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deleteedit189Number FormatsYou can format numbers using square brackets like this:


If you'd like to format 123456 like 123,456 you would use the following code:



Some formats you can use include those listed at the Microsoft Developer Network: <a href=""></a>
Square Brackets
deleteedit22OperationsOperations allow system users to perform actions upon data in your application. Operations are analogous to stored procedures. The five types of operations that users can perform on a database are Create, Read, Update, Delete and Admin.

* Create - Users can create entries in the table.

* Read - Users can view items in the table.

* Update - Users can update existing records.

* Delete - Users can delete information from the table.

* Admin - Full Permission. Users can add and remove fields from the table, rename columns, and rename the table. Admin rights also allow them to control security on the table.

Qrimp has additional default operations such as add notifications, gettree, etc.

To view the operations in your system go to Admin > Operations (<img class="noborder" align="absmiddle" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kfouleggs.png">). Access to the Operations table is restricted to Administrators by default.

To allow your users to perform operations, you must first make sure they have the security privileges to do so. You can control operation privileges using [Table Security].

You can also write your own operations to set up specific functionality based on particular tables, etc. Qrimp has a generic operation statement writing language that should be fairly intuitive to advanced database administrators. Learn more about [Writing Operations] and [Using Operations in urls].
Advanced Development
deleteedit132Page LayoutsPage Layouts tell Qrimp how to display data. Page layouts come in two varieties: Grid and Repeater

Grid templates are similar to a spreadsheet or HTML table layout and are generally useful to show a lot of data in tables. In this display type, the cell template field applies to each row/column combination.

Most all other templates will be the repeater type. In this display type, each record in the table is considered a cell. You can include values from each field in the row by using [square brackets] notation.
Creating your own views
deleteedit158Paying with PayPalPaying for your Qrimp hosted application is easy. We use PayPal. If you have used PayPal before, it should be fairly straightforward. We've outlined the process below.

From the Qrimp <a href="">sign-up page</a>, click the "Sign up" Button.

On the next screen, select the plan you would like and click the "Pay Now" button.

Sign in to your PayPal account or select "Pay with Credit Card" if you do not have one.

deleteedit1311PayPal Order IPN ModuleHelp Topic coming soon.Modules
deleteedit41PicklistsSee [Look-up Tables].Definitions
deleteedit255Portal SubscriptionsOne way to add [Portals] to your [Dashboard] is to subscribe to them.

Hover over the Dashboard menu tab, then click the sub-menu for 'Portal Subscriptions'. (Note: If you cannot see Portal Subscriptions, please contact your site Administrator to get permission to the menu).

<img class="border" src="/attachments/" />

Click the checkboxes next to the portals that are of interest to you, then click save. If your user group does not have permission to see that area of the site, the portal window will be blank, and you should delete it.
deleteedit181PortalsPortals are windows to your data that appear in boxes on your [dashboard]. Your Dashboard is a collection of portal boxes. Each user must add or subscribe to their own set of portals. A user can either add a portal from the [grid view] or subscribe to a portal.

<img class="border" width="500" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Adding a Portal from Grid View</h2>
To add a portal from the [grid view]:

Go to the table you want to get data from > go to the bottom of the grid view > click the link that says "Share".
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
A box will appear with a button that says "Add to Dashboard". Click the Add to Dashboard button.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Enter a name for your dashboard.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Another link will appear that lets you view your dashboard
<img class="border" width="500" src="">
Your portal window has been added.
<img class="border" width="500" src="">

<h2>Moving Portals</h2>
To move a portal, go to the top right corner of the square. Hover over the icon that looks like two windows <img class="move" src="/c6401/559.png" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16">". It will turn to a multi-directional arrow <img class="move" src="attachments/" align="absmiddle" height="16" width="16">. Click and drag the arrow to move the portal to a spot before another portal square. The square you are moving it in front of will turn green.

<h2>Resizing Portals</h2>
To resize a portal, click the magnifying glass icon in the top right <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/viewmag.png" />. You can change it to be large, small or medium.

<h2>Customize Portal Background Colors</h2>
To choose a new background color for a portal, click the palette icon in the top right <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/colors.png" />. Different colors can help you quickly find data that looks the same.

