer under the Develop menu.

<img src="attachments/d6d7df44-aee7-45a6-afdc-65b37f5bb980/AdHocQuery.jpg">

<h4>Querying Data</h4>To quickly show the SQL Statement for a particular table, select the table name in the drop down and click the show sql link. This selected table will be used for the templates for the data that is returned. Click Run Query to show the results.

<img src="attachments/65621552-9ab3-4361-90f0-4065980f7a04/RunQuery.png">

<h4>Saving Queries</h4>You can save your queries for use later. Specify the query to use by adding a &qid= parameter to the end of your querystring using the ID or the Name of the query you save. To keep your data secure, you must assign permissions to the query by group. When you first click the Save Query link, you will be presented with a list of Groups who you want to allow to view the Query Results. Click the view queries link to view, delete or modify existing queries.

<img src="attachments/83e48c3f-9210-4fa6-82ed-b30966c60eeb/SavingQuery.png">

<h4>Updating Data</h4>The Query Designer will let you write ad hoc SQL statements against your database. You can run any statement you like, but we suggest using only SELECT statements to prevent damage to your database. If you are going to run statements to update your data, you should do a backup first, which is covered in [Backing up your data].
Data Analysis
deleteedit254Add a Drop-Down FieldFirst, make sure you have an appropriate table to use as a lookup table (see [Look-up Tables].)

Go to the table you want to add a drop down to, then go to [Table Management]. Click "Add a column"

In the "datatype" drop-down, select the database table you wish to add as a lookup table.

You may also wish to [Convert a Field to a Drop-Down].
Creating a Look-up Table
deleteedit1287Add a Link to the Activity Log from the Grid ViewBy default, the [grid view] has an icon that lets you edit that record and an id link that you click to view the record detail ([Detail View]).

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />
<span class="small">The default icon and link in the grid view</span>

If you have activity logs on your site, you can add an icon that links to the activity log for that table.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />
<span class="small">Our goal is to add an icon like this</span>

<h2>Copy the Link to the Activity Log</h2>
In this example, we will use the clients table.

Go to the grid view of the clients table.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

Click the id number "1" next to the first record.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />


You will see the Detail View. On the right of the detail view is the Activity Log for this client.

Click the link at the top of the box that says "ClientsActivityLog".

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>


You are now on the page that shows all of the activity for that client.

Go to the [location bar] of your browser and copy the url, starting at "db.aspx..."

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

<h2>Open the field template</h2>
Go back to the grid view of the clients table.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>


Turn design mode on by going to Design > Design Mode On.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />


A gear icon appears near the top right every field. Click the gear above the id field to edit the template.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />


A text box for the item template will appear. You will see some [HTML].

<img class="border" width="400" src="/attachments/" />

<h2>Paste the url into the template</h2>
You will have to paste the link you copied into this HTML code. Then you have to format it to make it a link.

The HTML in your textbox looks similar to this:
<textarea><a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=2 id="edititem"><img align=absmiddle src=/c6401/630.png height=20 width=20 align=absmiddle border=0 alt="edit"></a> <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=11" title="View Details">[DATA]</a></textarea>

<h2>Make your url a link with anchor tags</h2>
Put your cursor between the two "a" tags after the edit icon:

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>

Paste the link into the HTML "db.aspx?t=ClientsActivityLog&orderby=1&orderby=1&OwningRecordID=1".

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>

Change the OwningRecordID from "1" to <noeval>1287</noeval>.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>

Then wrap the link with an "a" tag. Put the following text around your link:<textarea><a href="db.aspx?t=ClientsActivityLog&orderby=1&orderby=1&OwningRecordID=1287"></a></textarea>.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>
<span class="small">Type carefully! Every symbol is needed!</span>

<h2>Step 4: Add the icon</h2>
Put the image icon between the a tags. You can copy the img tag from below:
<textarea><a href="db.aspx?t=ClientsActivityLog&orderby=1&orderby=1&OwningRecordID=1287"> <img align=absmiddle src=/images/webexview.gif height=20 width=20 border=0 alt="edit"> </a></textarea>.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/"/>
<textarea><a href=db.aspx?t=tHelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=2 id="edititem"><img align=absmiddle src=/c6401/630.png height=20 width=20 align=absmiddle border=0 alt="edit"></a><a href="db.aspx?t=ClientsActivityLog&orderby=1&orderby=1&OwningRecordID=1287"><img src="/images/ico_activitylog16.gif" height=20 width=20 align=absmiddle border=0 alt="ViewActivityLog"></a><a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=[DATA]&vid=11" title="View Details">[DATA]</a></textarea>

Click Save!

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

Now, you can click the icon to see the Activity Log for a client record!

<img src="/attachments/" />
Field Templates
deleteedit1313Add a Menu LinkMenu links to your tables and to other areas of your app such as [Dashboard] and Admin, Develop and Design (if a user is permitted).

To add a menu tab, go to Develop > Manage Menus then click the Create Menu Item button.

