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deleteedit1318How to reset a user's passwordPreface: If the user has attempted to log in several times and failed, their account my be locked out and they will need to wait until the lockout expires. Please tell them to wait and try again in 10 minutes.

If you still need to reset the password, simply enter the user's email address on the login help screen and tell Qrimp to email them a link to reset their password. Please see <a href="help#238">Help Topic #238: Forgot Password</a> for more info.

You can also send them a new temporary password by reapproving their account.
<ol><li>Go to Admin > Manage Users
<li>Click the table view icon
<li>Click the username in the Username field of the table view, the left most name in default Qrimp setups.
<li>You will now be looking at the approve user account.
<li>Verify the correct user group
<li>Click approve, the user will receive a new email with a username and temporary password.
TIP: You may want to write down or copy/paste the temporary password for the
new user in case they do not receive the email notification.

NOTE: Sometimes due to email configuration settings, new users will not
receive their username/password email notification. If you reset a password
or create a new account and the user does not receive the email, here's
what to do when <a href="help#1343">Users aren't receiving their temporary password email</a>
Logging in
deleteedit156Tutorial - Intuitive InterfacesQrimp automates many of the software development tasks needed to manage relational information intuitively. Checkboxes for many-to-many relationships and spreadsheets to edit tabular data. In this tutorial we show you how to view those more intuitive interfaces for the information and add menus to get to those views easily.

<object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="1026" height="786" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="1026" height="786" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object>
Display and Design
deleteedit1265AutomaticIDsQrimp automatically assigns every table and every record in every table an id number. This number is used by the system to identify those tables and records. IDs are created sequentially and start at 1 for the records in a table.

By default, you will see the id for a record in the [grid view] for a table. Click the id number to go to the [detail view] for that record.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

The default link or <a href="db.aspx?t=helptopics&id=261&vid=11">url</a> for each record will also show the id. You can find this in the [location bar] of your browser. The url for customer with an id of 238 will look like this:

<strong><noeval></noeval><span class="error">&id=238</span></noeval></noeval></strong>

The customer with an id of 238 is the 238th customer that was added to your system. If a record is deleted, the id numbers in that table will become non-sequential.
Table Best Practices
deleteedit1298Hourly ServicesQrimp can provide technical services such as those performed by a programmer, DBA, or data entry and formatting.

Our current hourly rate is $150/hr and our minimum billing increment is 15 minutes.
deleteedit3SecurityQrimp gives you many ways to control security and restrict who can see, access and change your data.

By default, the account administrator is the only one who will be able to change security settings. You can change this by giving permission to other [user groups] to perform update [operations] on the [Table Security] table. You can give them permission to see the table by editing your [Menus].

Administrators have automatic rights to:
<li>[Adding Users]</li><li>[User Groups]</li><li>[Assigning Users to Groups]</li><li>Change [Table Security]</li></ul>
deleteedit1341Hidden Page VariableQrimp has a special hidden HTML form field called "page" that allows you to configure where the user goes to after clicking a link, creating or saving records.

To modify the location the user goes to, Design > Design Mode ON. Go to the form from which you want to control where the user goes to after clicking the button.

Click the gear near the buttons. You'll find in that HTML a hidden INPUT form field called "page". You can change this variable to a URL that you'd like the user to go to after submitting the form. This URL can contain variables that are updated with values from the saved form you can also use [square brackets] to include SERVER variables like the HTTP_REFERER to send the user back to the page they were on when they clicked the edit or add new link.

<h2>Add a Create and Add Another button</h2>
Sometimes, you may want the ability to quickly create a lot of items at once. On the add new item screen (vid=8 in the url), you'll want to edit the header footer, add the button, and then when that button is clicked, change the value of the hidden page variable so that it sends the user back to the page you are on, rather than going to the detail view of the newly created item.

Here's how to do that. First, be sure design mode is on according to the instructions above. Then, go to the Add New form where you want to create many items quickly.

Click the gear next to the save buttons at the bottom. A lightbox will appear with the HTML for the Create and Cancel buttons. We'll add another button. To do that, copy the Text that starts with the Less than sign and INPUT type=submit. Select all of that text through to the Greater than sign. That's one HTML tag for the create button. Copy and paste it.

Change the value of the pasted INPUT button to "Create and Add Another". You'll need to have all of that text including the quotes so your browser knows to include all of it on the button. Now, we need to add another attribute to the input tag that changes the hidden PAGE variable. Add onclick='$("#page").val(document.location.href);' somewhere inside the newly copy/pasted INPUT field.

Next, add an attribute to the HIDDEN page variable that we can use to tell JavaScript which input value to update. Just add id="page" inside the HTML tag for the hidden input variable named page.

Your new HTML inside the lightbox should look like what is in the TEXTAREA below. In most cases, you can probably just copy/paste this HTML into your lightbox area to get the results we've described here.
<textarea><INPUT type=submit value=Create name=op class=button> <INPUT type=submit value="Create and Add Another" name=op class=button onclick='$("#page").val(document.location.href);' > <INPUT type=hidden value=5 name=o><input type=hidden id=page name=page value="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&vid=11&id={id}"> <a class=button href="javascript:history.back()" title=Cancel>Cancel</a></textarea>

Click save. Now you can click the "Create and Add Another" button to quickly add a lot of items to the same table.

Form Designer
deleteedit1302Creating your own error messagesQrimp has several default error messages for when things go wrong. The Qrimp stylesheet also has a class called "error" which is red text by default. You can change this to make it more or less obvious.

<h3>Adding Error Messages</h3>
If you have added custom [JavaScript] or other functionality, you may wish to add your own error messages. To do this go Admin > Error Messages and fill out the required fields.
Javascript and JQuery in Qrimp
deleteedit1296How Qrimp Handles DatesQrimp only has a date/time field. It does not have a time field. If you need to enter a time, you must do so in the date/time field, like so: 4/17/2003 10:30 AM. (See [datatypes]). If you want to have an event occur the same time every day, without setting the day, you can use the recurring feature of the calendar.

All dates and times are stored in the database in Universal Time Code (UTC). If you enter a time with your date, it's converted to UTC before the value is persisted (stored in the database).

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">Entering dates and times together into Qrimp's date/time field.</span>

If you enter a time with the date, Qrimp stores the time AND the date in that field.

If you enter only a date, Qrimp will store the time as midnight. If you don't enter a time, time zone conversion is not performed on the date/time value in queries. If you just enter 4/17/2003 without a time, it will store it as 4/17/2003 00:00:00.

Dates without 00:00:00 are not converted using [Time Zone Awareness].

If you do enter a time when you do your data entry, the date/time is converted into the user's time zone before being compared to any query parameters.

This is only true of the search engine, query string parameters and the custom view builder. If you write a custom query using the query builder, you may need to accommodate the time zone yourself (depending on the query).

We have a square brackets value called <noeval>-5</noeval>.
Time Zone Awareness
deleteedit1343Users aren't receiving their temporary password emailQrimp sends many emails every day and sometimes those emails are blocked
by email settings at the recipient end. In this case, the user will not
receive their username and password email when you create their account.

The long-term solution is to add Qrimp's support email account to your
email filtering software's safe list. ConstantContact maintains a help
topic on <a href="">how to add safe senders in many different email programs</a>.

Sometimes the above step won't work or you need an administrator to help,
but in the meantime, you need to get your new users into the system. The
best way to do this is to follow our guide on <a href="//">How to reset a users password in Qrimp</a>.

IMPORTANT: When you click the Approve account in the final step, write down or
copy/paste the temporary password so you can share it with the new user
via email or in person.
Adding Users
deleteedit78Data TableRead more about <a href="">database tables</a> on wikipedia.Definitions
deleteedit231Remember MeRemember me is a checkbox you can click when you log in. It tells Qrimp to remember you the next time you access your app from that browser on that computer. By default you will only be remembered on the last browser and device you logged in from. If you click remember me on your laptop and then access the site from your mobile, you won't be remembered when your return to your laptop. If you clicked the remember me check box on a computer or device and then access the site from that same device, you will be remembered, but only on that one device.

<h2>Remember me on Multiple Computers</h2>

If you use your Qrimp app from multiple browsers or devices such as a work computer, your own laptop and your mobile device, and do not want to re-enter your log in information every time, you may wish to install the "Remember me on multiple computers" module. Please do not install if security is a concern. See [Adding Modules]. If you add this module, then Qrimp will remember you across multiple devices and computers.

Being remembered across multiple devices introduces increased possibilities for unauthorized access. If someone logs on at your home while you are at work, then they may be able to see things you don't want them to. If you don't add this module once you log in on a new device, someone using another device will have to log in again. If you add the module though, you could be logged in at home and at work at the same time -- and one of those could be someone else.

<h2>Prevent Session Timeouts</h2>
One great benefit of "Remember Me" is that your session won't be timed out. Without remember me, you are logged out after 20 minutes of inactivity. If you were typing one message for that long the message could be lost when you're asked to log in again. Clicking the remember me check box will ensure you're logged in automatically again when you click the send button and whatever you've been typing won't be lost. <em>Note: Most newer browsers will remember what you have typed into a text area.

<h2>In-App logins: The Admin Screen</h2>

Qrimp has additional password protection for areas of the site that are behind the admin screen. The admin screen is a barrier that requires additional login before granting access to certain sensitive or important features of your app. In order to protect your app in the case that you are logged in and someone else accesses your account (ie: from your computer when you aren't at your desk). Even if you're logged in via a remembered session, you will have to log in again for further access. For example, if you want to create a user, even if you've accessed the site via a remembered session, we'll ask you to log in again.

This will prevent those who shouldn't be accessing your Qrimp app from having too much access. Some areas behind the admin screen are users, table management, portals, modules, queries, and operations.
Logging in
deleteedit264Hide Inactive Fields from Drop-DownsScenario: Bob is creating a new timesheet, and he's selecting a client from a drop-down. If some of your clients are no longer active, you do not want him to see them in this drop-down.

In this case, the first thing you will have to do is make sure your system has a way of knowing the client is no longer active. If you do not already have a field that tells you whether a client is active, you must [Add an Active/Inactive Field].

Then you will have to set the clients table to only show active clients when users are entering clients records from a drop-down field in another table.

<h2>Get the Table ID of the Clients Table</h2>
<a href="db.aspx?t=HelpTopics&id=1293&vid=11">Find the id of your Table</a> and write it down, copy it to your clipboard, or remember it. You will need to get the right table id number for this to work!

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">You can find the TableID from Table Management</span>

<h2>Write a SQL query</h2>
To hide an inactive record, you will need to use [SQL] security. Go to your Clients Table. Go to Table Management or Manage Tables. Click the link that says "Configure Table Settings" or "Settings".

Scroll down the Table Settings page to the field called "sqlsecurity". In that textbox, write the following statement, including all punctuation*:

<noeval>('1006'=1048 or Active = 'Y')</noeval>

<strong>Important: Change the id to match the id of your table!</strong>

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Now, when Bob is creating a timesheet, he only sees active clients!

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Important: Complete Data Entry is Key!</h2>
If you don't mark each client record as either active or inactive (and the field is empty) the record will be treated the same as if it were inactive. Be sure to mark all clients that you want in the list active!

* You could also write Active <> 'N'. The <> in a sql statement means 'not equal to'.
Creating a Look-up Table
deleteedit1299I created a new field but my users can't see itSee [Column Level Security].Adding Columns
deleteedit41PicklistsSee [Look-up Tables].Definitions
deleteedit17Notification SubscriptionsSend site administrators and users custom [Notifications] when new data is added to your Qrimp application or when people sign in.Notification Subscriptions
deleteedit130Share DataShare data lets you add data to your [dashboard], copy data into other records in your app, other Qrimp app, and even other websites.

<h2>Adding an item to your dashboard</h2>
See [Portals].

<h2>Sharing data</h2>

There are two ways to get to the share data interface: the link below the [grid view]...
<img class="border" src="/attachments/8991a71b-cb52-4121-8511-b678f0ca813a/ShareDataLink.png" />

...and the Open Share icon in the [Content Header]</h2>
<img src="">

When you click the link or the icon, you will see the following popup:

<img class="border" src="">

You will see two boxes with HTML. The HTML on the left is for sharing within your app. The HTML on the left is for sharing on the web.

<h2>Copy and Paste HTML</h2>
Copy and paste a snippet of [HTML] code. You do not have to understand HTML to do this, but please go slowly and be sure to select and copy ALL of the text in the box!

You can paste this in a [portal], a [field template] a description box, or any other [text area] in your app. Experiment! If something doesn't work, you can delete it.

This snippet of HTML code pulls in the data and the view (see: [Views]) and determines whether you are sharing an individual item or the whole table.

<h2>Sharing data internally</h2>
To share data within your Qrimp App, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the first share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field in any table. The table you have selected will magically pop into that area. The text field must be pasted into a table that is in the same app as the HTML.

<h2>Sharing data externally</h2>
To embed your data into a separate Qrimp application or display it on another domain, copy the text (Ctrl+c) from the second share data script and paste it (Ctrl+v) into any text field on one of your other Qrimp apps or on any website that allows you to embed HTML and/or scripts.

If [Anonymous Access] is not allowed for your data and you share the code in a publicly viewable area of your app, the data will not be visible (see: [Table Security]).

<h2>Custom HTML Templates for Shared Data</h2>
You can build your own HTML template to format the shared data so that it will appear in your host page exactly the way you want it. Use [square brackets] to insert particular data items into the HTML template.

<h2>Advanced: Sharing data to a local file</h2>
You can paste the code for your shared data into any file that you can view with your web browser (save as .html). The first time you are opening a local file that contains a script to pull in shared data, you will need to be online to access the data (does not apply to [Qrimp Server] users). If your data is not visible to 'Anonymous' users (see: [Table Security]), you will have to log in.

Once you have viewed the data, you can save the HTML to the file before closing for offline viewing.

<h2>Shared Data Display Options</h2>
Use [Query String Parameters] to sort and limit which data is displayed.

Use HTML and <a href="">inline css</a> to style your shared data.

<h2>Images in Shared Data</h2>
To ensure that the images and links referenced in your shared data area appear properly wherever you share them, use absolute urls rather than relative urls to reference them within your original table.

<h2>Who can share data?</h2>
The share data link is not visible to all users by default. To allow a group to share data, you must allow [User Groups] to view the export options.

<h2>Open Share Icon</h2>
To simplify the process of sharing data, you can add a module called Open Share Icon available under Admin > Add Module. This module will add an icon to your headers next to the search icon that will open a lightbox with the same content as clicking the share button below the grid view. The Share Icon will be visible on more pages and easier to access than the share link.

<a href=""><img src=/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/openshare.png align=absmiddle> Read more about the Open Share Icon</a>

Learn about other [Export Options].
Communicate and Share
deleteedit15Site SettingsSite Settings let you change settings for your app.
You can change the size of the icons that appear in the header/footer for your tables.








icontheme: This is the folder from which you can set icons for inbuilt icon themes. Two icon sets are available medium icons at 32x32 pixels and mini icons at 16x16 pixels. To change from one size to another, simply replace the 16x16 for 32x32 or vice versa.
Advanced Development
deleteedit81DefinitionsSome definitions of commonly used terms.
deleteedit113Known IssuesSome things are not yet possible with Qrimp. (We know, hard to believe!) Here's a list of things that have caused our users trouble in the past.
deleteedit188Dependent Select BoxesSometimes it is convenient to allow users of your Qrimp application to filter the items in one select box by choosing an item in another select box. For example, when choosing to examine fuel economy by vehicle, because there are hundreds of different types of cars, you could let your users filter by Make, and then show only the particular models for that make in another box.

In this Help Topic, we will use another example that fits with our Campaign Contributions system, where when choosing a candidate to add a contribution for, you can filter the list by the candidates party. We'll end up with a dependent select box like the image below:
<img src="" style='border:solid 1px navy' />

Here is a video that shows the dependent select boxes in action:
<div style='border:solid 1px navy'><object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="322" height="184" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="322" height="184" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object></div>

To get started, we will first go to the Add New screen for the Contributions. Notice the default select box has only a list of candidates:
<img src="" style='border:solid 1px navy' />

From the add new screen for contributions, select Design > Field Templates:
<img src='' style='border:solid 1px navy' />

Next, we will click the edit icon for the Candidate column. Since we have not modified the template for this field yet, Qrimp has created one for us automatically that looks like this:
<img src="" style='border:solid 1px navy' />

To add a select box for Parties that will filter the candidates list, we will edit the field template to look like this:
<img src='' style='border:solid 1px navy' />

Notice we have inserted this block of text before the Candidate select box:
<noeval><blockquote style='border:solid 1px navy;background-color:lightgray'></blockquote></noeval>

This tells Qrimp to create a select box that will filter the Candidate select box and show only those candidates where the party is equal to the party we select in the Parties select box.

If we want to hide the Candidates select box until a selection in the Parties select box has been made, we can use code like this:
<noeval><blockquote style='border:solid 1px navy;background-color:lightgray;'> then <span id=Candidate_selectbox>Candidate</span></blockquote></noeval>

The span indicated with the id <strong>Candidate_selectbox</strong> is the location where Qrimp will display the list of candidates in the party that we choose in the Parties box. This example behaves like the video below:

<div style='border:solid 1px navy'><object id="csSWF" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="387" height="342" codebase=",0,28,0"><param name="src" value=""/><param name="bgcolor" value="#1a1a1a"/><param name="quality" value="best"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="scale" value="showall"/><param name="flashVars" value="autostart=false"/><embed name="csSWF" src="" width="387" height="342" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" flashVars="autostart=false" pluginspage=""></embed></object></div>

Your final output should be in this format:
then <span id='TABLE_WITH_DATA_TO_FILTER_selectbox'>COLUMN_NAME</span>
The code above is telling Qrimp to display a SELECT box with data that is used to filter another select box that ultimately has the list of items of which one is the desired selection for the field in this table.

So for example, if you are creating a trouble ticket system for equipment and have 100 pieces of equipment, each with an EquipmentType and you want to make it easy for your users to select just one piece of that equipment, you'd use a command like the following:
then <span id='Equipment_selectbox'>Piece of Equipment</span>

Field Templates
deleteedit161Date FormatsSometimes you want to display dates in a particular format that suits the context. Maybe you only want to display the time or the day. You can do this with [square brackets] notation like so:

<textarea><span style='font-family:monospace;font-size:1.2em;'><strong></strong></span></textarea>

Where <strong><em>datevalue</em></strong> is any valid date including square bracket notation references to column names or the current system time <noeval>5/3/2024 8:13 AM</noeval> and <strong><em>validdateformat</em></strong> is a string built from the components below.


<strong>MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt</strong> produces <noeval></noeval>

<strong>ddd, dd MMM yyy HH:mm:ss GMT zz</strong> produces <noeval> (this is the format for XML)</noeval>

<h4>Here are more options for date formats</h4> d - Short date
%d - Day number
M?d - Month and day number
dd - Day number, two digits
ddd - Abbreviated day name
dddd - Full day name
f - Full (long date, short time)
%f - Fractions of second, one digit
s^f - Seconds and fractions of second, one digit
ff - Fractions of second, two digits
fff - Fractions of second, three digits
ffff - Fractions of second, four digits
g - General
%g - Era (eg. A.D.)
y-g - Year and era (eg. 5-A.D.)
gg - Era (eg. A.D.)
h - Hour (1-12) (Doesn't seem to work)
%h - Hour (1-12)
h-m - Hour and minute
hh - Hour (01-12)
H - Hour (0-23) (Doesn't seem to work)
HH - Hour (00-23)
m - Month name and date
%m - Minute (0-59)
hh_m - Hour and minute (0-59)
mm - Minute (00-59)
M - Month name and date
%M - Month number (1-12)
M d - Month number and day number
MM - Month number (01-12)
MMM - Month abbreviation
MMMM - Month name
s - Standard sortable date/time
%s - Seconds (0-59)
s^ff - Seconds (0-59) and fraction of seconds
ss - Seconds (00-59)
t - Long time
%t - First letter of AM/PM designator
hh t - Hour and first letter of AM/PM designator
tt - AM/PM designator
y - Short date
%y - Year (0-99)
m-y - Month and year
yy - Year (00-99)
yyyy - Year (0000-9999)
z - Doesn't work
%z - Whole hour time zone (-12 to 13)
Zone:z - Zone - and whole hour time zone (-12 to 13)
zz - Whole hour time zone (-12 to 13) with two digits
zzz - Time zone in hours and minutes})
Square Brackets
deleteedit13Table SecurityTable security lets you set permissions for each of your tables by user group (see also [User Groups]). You can set Create, Read, Update, and Delete ([CRUD]) access. Administrators can change security at any time.