<h2>Advanced: Manually Editing Portals</h2>
To edit a portal, click on the edit icon in the top right corner of the square <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png" />. This will take you to the edit view of that portal in the Portals table. Note: You can see all of the records in the portals table by going to Design > Portals.

Name: The Name of your portal window. Use a name that describes which data will appear in the portal and how it will appear. For example "Logins by Date", "Unpaid Bills" or "Red Shoes - Thumbnail images". The name you choose will appear in the header of the portal.

Description: Describe your portal to help you remember what it's about.

Template: Copy and paste a [ShareData] script. The ShareData script is much like an embed tag. It links to your data, storing the table id, the sort on your data, search information, hiddencolumns and whatever else you tell it to. Advanced: add styles to your portals by using inline styles in the template field.

Link: The Portal Link specifies where the user will go if they click on the portal header.

<h2>Deleting Portals</h2>
To delete a portal from your home page, click the red X in the top left hand corner. You will be unsubscribed. To resubscribe, simply go to Home and find the link in the top left of the page that says "Add Portal".
deleteedit138Qrimp ServerTo install and use Qrimp on your server behind your firewall, you will need to download and install the Qrimp Server binaries. Qrimp Server works on Microsoft Server with SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008 as a database.

Please contact us for more information about Qrimp Server Licensing.
Working Offline, Backing Up, Getting Data out
deleteedit128Query String ParametersUse the following [query strings] options to query your data and drill down into particular records and even columns.

Use these query strings with Qrimp's [JavaScript API] and [Square Brackets] to build custom behaviors for your websites and [share data] on other websites.

<h2>Selecting the Data to Display</h2>
The most important query string parameter is <b>t</b>, which specifies the table from which to pull data. Since it's the most important, you'll probably use it with the ? like this:
?t=1005 or ?t=HelpTopics

For example, to display Help Topics in a Grid View, you would use this url:
<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>db</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

You could display the HelpTopics on the [Calendar View] like this:
<a href="calendar.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>calendar</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

Or in a [Tree View] like this:
<a href="treeview.aspx?t=HelpTopics"><b>treeview</b>.aspx?t=HelpTopics</a>

You can use either the ID of the Table or the TableName. You can get a list of tables from the Develop > My Tables menu.

<h4>Formatting the Data</h4>Another useful parameter is the vid parameter which specifies which layout format to use from the [Views] Table. With views, like with tables, we can use either the ID or the name of the view, like so:
&vid=1 Uses the Grid view.

Combine the t and vid parameters like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=1>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>vid=1</b></a> <-- Click it and see. View 1 is the default view, so usually you will not need to specify &vid=1, unless a default view has been specified in the [Table Settings].

As another example, let's look at the Help Topics as a list of links:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=14>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>vid=14</b></a>

<h2>Sorting your data</h2>

To order the results by a column, simply add &orderby= to the end and specify the column number to order by. Adding multiple orderby parameters, or values separated by commas will reverse the order. For example &orderby=5 will sort the fifth column ascending and &orderby=5,5 will sort the fifth column in descending order. The sorted column in a grid view will be highlighted. A quick way to sort your data by most recently created items first would be to order by the ID field descending like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&orderby=1,1>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>orderby=1,1</b></a>

<h2>Filtering your data</h2>

You can filter your data many ways using the query string. If you would like to limit records to a particular value within a column add &columnname=value where columnname is the name of the column and value is the value for the filter. For example, to display a particular record you can reference that record by the ID.

Look in the location bar now and you will see:
<a href=/db.aspx&gotopage=8&orderby=2&t=HelpTopics&vid=1>/db.aspx&gotopage=8&orderby=2&t=HelpTopics&vid=1</a> Which means, show the item from the HelpTopics table using view number 1 and for the Help Topic with id equals 128.

If you would like to be more specific about your query, you can use query operators and query values like so

For example, to show only Help Topics that contain the word Parameters in the name, you could use a query string like this:
<a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&nameop=contains&namequery=Parameters>db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>nameop=contains&namequery=Parameters</b></a>

To show all help topics with created since May 1, 2008, you'd use this url: <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&createdateop=>&createdatequery=5/1/2008">db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&<b>createdateop=>&createdatequery=5/1/2008</b></a>
<b>contains</b> : Find items that contain the query value, same as contains
<b>like</b> : Find items that are like the value, same as contains
<b>not like</b> : Find items that do not contain the query value
<b>startswith</b> : Find Items that start with the query value
<b>=</b> : Find items equal to the query value
<b><></b> : Find items not equal to the query value
<b>>=</b> : Find items greater than or equal to the query value
<b>></b> : Find Items greater than the query value
<b><</b> : Find items less than the query value
<b><=</b> : Find items less than or query equal
<b>in</b> : Specify a list of items. Example: &idop=in&idquery=1,2,3
<b>&pagesize=</b> Determines how many records are shown. Do you want <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&pagesize=20">20 Help Topic Links</a> or <a href=db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&pagesize=50>50 Help Topic Links</a> By Default, the page size is pulled from the [Table Settings]
<b>&hidecolumns=</b> Determines which column names should be hidden <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&hidecolumns=description">Help Topics without the description field</a>
<b>&selectcolumns=</b> Determines which column names should be pulled from the database. <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&selectcolumns=id,name,createdate">Show Id, Name and CreateDate</a>
<b>&noheader=true&nofooter=true</b> Hides the page header and footer <a href=db.aspx?t=helptopics&noheader=true&nofooter=true>Help Topics sans Header/Footer</a> These will be useful when using the [Share Data] feature when you want to include data, but not the menus and content in the right rail. We call it the footer because it appears at the bottom of the HTML source, even though it is rendered on the right hand side of the page. You can use [Skins] to change this behavior.
<b>_fieldvalue=fieldname</b> This parameter used in conjunction with the id= parameter will show only the contents of the specified column. For example, to show <i>only</i> the description for this Help Topic, use the following url:
<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=128&_fieldvalue=description">db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=128&_fieldvalue=description</a>
<b>&qid=</b> Allows you to specify one of your custom [Ad Hoc Queries] to filter the records or build complex joins among tables.
Query Strings
deleteedit260Query StringsA query string is part of a <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a>. The query string is one of Qrimp's most powerful customization tools. We encourage you to take some time to experiment with query strings.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">The query string that pulls back the current record from the help topics table</span>

In general, a query string will allow you to specify the source of your data (the table) and select which data from that table to display. You can also use a query string to format and filter your data. You can even limit which data within a particular record you would like to display.

A query string contains [query string parameters] that identify which data to pull back and how to display it.

The rules of <a href="" title="Read more about Query Strings at Wikipedia">Internet URL Query String Syntax</a> specify that the first parameter after the .aspx should be a ?. All subsequent parameters should be prefixed with an &.
deleteedit1292Radio ButtonA radio button is an interface input to a [datatype] that has two options. It shows up as two small circles. When one option is selected, a dot appears in the selected circle.

<label class="datalabel move" for="Canceled">Canceled:</label>
<span class="radiobtn" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input name="Canceled" tabindex="8" id="CanceledN" type="radio" value="N"><label for="CanceledN">No </label></span><span class="radiobtn" style="white-space: nowrap;"><input name="Canceled" tabindex="7" id="CanceledY" type="radio" value="Y"><label for="CanceledY">Yes </label></span>

You can enter radios into [field templates] using [square brackets].

deleteedit58Related DataWhen you create one-to-many relationships between your tables, links to the related tables will appear by default on the right hand side of the page. If those related tables contain data, you will see the data rows listed.

<strong>Adding More Related Data</strong>
You may also see the option to add related data. For example, if I am in sub-project 2 and I wish to add another sub-project section, I click the "+ add..." and it takes me to a new sub-project, already configured to be related to sub-project 2.

<img class="border" src="attachments/0bd253ce-f5ff-4a48-b947-709b240c8ec6/RelatedDataHelp1.JPG" />

If you have enabled [Attachments] to your table, you will see a list of attachments with the related data.

Read more about [Adding Attachments].

