Tree View
List View
Alphabetical List


Attachment Viewers

Use attachment viewers to control how attachments are displayed (with img tags or embeds). We have included default displays for several common types of attachments:

To change how an attachment type displays, go to Admin > Attachment Viewers. Edit the itemtemplate field you want to change. For example, if the attachment file is an mp4 file, embed a Quicktime plugin in the itemtemplate to make the file play in Quicktime.




Tree View

This is tree view:

Use Tree View if your information has sub-categories and you want to see a drop-down folder "explorer-style" view of it.

Adding a Table with Tree View

You can only add tree view at the moment you are creating table. To enable tree view, simply click the tree view checkbox at the bottom of the create table page.

Navigating to your Tree View

Look for the following icon in your table header: Tree View

Adding the tree view icon

Use the following url to add the tree view icon: src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/





Versioning shows you a history of all changes made to a record in your database. This is great for SOX compliance (Sarbanes Oxley).

Enable Versioning

You can only enable versioning when you Create Tables or Import Data. To enable, check the checkbox beside Versioning.

To see your version history for an item, go to the item and click on the icon in the Content Header. You will see a side-by-side comparison of the new version and the version that was saved previously. Choose older versions from the drop-down list containing version edit dates and times.

Versioning may not be available for some items.




Introduction to Tables


Tables are the core of a Qrimp database application. All of your data is stored in tables. Once you have created tables, you can enter data, delete tables and rows, add columns, view Reports, choose different data views and more.

A table in your Qrimp application is composed of many records (also known as fields or items) stored in columns. Each field will contain data about a particular item in a table. For example, if I create a table for TeddyBears the fields might be Name, FurColor, PurchaseDate, etc.

Each field has an id number, which helps you track that item. The first bear I enter into the TeddyBear table will have an id of 1.

You can see the tables in your application by going to Develop > Manage Tables. You can change the way the data in a table is displayed with Views, and change the way it is navigated to using Navigation options.

See also Definitions: database table.




Brief Intro to Data Modeling


What is a data model?

A data model is an organized overview of the data you need to keep track of, like a blueprint for your application. When you create a data model, you decide which "things" you want to store information about, and which information about those things is important.

Why model data?

Mapping out a data model before you start building your database will help you build a more efficient system. Data modeling is not required to build a Qrimp app.


Let's say I have a grocery store. When I think about my information, I decide that I want to track the following "things":

- Employees
- Stock
- Suppliers

Information in a database is stored in tables. So in my database application, I will have three tables: Employees, Stock, and Suppliers. In each table, I enter further details about the things you want to keep track of.

In the grocery store example, I would create a table for each of these "things". I would also want to track certain information about each item, so I would add several columns in each table. For example, I would want to track my employees names and hire dates, so I'd add columns for those.

In a database, it's best to break down column names into the most detail possible. Rather than tracking "EmployeeName: Jane Doe" it's best to track "FirstName: Jane" and "LastName: Doe".

In other words...
What you have to do is think of the tables you'd like to create and decide which information you want to store. The tables will be the things we want to keep information about (ie: Books), and the columns will be specifics about that thing (ie: Author). Remember - Qrimp allows for Adding Columns if you think of something else you want to track later.

You create a table by navigating to Develop > Create Tables.

Once you have a basic set of data tables, you can manage your application by Adding Columns to existing tables and by creating more tables. You can also Import Data if you already have your information in spreadsheets or .csv files. Most applications, including Quickbooks, MS Outlook, banking websites and more allow for .csv export of data.

Here are some good links to help you get started with the concept of data modeling:

Table (database)
Relational Database
Data modeling (wiki)
Database normalization
Database normalization discussion.





Auditing keeps track of who created an entry into the table and when. Adding auditing to your tables will allow you to use the date search feature to find all items created on a particular date.

You can also use auditing to quickly find all the items created by a particular user or setup security so that users can only see the items they have created.

Please note the warning. To have the functionality to sync with your laptop you must select Auditing and Versioning.










A datatype is a type of data. Some data types include currency, decimals, text, date/time, yes/no and look-up tables. Choosing a datatype allows you increase data accuracy by restricting which kind of information users can enter when they are creating new records.

Data Accuracy

Choose a datatype that accurately describes which type of data a field will contain will make your application more efficient and less error-prone. It will also make any reports and charts you generate more precise. Think carefully about which datatype is most appropriate for your field. If you create a field called HireDate in your Employees table, choose the datatype date/time, users will only be able to enter properly formatted dates. If you chose a less specific datatype, such as Multi-line text, employees could enter the entire story of how they were hired in the HireDate field.




Grid View

The "grid view" or "list view" is a view of a database table formatted as a table. By default, a grid view shows you all of the rows and columns in a table. It is represented with this icon List View.

You can usually get to the grid view by going to the menu tab and clicking the "grid view" sub-menu tab.

By default, most views of your data have a link to the grid view in the Content Header above your data.

Click the id link or double click a row to view the record. Click the edit icon to edit.

Deleting and editing rows in grid view:

Next to the id field in most tables you will see two icons, a delete icon delete icon and an edit icon edit icon.

Clicking the delete icon allows you to delete the row from the data table (it warns you if you want to delete first).

Clicking the edit icon allows you to change data in that row.

To add additional icons to your id columns, use Field Templates.




Add a Record

You can add records to a database table from anywhere you see the "Add New" icon (a piece of paper with a green plus sign).

Adding a New Record

Navigate to the grid view of the table you want to update and add a row to that table by clicking the add new icon in the Content Header. All records added to your tables are given AutomaticIDs.




Square Brackets

In Qrimp, you can use Square Brackets "[]" to create links. This is similar to functionality available in Wikipedia and WordPress. Square brackets can also be used to insert server variables and session values, display a field as a select box or radio button and more.

Creating Links with Square Brackets

The data in these Help Files is stored in a table called Help Topics. The current record has the Name "Square Brackets". To create a link to the Help Topics table type in [Help Topics]. To link directly to the Square Brackets record type in [Square Brackets]. You can also link to a record in a table with square brackets by using the name of the table followed by a colon and the record id, like this: [HelpTopics:48].

Limitations of Square Brackets for Linking

If there are multiple records in your database with the same name or if the Name field is edited, your square brackets link will not work.

Links to Default Items

You can use square brackets in the HTML for links to make links more flexible and generic (see also [query string urls]). Normally when writing the HTML for a url, you would write &t=customers, but if you write &t=[t] the link will go to the 'current' table or 'default' record. Links with square brackets are most commonly used in [Menus], the [Content Header], [Views] and [Field Templates]. For example, imagine this link: is in the Content Header of my customers table. When I click the link, I will go to the create view (view 8) of the customers table. Square brackets pull in the closest item. [t] will pull in the current table. [id] will pull in the current id.

Square Brackets to pull in DATA

Use [DATA] between the a tags to pull in the data from the linked record.

Square Bracket Select Lists

When displaying a form with a column or field that is a pick-from (drop-down), Qrimp displays a select box in HTML so the user can choose from the list. Behind this is a template. The template looks like this:

and produces this:


You can show a "friendly name" for items in the detail view, rather than the id number of the field. (See also [AutomaticIDs]

For example if you have an address table with a foreign key to the states table, when displaying the address, you'd like the state name to be displayed instead of the unique id for the state. To do this, you'd use something like the following:

[states:[id]] where [id] is the ID of the element to be displayed from the states table.

If this item is being displayed in the grid view, you can dynamically insert the Foreign key ID value into the square brackets like this:

[states:[DATA]] uses the data in the database for this cell to grab the state name. By default, Qrimp will display this notation in the web page with a link back to the detail page for the table and item specified by [DATA]. To show only the data without the link back to the item, use [states:[DATA]:nolink].

[t_users:[DATA]] Will pull back a list of users and show the current user.

Square Brackets and Server Variables

Here's a full list of server variables. You can also read more about Working with Server Variables.




Drag and Drop

To use the drag-and-drop calendar, go to the calendar view of a table.

Now when you put your mouse over the mini calendar icon in front of the task name, the cursor will change to the move pointer, on Windows machines, it's usually a cross with arrows. On Macs, it's a little hand.

Click and hold this icon to drag the task to another day on the calendar. The due date for the task will automatically update to the day you dragged the task to.




Design View

Design view or the Form Designer lets you re-arrange the location of the fields on the screen. Design view is used exclusively for the Detail View and Edit View

To design a view for a table, go to the table and view you want to change, then go to Design > Form Designer. Your page will reload with a dotted background. Click and hold the the field you want to move until a multi-directional arrow appears, then drag and drop it in its new location.

You can also move the "Save/Copy/Cancel" buttons that appear at the bottom of a page.




Calendar View

All tables with a date field (Date/Time datatype) will be viewable on a Calendar. When the Calendar view is available, the calendar icon appears near the top of the page in the Content Header. A link to the calendar view also appears by default in sub-menu tabs.

The Calendar View opens for the current month. You can select other months and years from the drop-downs at the top of the page. You can also go to a day view.

Tables with CreateDate and Other Date Fields

If you choose the Auditing option when creating your table, your table will be given a "createdate" field, which means that when you click on the Calendar View icon, you will see a calendar of when items were created.

If there is more than one Date field in a table, the Calendar will show items with the FIRST date column by default. Once you are in the Calendar, you will be able to choose to show the calendar with items from another date field using a drop-down box.

For example, if I have a Projects table with two date fields "Start Date" and "End Date", when I first open the table in Calendar view, I will see items that Start on days in the month I am in. If I want to see when items end, I can choose "End Date" from the "View By" drop-down box at the top left of the view.

Changing Due Dates with Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop an item on the Calendar and the selected date field will update the item to the new date.





Click the reports icon Reports to view reports.

You can also filter the reports by clicking the Search on the Reports page.