<h2>Default Permissions</h2>
By default, new tables are only accessible to the Administrator and Developer groups. You must add permissions for other user groups. The User and Tester groups can read data, but not create, update, or delete it. <strong>The Anonymous (public/not logged in) group, and new user groups that you add cannot see anything unless you give them permission.</strong>

<h2>Adding Group Level Permissions to View a Table</h2>
To set which user groups can access a table, go to Develop > Manage Tables > Find your table > Click the "Group Security" link. Or go to your table and choose the Table Management sub-menu (if available).

From the table management page, click the link that says "Manage Group Security".

Toggle permissions by clicking the checkbox or circle with a line through it.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

<h2>Advanced: View Security Permissions for all Tables</h2>
To view all of your Table Security Records, go to Develop> Manage Tables > View System Tables > t_security > View.

Depending on the size of your system, you may see hundreds or thousands of records. To find a record use the [search] feature. <img class="noborder" align="absmiddle" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/filefind.png">
deleteedit1336Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Fred' to data type int.Text entered, number expected. This often occurs when Qrimp is expected the id # (See [AutomaticIDs]) of your record instead of the name.

If you can, find the id number of the item you need. For example, in the users table, Fred's ID is 4. If you enter 4, this error should go away.
Error Messages
deleteedit110Content HeaderThe "Content Header" or "Header" is the area below the menu tabs and above your records. By default, this area contains the [Action Icons] that allow you to perform actions and navigate to different [Views] of your data.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">A default content header with a custom message to users of the products table.</span>

Content Headers are completely customizable with a combination of custom messages, [HMTL], [CSS] and [JavaScript]. You can add [Icons], error messages, warnings, shared data, external links, queries and more. (See: [Headers and Footers]).

<img class="border" src="attachments/beedb418-951d-4e64-93a3-e2032bbf0101/2008-12-14contentheader.png" />
<span class="small">A customized content header with fewer icons than normal.</span>

<h2>Advanced: For CSS and Javascript in Content Headers</h2>
For [CSS], declare #contentheader to style the content header.
Above and beside your data
deleteedit46Grid ViewThe "grid view" or "list view" is a view of a [database table] formatted as a table. By default, a grid view shows you all of the rows and columns in a table. It is represented with this icon <img align="absmiddle" alt="List View" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_text.png">.

You can usually get to the grid view by going to the menu tab and clicking the "grid view" sub-menu tab.

<img width="600" class="border" src="/attachments/">

By default, most views of your data have a link to the grid view in the [Content Header] above your data.

Click the id link or double click a row to view the record. Click the edit icon to edit.

<h2>Deleting and editing rows in grid view:</h2>
Next to the id field in most tables you will see two icons, a delete icon <img src="images/delete.gif" alt="delete icon"/> and an edit icon <img src="/images/edit.gif" alt="edit icon"/>.

Clicking the delete icon allows you to delete the row from the data table (it warns you if you want to delete first).

Clicking the edit icon allows you to change data in that row.

<img src="/attachments/4ec6c6cc-f65f-4668-bdc6-5837864d83d1/GridView1.png">

To add additional icons to your id columns, use [Field Templates].

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