Read more about [Headers and Footers].
Above and beside your data
deleteedit231Remember MeRemember me is a checkbox you can click when you log in. It tells Qrimp to remember you the next time you access your app from that browser on that computer. By default you will only be remembered on the last browser and device you logged in from. If you click remember me on your laptop and then access the site from your mobile, you won't be remembered when your return to your laptop. If you clicked the remember me check box on a computer or device and then access the site from that same device, you will be remembered, but only on that one device.

<h2>Remember me on Multiple Computers</h2>

If you use your Qrimp app from multiple browsers or devices such as a work computer, your own laptop and your mobile device, and do not want to re-enter your log in information every time, you may wish to install the "Remember me on multiple computers" module. Please do not install if security is a concern. See [Adding Modules]. If you add this module, then Qrimp will remember you across multiple devices and computers.

Being remembered across multiple devices introduces increased possibilities for unauthorized access. If someone logs on at your home while you are at work, then they may be able to see things you don't want them to. If you don't add this module once you log in on a new device, someone using another device will have to log in again. If you add the module though, you could be logged in at home and at work at the same time -- and one of those could be someone else.

<h2>Prevent Session Timeouts</h2>
One great benefit of "Remember Me" is that your session won't be timed out. Without remember me, you are logged out after 20 minutes of inactivity. If you were typing one message for that long the message could be lost when you're asked to log in again. Clicking the remember me check box will ensure you're logged in automatically again when you click the send button and whatever you've been typing won't be lost. <em>Note: Most newer browsers will remember what you have typed into a text area.

<h2>In-App logins: The Admin Screen</h2>

Qrimp has additional password protection for areas of the site that are behind the admin screen. The admin screen is a barrier that requires additional login before granting access to certain sensitive or important features of your app. In order to protect your app in the case that you are logged in and someone else accesses your account (ie: from your computer when you aren't at your desk). Even if you're logged in via a remembered session, you will have to log in again for further access. For example, if you want to create a user, even if you've accessed the site via a remembered session, we'll ask you to log in again.

This will prevent those who shouldn't be accessing your Qrimp app from having too much access. Some areas behind the admin screen are users, table management, portals, modules, queries, and operations.
Logging in
deleteedit64Rename TableTo rename a table, navigate to your table, then go to Develop > Manage Tables > Find your Table in the list.

Below the name field, there is a link "rename table". Click on it. Choose a new name for your table and click save.

<span class="error">Caution: Default sub-menus will be renamed to the name of the new table</span>

Rarely, but sometimes, renaming tables can be problematic if you have other tables or data in your application that refers to the table you want to rename.
Table Settings
deleteedit213Reordering columnsTo reorder the columns in a table, go to the [grid edit] view of the table. Click and hold the column header of the column you wish to rearrange. A multi-directional arrow icon will appear and a red line will show to the left side of the column you are moving. Hold and drag the column to its new position. All views will be updated to reflect your new column order.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
Grid View
deleteedit57ReportsClick the reports icon <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/mimetypes/spreadsheet_document.png" alt="Reports"/></a> to view reports.

You can also filter the reports by clicking the <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/filefind.png" alt="Search"/> on the Reports page.
Data Analysis
deleteedit73Reserved WordsThe following is a list of special words that are used in the code and cannot be used as the name of a table or column.
<ul><span id=reservedwords></span></ul>
deleteedit186Retrieving id for new elementsIf you use JavaScript to create a new item, you may want to retrieve the ID of the element just created. To do this, use the _returnresult=true option in the querystring.

For example, submitting a querystring like the following will create a new item in the Person table with a name of Linda.

var id = getUrlString('db.aspx?t=person&name=linda&o=5&_returnresult=true');

You can now use the value in ID to add information to other tables that is related to the person Linda. Like this:

var taskid = getUrlString('db.aspx?t=tasks&name=Register+for+intranet&person=' + id + '&o=5&_returnresult=true');

Javascript and JQuery in Qrimp
deleteedit115SearchAt Qrimp, we know that sometimes the easiest way to find something is with a search.