Enter the following information:

Name: The word that will appear in the Menu Tab.

Link template: Enter the url that you would like users to land on when they click the tab. It is easiest to navigate to the data and the view (see Views) first, then copy/paste that url.

Parent Menu: Choose a top level menu tab to show your menu in a sub-menu below it.

Description (Optional): Enter a description.

Icon (Optional): Click the edit link and choose an icon.

Security: Select which groups can see the menu tab (See also [Group Menu Visibility]).
deleteedit1334Add a radio button[radios:yesno:[DATA]:autoupdate]Square Brackets
deleteedit47Add a RecordYou can add records to a [database table] from anywhere you see the "Add New" icon (a piece of paper with a green plus sign).

<h2>Adding a New Record</h2>
Navigate to the [grid view] of the table you want to update and add a row to that table by clicking the add new icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/117ed1d1-e1de-4622-a31b-351e439d2946/AddNewButton.png"> in the [Content Header]. All records added to your tables are given [AutomaticIDs].

<img src="/attachments/b1e60dd6-4fa8-40e1-a7f5-25ee77c632e1/AddNewColumn.png" />
Working with Data
deleteedit80Add A Sub-Menu TabYou can create a Sub-tab that links to any area of your site - from an individual record, to a table in [Grid View].

1. Go to the table, view, and item (if applicable) that you want to link to.

2. Go to [Develop] or any Menu Tab and at the bottom is "+ add submenu. (As seen below)

<img src="attachments/688755d9-43d3-4673-9a8c-5a70bc0f9835/AddSubMenu.jpg">

After you add the menu, you will see a message appear saying the menu has been added. The name of the menu, in this message, is a link to a page that will let you modify additional properties of the menu. Click the link to do the following:

<strong>Choose an icon</strong>
To choose an icon to represent your link (optional), click the "pick icon" link. Browse through the icon pages and when you see an icon you like, click on it. The icon will appear in the tab, to the left of the tab name.

<strong>Change Permissions</strong>
You can change permissions on new menus after they are created. If you do not change permissions, only members of your group can see it. For example, if you are logged in as an administrator, only administrators will be able to see the menu. If you'd like members of other groups to see the menu, click the Group Menu Visibility link in the right hand rail to add more groups to the list of those who can see it.
deleteedit18Add a TableTo create a new table, go to Develop > Add a Table.

<img class="border" src="attachments/27da6af9-4600-4320-b652-a48d42c45ebc/AddTable.jpg">

Provide names for the table and columns, select a [datatype] for each column, and specify whether a column (field) should be required to have data in it in order for the record to save.

<img class="border" src="attachments/b5f345e3-0d3f-49e7-b5e5-3cc95a3cc37b/AddTable1.png">

Fields contain the specific data about the "thing" your table is for. For example, if I created a table for TeddyBears the columns might be Name, FurColor, EyeColor etc.

All fields will get an id number, which helps us track the particular item. (See [automaticids]. The first teddy I enter will have an id of 1, the second 2, etc.

<h2>Advanced Features</h2>
After you have entered the field names, you can choose to enable additional options, [Auditing] (createdate and createid), [Versioning] (record history), [Attachments], [Menus] and [Tree View] (folder display).

At the bottom of the table creation page, click the Create Table button. Qrimp will create the table in the database. After the table is created, you should make sure that your [User groups] have the correct permissions to the table (See [Table Security]).

<h2>See Existing Tables</h2>
To see your tables go to Develop > [Manage Tables].
Building Your System
deleteedit1300Add a User Group<span class="error"><em>Caution: If you add a user group, they will need permissions added manually to all tables and menus. They may also need permissions added to many [system tables] - portals (to see portals), queries, t_group_query, views etc. If any of this is done wrong, the user will not see things they should see.</em></span>

To add a new user group go to Admin > Manage Users.

Click the link on the top of the page that says "Manage Security Groups".

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />


Click the "Add New" button to add a new security group.

To edit the settings for an existing security group, click the edit icon.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
User Groups
deleteedit1268Add an Active/Inactive Field<h2>Creating an Active (y/n) Field on an Existing Table</h2>
You may want to mark certain fields inactive. For example, you may have clients that you no longer work with.

Go to the Clients table > click the Table Management sub-menu, or go to table management, find your table in the list and click edit. Add a column called "Active" and make the datatype a yes/no. Click "Add Column". (See [Adding Columns]).

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Use the [Form Designer] to arrange the new field.

<img class="border" width="600" src="attachments/" />

Update your clients and mark them Active yes or no. [Grid Edit] makes this faster.
<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You may also wish to [Hide Inactive Fields from Drop-Downs]
Adding Columns
deleteedit1327Add My Task List to a PortalA list of tasks on your [Dashboard] can help you see what you need to do this week. You will need to have a tasks table.

In your menus, go to Tasks.

<img class="border" src="attachments/">
You will see a list of all tasks.