Related Data

When you create one-to-many relationships between your tables, links to the related tables will appear by default on the right hand side of the page. If those related tables contain data, you will see the data rows listed.

Adding More Related Data
You may also see the option to add related data. For example, if I am in sub-project 2 and I wish to add another sub-project section, I click the "+ add..." and it takes me to a new sub-project, already configured to be related to sub-project 2.

If you have enabled Attachments to your table, you will see a list of attachments with the related data.

Read more about Adding Attachments.

Read more about Headers and Footers.




Enabling the Attachments Sidebar

To keep the size of your Qrimp application small, the attachments sidebar is not automatically visible on every table. If you would like to see attachments on the right in the detail view of each record, the table must be created with 'Attachments' enabled. If you do not see the attachments box to the right of your item, this option may not have been turned on. You can add it by following the instructions below.

Creating Tables with Attachments Sidebar Enabled

When you add a table, click the checkbox beside "Enable Attachmentsā€¯ in the Advanced options. (See Add a Table).

Enable Attachments Checkbox

Enabling Attachments Sidebar for Existing Tables

If you created a table without the attachments sidebar capability (see above), you will have to add some code that will turn this feature on for a table.

First, go to the table you want to add the sidebar to. Then go to Develop > Header/Footer (see Headers and Footers). Copy and paste the following HTML into the footer section:

Note: be sure to change the id number (tableid=1006 and t=1006) of the table to the id of your table. (See automaticids




Table Best Practices


Naming a Table

When you are creating a table, the table name should be the thing you want to keep track of, ie: "Customers", "Projects" or "TeddyBears". The name you choose should not have spaces and cannot be from the list of Reserved Words.

Creating Fields

Fields are also known are records and are sometimes referred to as columns.

A Field name for the data we want to collect about our "thing" is the type of data we want to keep track of. For example, we may wish to store our TeddyBears Names, so we enter "Name" in the first field. Other fields we may want to keep track of would be FurColor, DateAcquired, Height, etc. The name you choose should not have spaces and cannot be from the list of Reserved Words.

Selecting Field Data Types

Next we have to decide which type of data "BearName" is (see datatype). We choose which type of data this will be from the datatype drop-down list. If the datatype is a number, a date/time, or text, we choose from the first part of the drop-down list. BearName would be plain text, so we choose "Single-line text - 50 characters". We limit the length of the field to 50 spaces, because we don't want people to enter a lot of text in this field.

Creating from a Look-up Table

If we already have a table called 'FurColor' that lists colors of fur, we could choose furcolor from a drop-down/pick from/look-up table when we were choosing the datatype for the FurColor field. This would enable users entering data in the FurColor field to choose from a drop-down list of fur colors. You can choose these when the data entry options for a field already exist in a separate table. This will link the fields to other tables in your database. See Look-up Tables




Import Data

If you have your data in excel spreadsheets, .csv files or tab delimited format, you can use the Data Import feature. This is a fast way of getting a large amount of data into your Qrimp database. Import data is also the best way to create drop-downs.

To import data, simply copy/paste a spreadsheet or .csv file into a text box and Qrimp will create your table(s) for you. You can also type data into the text box.

To use the data import feature, go to Develop > Import Data. If you do not see an import data link, go to Develop > Create Tables, then click the Import Wizard link near the top of the page.

To make sure your table is created properly, use "clean" data and prepare it in a spreadsheet or text editor as follows:

Put the name of the column in the top row and all of the data to be in that column in the column below it.

The following data is in the correct format for import:

FirstName Position Salary
John Cashier $30,000
Christina Cashier $32,000

Note that if you are using a text editor, there should be tabs between each item (where the spaces are above).

When you are ready to import your data, copy and paste it into the text box, or upload a file. Check the box beside "First row contains field names", unless you are using the importer to import data into an existing table.

Some simple data, ready to import.

Choose Advanced Options.

If this is a lookup table, do not enable any advanced options.
Wait for the data to be imported.


You will see your newly imported data.

Now you must:
Give permission to your users to see this table with Table Security. If you are adding this field to an existing table (if it's a lookup table), you will need to configure Column Level Security.

Data Import Tips

  1. Field names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers and _. Spaces will be converted to _.
  2. Data must be in tab-delimited format
  3. If you want the data to be searchable, it needs a description field
  4. Don't edit the data after you paste it, it will look funny because the lines wrap in the box, but it's okay, we'll take care of it. If you edit the data, your data table may not be created correctly.

If you have a name for your sheet, Qrimp will automatically name the data tables it creates with that name.

Multiple Sheet Import
You can import a spreadsheet file with multiple sheets. The data from each sheet will be created as a separate table, and relationships will be implied and constructed from and between your tables automatically.




Entering and Editing Data

To enter data, go to the menu tab for your table, which appears on the top or left of your window. Hover over the tab, click the add icon in the sub-menu.

To edit records from the grid view, click the edit icon next to the row you would like to edit.

To edit items from the detail view click the Edit icon in the Content Header.

Clicking on this icon takes you to the Edit View.


go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 243 records. Showing