We have three default ways to search your app:

[Site Search]
[Date Search]
[Table Search]

Advanced users can also add a search form to the top of any Table see [Table Search Box]
deleteedit3SecurityQrimp gives you many ways to control security and restrict who can see, access and change your data.

By default, the account administrator is the only one who will be able to change security settings. You can change this by giving permission to other [user groups] to perform update [operations] on the [Table Security] table. You can give them permission to see the table by editing your [Menus].

Administrators have automatic rights to:
<li>[Adding Users]</li><li>[User Groups]</li><li>[Assigning Users to Groups]</li><li>Change [Table Security]</li></ul>
deleteedit1295Separate name and address fields (From WebOffice)If you are coming to Qrimp from WebOffice, this applies to you.

If you used the "name" or "address" datatypes when you built your WebOffice, the WebOffice back-up tool concatenates your separate name and address fields into one field. For example, if you had FirstName, MiddleName, LastName they would all be merged into one Name field.

If you want to re-separate the fields, follow the steps below. Note that there are two ways to pull the data into your app.

<h2>Step 1 for both options: Create Separate Fields</h2>

In your Qrimp app, <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=19&vid=11">Add columns</a> for FirstName, MiddleName, LastName or Address1, Address2, City, State, ZIP, to the affected database table.

You now have to choices about how to get the separated data into those fields:

<h2>Option 1: Fast Qrimp Update Statement and Manual Review of Fields</h2>
Let your Qrimp rep know when you have separated your fields. A Qrimp support person will run a big update statement that will update all your records with the broken out data at no additional charge. You will need to review the data that is created, as it may have some problems which will need to be fixed manually. This option requires less work but doesn't give perfect results. Some of your data may not split properly depending on punctuation, spelling and symbols in the fields.

<h2>Option 2: WebOffice Custom View and Thorough Qrimp Update Statement</h2>
Create a custom view in your WebOffice that breaks the Name/Address fields out, then a Qrimp rep updates your app. Qrimp charges at our [Hourly Rate] for this service. Each table will take about 2 hours. This is more thorough than Option 1. It requires more work on your part, but gives the best results possible. This solution can be problematic if WebOffice does not provide a UniqueID field. A UniqueID field is only provided in some cases.

<h3>Steps to Complete Option 2</h3>
Go to your WebOffice. Create a custom view that breaks the NAME and ADDRESS fields out into individual columns for each portion of the name and address. <strong>This view must include the UniqueID of the record in the view</strong>.

Export your data to a .csv file, then <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=62&vid=11">import it</a> into your Qrimp app as a new table. Name the new table "ClientMap".

Let your Qrimp rep know when you are finished with this and they will run an update query that updates all the records with what WebOffice exports in that custom view.

Note: If WebOffice doesn't provide the UniqueID, then we have to find some other field(s) to use as a unique identifier to update the records and that's not always possible depending on the data.
Configuring Imported Tables
deleteedit130Share DataShare data lets you add data to your [dashboard], copy data into other records in your app, other Qrimp app, and even other websites.

<h2>Adding an item to your dashboard</h2>
See [Portals].

<h2>Sharing data</h2>

There are two ways to get to the share data interface: the link below the [grid view]...
<img class="border" src="/attachments/8991a71b-cb52-4121-8511-b678f0ca813a/ShareDataLink.png" />

...and the Open Share icon in the [Content Header]</h2>
<img src="">

When you click the link or the icon, you will see the following popup:

<img class="border" src="">

You will see two boxes with HTML. The HTML on the left is for sharing within your app. The HTML on the left is for sharing on the web.

<h2>Copy and Paste HTML</h2>
Copy and paste a snippet of [HTML] code. You do not have to understand HTML to do this, but please go slowly and be sure to select and copy ALL of the text in the box!

You can paste this in a [portal], a [field template] a description box, or any other [text area] in your app. Experiment! If something doesn't work, you can delete it.

This snippet of HTML code pulls in the data and the view (see: [Views]) and determines whether you are sharing an individual item or the whole table.

<h2>Sharing data internally</h2>
To share data within your Qrimp App, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the first share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field in any table. The table you have selected will magically pop into that area. The text field must be pasted into a table that is in the same app as the HTML.