<img class="border" src="attachments/">
Search the tasks list for tasks that are assigned to you.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Now that you see a list of tasks assigned to you, look at the bottom of the page, below the tasks. There is a link that says "Share". Click the share link.

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

You will see an add to Dashboard button. Click "Add to Dashboard".

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Name your new tasks portal.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Click the "View Your Dashboard Now" link.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Your tasks are now a portal window on your dashboard.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit1335Add Select List with Square BracketsAn Introduction to Qrimp">Square Brackets
deleteedit256Adding a Calendar List PortalA list of upcoming events on your [Dashboard] can help you see what you need to do this week. You will need to have the Calendar and Custom Views modules installed (see: [Modules]).

<img class="border" width="600" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Adding a Calendar List</h2>
In your menus, go to > Calendar > Event List

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You will see a list of all events. You need to filter this using custom views, so that you see only today's and future events. You must have the custom views module installed.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" width="500">

At the top of the list, click "Add New View".

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Enter a name for your view. "Calendar" will be fine. Don't select it as the default view.

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Select the "Name", "BeginAt" and "StartDate" columns from the list.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Sort by Start Date.

Group by Start Date.

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Filter the view. Select "Start Date", "greater than or equal to" and "Today".

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Select the user groups and users who should be allowed to see this view. There is nothing private in our calendar so we make it available to every user group except anonymous. <em>Note: this will not add the portal for those users or groups. Users can add a portal using [Portal Subscriptions].</em>

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Save your view.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
You will see your new view. At the bottom is a link to share it. Click the share link.

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
You will see a link to add to Dashboard. Click the "Add to Dashboard" link.

<img class="border" src="attachments/ " />
Name your new calendar view. "Calendar" is a good name.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Click the "View Your Dashboard Now" link.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Your calendar is now a portal window on your dashboard.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit182Adding a User GroupUnder Admin > [User Groups] you will find the default Groups: Administrators, Developers, Testers, Users and Anonymous. To add a new group, click the "Add New" Icon in the [Content Header]. Select the group security permissions you would like the user group to have and click Save.Managing Users
deleteedit1273Adding AttachmentsAttachments are added to individual records in your Qrimp tables.

There are two ways to add attachments:

<h2>With the paperclip icon in the header/footer</h2>

<img class="border" src="" />

<h2>Using the Add link in the Attachments box</h2>

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit19Adding ColumnsYou can add additional fields to any table in your Qrimp app.

Go to Develop > Manage Tables. Find your table in the list. Add the bottom of the page you will see a section called "Add a Column". Enter a name for your field in the table and a [datatype] and click "Save" or "Add Column".

<img class="border" src="/attachments/e11af951-c4aa-4655-9407-2d768f6e1ade/AddColumn1.png">

Configure [Column Level Security] for your table.
Building Your System
deleteedit230Adding Modules[Modules] are sets of [database table]s that add functionality instantly.

To add a module go to Develop > Add Module

Your module is added instantly. You may see new menus across the top that allow you to access the new tables. Sometimes you will not, for example, the "Countries" module simply adds the countries table to your list of tables. You can then use this as a look-up table (see [Look-up Tables]) in your other tables.
deleteedit65Adding Related DataYou can add a link to the footer (#rightcontent) of a table that makes it easy to create a new related item (in a different table). One example of related data is the "add attachments" link that you see in almost every table.

In this example, let's say we wanted to be able to quickly look at Poll Numbers associated with that particular candidate. To do this, we'll add a link in the footer of the table.

<img src="/attachments/f8757fc8-aefe-4a8c-8c31-c27429dec238/AddRelatedData1.png">

Related Data
deleteedit20Adding SkinsTo change the look and feel of the site, go to the Design tab and click on [Skins]. Enter the url to your stylesheet.

<img src="attachments/6c9fb3b8-6046-4d32-a767-ad3478d2a4f5/Skins.jpg">

To customize all of the elements that we use on our site, download the <a href='styles/twocolflexbannerbrochure.css'>default stylesheet </a> and edit the properties you would like to change.

To get your CSS files onto the server, create a project you'll use to manage your style sheets and upload the CSS file as an attachment. Then use the url of the attached file as the URL you paste in the URL box.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
deleteedit5Adding UsersTo add a user, go to Admin > Manage Users. Click the link that says "Add a New User"

<img class="border" width="500px" src="">

Enter the user's information in the form and select a user group for them: <img class="border" width="500px" src="">

Your user will get an email from with login and password information on their account. Make sure they check their spam!

<img class="border" width="500px" src="">

Repeat this for all users. If you have a large number of users <a href="">please contact us</a> for information on bulk user creation.
Managing Users
deleteedit209Advanced DevelopmentThe features in this section will be useful to those with a web development background. Be cautious when implementing these features.
deleteedit1337All query parameters in the list for menuid must be numeric.You may come across this error when re-ordering your menu tabs. You can ignore it, it doesn't seem to have any effect.Error Messages
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing