Tree View
List View
Alphabetical List



Workflow in a business software application controls how a user navigates the data in an application to complete business processes. It is a series of operations or tasks, done in a particular order.

Using Qrimp you can create custom workflows to control which pages are presented to a user and when.

The three main tools used to set up custom workflows with Qrimp are Views, Headers and Footers and Field Templates.

Pull data into your views, add NextPrevious arrows to your headers and footers, controlling the action on the buttons, and placing instructions and more in your field templates are a few ideas of how you can guide users through data entry processes.




Paying with PayPal

Paying for your Qrimp hosted application is easy. We use PayPal. If you have used PayPal before, it should be fairly straightforward. We've outlined the process below.

From the Qrimp sign-up page, click the "Sign up" Button.

On the next screen, select the plan you would like and click the "Pay Now" button.

Sign in to your PayPal account or select "Pay with Credit Card" if you do not have one.




Cancelling PayPal Subscriptions

The following is from the PayPal website and tells you how to cancel your Qrimp subscription. We added screenshots to make it easier.

A subscription can be canceled up to the day of the next scheduled payment.

1. Log in to your account
2. Click the My Account tab.
3. Click the History subtab.
4. Choose the Subscriptions field from the Show drop-down menu.

5. Check the From box and change the date back to your subscription date.
6. Click Search, and then click Details.

7. Click Cancel Subscription.




Time Zone Awareness

Time Zone Awareness allows you to set your system up so that each user sees the date and time information associated with their data in the correct time zone for their location.

If you are an existing Qrimp user, you will be asked to choose your time zone next time you log in. If not, you will be asked to chose a timezone at your first login.




Date Formats

Sometimes you want to display dates in a particular format that suits the context. Maybe you only want to display the time or the day. You can do this with square brackets notation like so:

Where datevalue is any valid date including square bracket notation references to column names or the current system time [CURRENTDATETIME] and validdateformat is a string built from the components below.


MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt produces [CURRENTDATETIME]

ddd, dd MMM yyy HH:mm:ss GMT zz produces [CURRENTDATETIME] (this is the format for XML)

Here are more options for date formats

d - Short date
%d - Day number
M?d - Month and day number
dd - Day number, two digits
ddd - Abbreviated day name
dddd - Full day name
f - Full (long date, short time)
%f - Fractions of second, one digit
s^f - Seconds and fractions of second, one digit
ff - Fractions of second, two digits
fff - Fractions of second, three digits
ffff - Fractions of second, four digits
g - General
%g - Era (eg. A.D.)
y-g - Year and era (eg. 5-A.D.)
gg - Era (eg. A.D.)
h - Hour (1-12) (Doesn't seem to work)
%h - Hour (1-12)
h-m - Hour and minute
hh - Hour (01-12)
H - Hour (0-23) (Doesn't seem to work)
HH - Hour (00-23)
m - Month name and date
%m - Minute (0-59)
hh_m - Hour and minute (0-59)
mm - Minute (00-59)
M - Month name and date
%M - Month number (1-12)
M d - Month number and day number
MM - Month number (01-12)
MMM - Month abbreviation
MMMM - Month name
s - Standard sortable date/time
%s - Seconds (0-59)
s^ff - Seconds (0-59) and fraction of seconds
ss - Seconds (00-59)
t - Long time
%t - First letter of AM/PM designator
hh t - Hour and first letter of AM/PM designator
tt - AM/PM designator
y - Short date
%y - Year (0-99)
m-y - Month and year
yy - Year (00-99)
yyyy - Year (0000-9999)
z - Doesn't work
%z - Whole hour time zone (-12 to 13)
Zone:z - Zone - and whole hour time zone (-12 to 13)
zz - Whole hour time zone (-12 to 13) with two digits
zzz - Time zone in hours and minutes})




Installing Qrimp on Windows Vista

The following instruction guide works with Windows Vista and Windows 7 Home Edition or better.

Installing Internet Information Services

When installing IIS on Windows Vista Home, be sure to include ASP.NET as in this more detailed installation guide:

Installing SQL Server Express

For Microsoft Vista, you can install either the 2005 or 2008 editions of SQL Server Express.

Tips for installing the SQL Server:
  • Include all the options when selecting what features to install
  • Use "Mixed Mode" for the security model
  • Rember the password created for the sa account because it will be used in the connection string in the web.config (see below).

Once SQL Server is installed, open the management studio. Log in as sa using the password you created. Create a new database called "intranet" with the default settings. The name you provided for the new database will be used in the connection string in the web.config (see below).

Installing Qrimp

You should have received an email with a personalized Qrimp downloadable zipfile with a password designed for only your use. Download that file and unzip the contents as follows.

Note, if you want to run qrimp from http://localhost instead of http://localhost/qrimp then you'll need to copy the contents of the qrimp folder to the wwwroot folder.

File Upload Security Settings

Add modify rights for the following directories:
  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\qrimp\attachments
  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\qrimp\fileicons

to IIS_IUSRS group by right clicking on the folder in Windows explorer, choosing properties, clicking edit button, clicking ok to the permissions prompt, clicking IIS_IUSRS, click the checkbox by Modify in the list below.

Install .NET 3.5

You can download the redistributable from


A reboot here is necessary to let all the components come together. You may also want to use Windows Update to add any service packs that are necessary now.

Configuring IIS and Qrimp

From the Control Panel, under Computer Management > Services and Applications > Internet Information Services

Drill down to ComputerName > Web Sites > Default Web Site > qrimp

Right click choose Convert to Application

Either modify the web.config or the application settings > connectionstring to point to the intranet database created above. If you use notepad, you'll have to run notepad as Administrator to save the file.

Accessing Qrimp Locally

After all this is finished, type this into your browser:

http://localhost/qrimp (if you are using the default qrimp folder) or
http://localhost (if you moved Qrimp to the root url, which we prefer)

Now you will step through a couple install screens. Qrimp will download the latest database configuration files from the Internet, create your database, and register the installation with us. After that you are good to go. You can synchronize with an application online by visiting http://localhost/qrimp/synchronize.aspx or http://localhost/synchronize.aspx and entering the details for another Qrimp application.

Potential Problems

Directory browsing is not allowed
If you get an error that directory browsing is not allowed, then you probably forgot to add ASP.NET to the list of IIS technologies to install. See the first step above.

SQL Server Connection Problems
If you access the url and it redirects you to a page asking you to configure the database settings, but you have already configured them in the web.config, then your SQL Server instance may be configured to accept Windows Authentication only, see:

To enable mixed mode authentication, see this tutorial on the web:

Blank Page Displayed
If you access Qrimp through the browser, but see a blank page, then there may be a problem with some of the security settings for IIS, which needs to write temporary files to the system.

You can test this by creating a test.aspx file in the wwwroot folder and trying to access it via http://localhost/test.aspx If you see an error indicating access is denied to c:\windows\temp or something like that, see this page for help enabling the correct security on that folder:




Automated Backup Process

If you'd like to set up an automated process, here's how to do it.

Issue a form post to your application like this:
txtUsername= {your username}
txtPassword= {your password}

You can also use a get, but then the logs show the query string in some server setups. Better to use a post.

Now, the response will contain a GUID representing the user who just logged in. Next, download a file from the following url using GET:
https://yourqrimpappurl/inserts.aspx?backup=true&download=true&uid={uid from above}

or more securely using FORM Post to:

and then save the result to a local .zip file. By default, the filename will include the Qrimp app URL and the date and time in the file name, but you can save it as whatever filename you like.

Your file will be encrypted and zipped up and locked with a password to prevent tampering. If you ever need to restore your database to one of these points in time, then email Qrimp Support or Open a Trouble Ticket and we will restore your system. Additional fees may be required for certain hosted plans or download accounts.

Enterprise customers can backup their database to Amazon S3 in an automated fashion like this as well. Please contact Qrimp Support for more information about how to do this. We will soon be adding backup to Mosso CloudFS for databases smaller than 5 GB.

Also, remember, this does not copy the attachments, it only backs up the data. If you would like to copy attachments as well, use Synchronizer with automation.




Automating Synchronizer

If you would like to automate the synchronization process to create a redundant fail over system for disaster recovery, you will want to automate your Synchronizer on an hourly or daily interval.

Automating Synchronizer will allow you to create two systems that are identical up to the last synchronize -- including data and file attachments.

Because the synchronize process takes a bit of time itself, remote copies of applications are not identical and should not be considered identical. Using Synchronizer in this way is fine for remote sites that are all copies of a master. In this way, your system can be set up as a Content Delivery Network to serve users in remote locations on Qrimp nodes closer to them. You can also Automate Qrimp Publisher in this way to push static copies of your site to remote servers around the globe.

Imagine a scenario where your data management happens inside a firewall and you publish content to a CDN outside your firewall. You could first deploy your application from inside the firewall to a secure node in the cloud. Remote nodes around the world could be set to automatically synchronize from that remote node, then publish their contents using templates customized to the locale of the visitors hitting those nodes.

If you would like to configure Qrimp to deliver your information in this way, please contact Qrimp Support.




Help Topics

The Qrimp Help Files will teach you what you need to know to build and maintain your Qrimp app.

If there is a topic missing, or something is unclear, please contact us to let us know.






The Qrimp forums are currently closed. If you are interested in a forum venue for discussing your app with other users, please email support to place your vote for re-opening the forum system.
Thank you.





Email support is available for paying customers. We also offer email support to customers during any free trial periods. Email support at qrimp dot com.

For issues that we can't resolve via email, we can set up a Webinar, or even log in to your account remotely, with your permission. Just contact us, we will work with you.





If you have a bug that cannot be resolved, or would like hands on tutoring, please request a webinar using our trouble ticket system, contact Qrimp Support, or fill out our information request form and indicate some days and times that are good for you.

Webinars let us show you our screen while we move the mouse around so you can see how we do things. In a webinar, we can also browse to your web application and give you control of our browser so you can log in. We can then help you from directly within your system and you can see what we are doing right on your screen. A webinar is a great way to learn more about Qrimp and how to perform these tasks yourself later.




Getting More Help

If you were unable to find the information you needed in this help documentation, or if you were unable to use the instructions to accomplish your goals, please email and let us know what you are trying to do or what you had trouble with.

Contextual Help within your Qrimp App

If you click the help link in the top right hand corner of your browser, near the search box for your Qrimp app, you'll be brought to the Help Topics with relevant help topics listed for you about the area where you were when you clicked the link. For example, if your managing users and you need help, click the help link and you'll be taken to the developer help topics with Manage Users right at the top of the list.

If you had clicked the help link while managing a table and you want to know how to use computed columns, you'd be shown the help topic on table management





In every Qrimp app, there are five default operations that users can perform on a database: Create, Read, Update, Delete and Admin. To allow your users to perform these operations, give them the permission to do so using Table Security.

You can create as many levels of access as you like. Add, remove, or adjust the configuration of existing operations to fine tune the capabilities your users have within your Qrimp Application.

Learn more about CRUD by searching the web.





Views are ways of displaying data on the page. Qrimp can display data in a table, a photo gallery, XML, or a large number of other layouts. Views are also used to let you edit data or rearrange it on a page. Advanced developers can also use views as page templates to add new layouts using HTML and Qrimp's square brackets notation. Qrimp also has Custom Views (Sorting and Filtering)

Basic Views

Frequently used views are linked to by default in the Content Header with the following icons:
Calendar View  
Tree View  Tree View
Grid View  Grid View (Also called list view or table view).
Grid Edit  Grid Edit
Each Qrimp app comes with many default views.

Creating links to Views (for menu tabs and more)

In the location bar of your browser, you'll see the url you are on ie: "". The vid=11 tells the app to use view 11, which is the detail view. Changing the vid in your url will show you a different view. Note that if you are on a custom page or a page with a clean url) you will not see the vid. (See also Query String Parameters) Click the "Customers" tab to see the following screen, customers, displayed in Grid View (vid=1). Try to open a table with the XML View, which has an id of 19. Go to a table and edit the query string in the URL so that "vid=19". Qrimp will apply the XML View to the data being returned on the page.
  • Here is a list of fields for a template and what they mean:

    This is the name of the view for easy reference or for adding to the query string using the vid=name parameter. You can also use the ID of the view.

    A description of your view
    This tells Qrimp how to display the data, do you want your data in a table format like in the grid view or do you want it in a list. Most views you create will be a repeater. These controls are based on the ASP.NET Repeater Control and the DataGrid Control.
    The header content will appear above any data that is pulled from the database.
    The footer content will appear below any data that is pulled from the database.
    The item template is the HTML code that formats the display. If you are using a Repeater type view, then this HTML will format one complete record from the database. In a table type view, the item template will be applied to each column. In the table view, if there is no item template, then the template for the column is obtained from the Field Templates.
    In a repeater view, this should probably always be [DATA]. If you'd like to wrap the item template with an extra bit of HTML, you can add it here.
    How many records to display by default. You can override this setting in the url using the &pagesize= parameter.
    The content type tells the browser how to display the data. If blank, text/html is assumed. If you want to display xml, use text/xml.
    If EnableWiki is true, square bracketed items will be hyperlinked.

    Advanced: Building a New View

    The easiest way to create your first View is to copy an existing view and then modify it. To copy a View, Go to Design > Views > Select the edit icon next to the View you want to copy > Scroll down to the bottom of the page > click the Copy button > Click the edit icon > edit the HTML > Save your edits with a new name.

  • ParentTopic:



    Copying a View

    The easiest way to get started with creating a custom View is to copy an existing one and then modify it to suit your needs.
    To copy a View, follow the following steps:

    1.In the Menu, navigate to Design > Views

    2.In the Page Templates grid, select the edit icon () next to the View that is similar to the one you want to create.

    3.Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Copy button:

    4.Now click the edit button -- -- and begin creating your new custom View.




    Custom Pagination Look and Feel

    To create your own Custom Paging for your system you will have to write some JavaScript.

    First, you will call the subset of numbers from the database that you will want to use to create the custom pagination.

    You can call the subset two ways: JSON or XML.

    If you use JSON:

    paginationJson = getUrlString('db.aspx?t=Inventory&vid=73&noheader=true&nofooter=true&_pagingInfo=JSON' + filterQueryString)

    This URL will pull the subset of numbers


    Then you must parse the information. In the example we pull the parser from the Yahoo JavaScript Library.

    try {
    var paginationInfo = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(paginationJson).paginationInfo;
    catch (e) {

    Finally, you can assign the global variables and begin to manipulate the page to create your own Custom Pagination.

    numPages = paginationInfo.numPages;
    currentPage = paginationInfo.currentPage;
    numItems = paginationInfo.numRecords;
    pageSize = paginationInfo.pageSize;

    If you use XML you will parse the information differently

    try //Internet Explorer
    xml=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    try //Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, etc.
    var url = 'db.aspx?t=inventory&vid=73&qid=3&_paginginfo=true';
    document.write('numpages=' + xml.getElementsByTagName("numpages")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '
    document.write('pagesize=' + xml.getElementsByTagName("pagesize")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '
    document.write('numrecords=' + xml.getElementsByTagName("numrecords")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '
    document.write('currpage=' + xml.getElementsByTagName("currpage")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '

    As you can see XML does its own set of calls for the parsing. IE and other browsers are different so the beginning is checking to see what browser it is. Then the numbers get called in the query string just like JSON. The main difference is the way the strings are parsed.

    Now you can manipulate the variables to the your type of Custom Pagination.

    Here is an example of a 'footer' Custom Pagination for a shopping cart of items.

    function createItemListFooter () {

    paginationJson = getUrlString('db.aspx?t=Inventory&vid=73&noheader=true&nofooter=true&_paginginfo=json' + filterQueryString);

    try {
    var paginationInfo = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(paginationJson).paginationInfo;
    catch (e) {

    numPages = paginationInfo.numPages;

    currentPage = paginationInfo.currentPage;
    numItems = paginationInfo.numRecords;

    var paginationHtml = "";

    for (var i = 1; i <= paginationInfo.numPages ; i++) {
    if (i == 1) {
    paginationHtml = paginationHtml + "";
    } else {
    paginationHtml = paginationHtml + "";

    if (paginationInfo.numPages > 1) {

    paginationHtml = paginationHtml + ""

    document.getElementById("itemListFooter").innerHTML = paginationHtml;

    function displayPage (pageNumber) {

    if (pageNumber != currentPage) {

    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass("page"+currentPage, "selectedPage");
    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass("page"+pageNumber, "selectedPage");

    if (pageNumber == 1) {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass("prevButton", "hide");
    } else if (currentPage == 1) {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass("prevButton", "hide");

    if (pageNumber == numPages) {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass("nextButton", "hide");
    } else if (currentPage == numPages) {
    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass("nextButton", "hide");

    currentPage = pageNumber;




    function nextPage() {
    displayPage (currentPage + 1);

    function previousPage() {
    displayPage (currentPage - 1);

    This code manipulates the JSON from the above example to create this:




    Changing the Logo

    You can change the logo that appears in the top left corner of your app to your company logo. Save a copy of your logo with a maximum width of 150 pixels and a maximum height of 80 pixels.

    First, upload your logo as an attachment in your Qrimp app. See Adding Attachments

    Copy the url where your image is located ie:

    There are two ways to change the logo:

    Changing your logo in the skin (CSS)

    Go to Design > Skins

    Search the skin for #logo. Change or add the background element so the url for the background is the file location of your image, as below. Every character as symbol is needed, so type carefully!

    background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;
    top: 25px;
    left: 1px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;

    Remove the logo altogether

    If you just want to remove the logo, you can comment out the 'background' line for the logo style, like this:

    /*background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll 0%;*/
    top: 25px;
    left: 1px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;

    Or mark it as none:

    background: none;
    top: 25px;
    left: 1px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;

    Adding a logo to a Custom Header

    Below the Edit Skin section you can create a custom site header see Site Header. You can enter whatever HTML you wish in there, including the image link to your logo image. Note that if your logo is contained in a div called #logo, the CSS from the default Qrimp app skin, positions.css, will also apply to the div.

    If you do this, the existing contents of your table header, such as your login link and search form will be overwritten, so be sure to include these in your site header as well.





    Portals are windows to your data that appear in boxes on your dashboard. Your Dashboard is a collection of portal boxes. Each user must add or subscribe to their own set of portals. A user can either add a portal from the grid view or subscribe to a portal.

    Adding a Portal from Grid View

    To add a portal from the grid view:

    Go to the table you want to get data from > go to the bottom of the grid view > click the link that says "Share".

    A box will appear with a button that says "Add to Dashboard". Click the Add to Dashboard button.

    Enter a name for your dashboard.

    Another link will appear that lets you view your dashboard

    Your portal window has been added.

    Moving Portals

    To move a portal, go to the top right corner of the square. Hover over the icon that looks like two windows ". It will turn to a multi-directional arrow . Click and drag the arrow to move the portal to a spot before another portal square. The square you are moving it in front of will turn green.

    Resizing Portals

    To resize a portal, click the magnifying glass icon in the top right . You can change it to be large, small or medium.

    Customize Portal Background Colors

    To choose a new background color for a portal, click the palette icon in the top right . Different colors can help you quickly find data that looks the same.

    Advanced: Manually Editing Portals

    To edit a portal, click on the edit icon in the top right corner of the square . This will take you to the edit view of that portal in the Portals table. Note: You can see all of the records in the portals table by going to Design > Portals.

    Name: The Name of your portal window. Use a name that describes which data will appear in the portal and how it will appear. For example "Logins by Date", "Unpaid Bills" or "Red Shoes - Thumbnail images". The name you choose will appear in the header of the portal.

    Description: Describe your portal to help you remember what it's about.

    Template: Copy and paste a ShareData script. The ShareData script is much like an embed tag. It links to your data, storing the table id, the sort on your data, search information, hiddencolumns and whatever else you tell it to. Advanced: add styles to your portals by using inline styles in the template field.

    Link: The Portal Link specifies where the user will go if they click on the portal header.

    Deleting Portals

    To delete a portal from your home page, click the red X in the top left hand corner. You will be unsubscribed. To resubscribe, simply go to Home and find the link in the top left of the page that says "Add Portal".




    Adding a User Group

    Under Admin > User Groups you will find the default Groups: Administrators, Developers, Testers, Users and Anonymous. To add a new group, click the "Add New" Icon in the Content Header. Select the group security permissions you would like the user group to have and click Save.


    go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 243 records. Showing