<h2>Sharing data externally</h2>
To embed your data into a separate Qrimp application or display it on another domain, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the second share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field on one of your other Qrimp apps or on any website that allows you to embed HTML and/or scripts.

If [Anonymous Access] is not allowed for your data and you share the code in a publicly viewable area of your app, the data will not be visible (see: [Table Security]).

<h2>Custom HTML Templates for Shared Data</h2>
You can build your own HTML template to format the shared data so that it will appear in your host page exactly the way you want it. Use [square brackets] to insert particular data items into the HTML template.

<h2>Advanced: Sharing data to a local file</h2>
You can paste the code for your shared data into any file that you can view with your web browser (save as .html). The first time you are opening a local file that contains a script to pull in shared data, you will need to be online to access the data (does not apply to [Qrimp Server] users). If your data is not visible to 'Anonymous' users (see: [Table Security]), you will have to log in.

Once you have viewed the data, you can save the HTML to the file before closing for offline viewing.

<h2>Shared Data Display Options</h2>
Use [Query String Parameters] to sort and limit which data is displayed.

Use HTML and <a href="">inline css</a> to style your shared data.

<h2>Images in Shared Data</h2>
To ensure that the images and links referenced in your shared data area appear properly wherever you share them, use absolute urls rather than relative urls to reference them within your original table.

<h2>Who can share data?</h2>
The share data link is not visible to all users by default. To allow a group to share data, you must allow [User Groups] to view the export options.

<h2>Open Share Icon</h2>
To simplify the process of sharing data, you can add a module called Open Share Icon available under Admin > Add Module. This module will add an icon to your headers next to the search icon that will open a lightbox with the same content as clicking the share button below the grid view. The Share Icon will be visible on more pages and easier to access than the share link.

<a href=""><img src=/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/openshare.png align=absmiddle> Read more about the Open Share Icon</a>

Learn about other [Export Options].
Communicate and Share
deleteedit66Showing and Hiding Columns with the Query String<h2><em>Advanced</em></h2>
You can edit a <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a> (link) to either show or hide columns in a table.

You can use the hide or select parameters to edit the url in your location bar and change the data that is displayed when you re-load your page.

You can also paste links to modified [query strings] into <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=10&vid=11">Menus</a>, the [Content Header], [Field Templates] and <a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=176&vid=11">Views</a>.

Hidecolumns hides the columns you specify. If you are looking at a table and it is too long, and you don't want to add [custom views (sorting and filtering)], you can quickly edit the url to hide a few of these columns, but every time you refresh the page, you will have to re-hide them.

To hide a columns edit the url as follows:

If you want to save this link as a menu tab, copy it from your location bar and type it into the linktemplate field of your menu tab (See [edit a menu tab]).

<em>Note: Hidecolumns retrieves all of the columns from the database and pulls them into your browser, then hides them from view. For this reason, hidecolumns uses more bandwidth than selectcolumns.</em>

You can retrieve and display only the particular columns you select using "selectcolumns" in your query string (url). A selectcolumns query is written as follows:

Because showing columns only pulls back the selected columns, it uses less bandwidth than hiding columns.
Query Strings
deleteedit214Site FooterThe site footer is used mainly if you have build an external website with Qrimp. Information in the footer will generally appear on all pages on the site. Web developers typically put information in the footer that is less important, such as copyright date, site developer, terms of service, contact links, etc.

<h3>Editing the Site Footer</h3>
Go to Design > Skins. In the area under "Change Site Header and Footer" marked "Footer" enter your HTML content and click save. Be cautious, as any changes you may have entered in the skin above will be lost when you save the site header/footer.

<h3>Replicating Look and Feel with Site Header/Footer</h3>
One of the fastest ways give a Qrimp app the same 'look and feel' as an existing site that you wish to migrate to Qrimp, is to copy the content from the footer near the bottom of the originating page.

To do this, copy the HTML and CSS from the originating page. If you have header content, do the same, but copy and paste it into the Header text box. You will surely have to make a few tweaks to width etc, and pull in any images, but this should start you off on the right foot.
Changing the Look and Feel of Your App
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