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deleteedit69focuson Query String Parameter<nobreak><img src="/attachments/3ddae741-1e95-4629-8d44-879dbec2b8e1/focusonQueryString.png"><br/>

<p>When entering a url into the link section of a Menu tab, add a query string parameter called "focuson" with a value of the name of a field in your table to make the cursor appear in that field when the page loads.</p>

<p>Your users would like to have the mouse cursor in the Name field when they load a Contacts form, so you add &focuson=name to the end of the query string on the menu that takes them there (see [Menus]).</p>
Query String Parameters
deleteedit75Excel ExportYou can export your data as an excel spreadsheet. Just look below your table when it is in grid view. Click the excel link to export!

<img src="/attachments/9075d7d3-3be5-43b0-bffc-a982ce70a068/ExportCSV_XLS.png">
Export Options
deleteedit76XML ExportYou can export your data tables in XML format. Go to the grid view of your data table. Below your table you will see Qrimp export options. Click on the XML link. You will see the document tree of your page in XML format. You can then copy and paste the XML and do whatever you please with it.Export Options
deleteedit26Attachment ViewersUse attachment viewers to control how attachments are displayed (with img tags or embeds). We have included default displays for several common types of attachments:
<img src="/attachments/d391bca0-5be9-424b-9258-b0e9abd0004e/AttachmentViewer.png">

To change how an attachment type displays, go to Admin > Attachment Viewers. Edit the itemtemplate field you want to change. For example, if the attachment file is an mp4 file, embed a Quicktime plugin in the itemtemplate to make the file play in Quicktime.

<img class="border" src="attachments/de8100e4-29f5-4e92-a3ea-da2d97f12a16/AttachmentViewersHelp2.JPG" />
deleteedit59Enabling the Attachments SidebarTo keep the size of your Qrimp application small, the attachments sidebar is not automatically visible on every table. If you would like to see attachments on the right in the [detail view] of each record, the table must be created with 'Attachments' enabled. If you do not see the attachments box to the right of your item, this option may not have been turned on. You can add it by following the instructions below.

<h2>Creating Tables with Attachments Sidebar Enabled</h2>
When you add a table, click the checkbox beside "Enable Attachmentsā€¯ in the Advanced options. (See [Add a Table]).

<img alt="Enable Attachments Checkbox" src="/attachments/105659f8-adf8-4c89-8658-69cfbd79a23a/Capture.PNG">

<h2>Enabling Attachments Sidebar for Existing Tables</h2>
If you created a table without the attachments sidebar capability (see above), you will have to add some code that will turn this feature on for a table.

First, go to the table you want to add the sidebar to. Then go to Develop > Header/Footer (see [Headers and Footers]). Copy and paste the following HTML into the footer section:

<textarea height="200px"><div id="attachmentsdata" class="relateddata"><h4><a href="db.aspx?t=attachments&tableid=1006&itemid=59" title="View All Attachments...">Attachments</a></h4></div><a href="uploadfile.aspx?t=1006&id=59&vid=11" id="Attachmentsadd" title="Upload Attachments...">add</a><script>showHtml("attachments&tableid=1006&itemid=59&vid=21&orderby=1,1","attachmentsdata");</script></textarea>

<em>Note: be sure to change the id number (tableid=1006 and t=1006) of the table to the id of your table. (See [automaticids]</em>
deleteedit221Document Folders<h2>Navigating Document Folders</h2>
To view your document folders go to Documents > Document Folders

<img class="border" width="" src="" />

You will see your top level document folders. Top level folders may or may not contain subfolders.

<img class="border" width="" src="" />

Click a folder name to drill into the folder and see the subfolders under it. You can see the "breadcrumbs" trail above your folders, which shows you which level you are at.

<img class="border" width="" src="" />

Keep drilling in until you find your documents!
<img class="border" width="" src="" />

<h2>Adding a document and creating new folders</h2>
To add a document, go to your document folders. At the top you will see a link that says "Add Document". Click the link and enter your data in the fields. To create folders, type slashes "/" between the folder names in the Folder field.
When you enter folders and subfolders, these are created new if they do not exist.

<img class="border" width="500" src="" />

<h2>Adding documents to existing folders</h2>
To add documents to folders that already exist, <strong>navigate to the folder you want your document to go into and THEN</strong> click the "Upload Document" link.

<h2>Bulk folder creation</h2>
If you would like to bulk import folders or replicate your existing folder system, please <a href="">contact us for a quote</a>.
deleteedit1273Adding AttachmentsAttachments are added to individual records in your Qrimp tables.

There are two ways to add attachments:

<h2>With the paperclip icon in the header/footer</h2>

<img class="border" src="" />

<h2>Using the Add link in the Attachments box</h2>

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
deleteedit1277Delete an AttachmentTo delete a single attachment, go to the record that your item is attached to. Click the attachments link on the right-hand side at the top.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Click the delete icon next to the item you want to delete:

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You will get a warning asking whether you are sure you want to delete this item. Click Okay to delete.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Your item will be deleted from your database.
deleteedit1278Attachment PermissionsUser accounts need the appropriate security permissions to add attachments. An admin can grant permission to a user to upload attachments by going to Manage Users > Manage Security Groups and clicking "yes" under Enable Uploads. (See [User Group Settings])Attachments
deleteedit1282Delete Multiple AttachmentsTo delete multiple attachments, go to the record that your items are attached to. Click the attachments link on the right-hand side at the top.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Click the checkboxes beside each item you wish to delete:

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

You will get a warning asking whether you are sure you want to delete all of these items. Click Okay to delete.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

Your items will be deleted from your database.
deleteedit140Configuring your web.configThe web.config file in the root folder of your IIS web application contains settings for your Qrimp App for the database, SMTP server (for sending email), and more. Below you will find a list of the configuration keys and what they mean.

To get to your web.config files here are the steps:
1. Open My computer C: Drive
2. inetpub
3. Qrimp
4. Scroll to the bottom and double click 'web', Microsoft Visual Studio should open and you will see the web.config files.

The connection string tells Qrimp how to connect to your database. It should be in a form that looks like the following. Add the values for your particular environment.

"database=;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=;Data Source=;"

The <b>database</b> is the name of the database containing your Qrimp App.

The <b>User ID</b> is the username of a user that has DBO rights to your database. DBO rights are needed so that you can create database tables and perform other operations within your database.
If you are unable to use DBO privileges for your web application, Qrimp will still work, but you will not be able to modify the database from the web.

The <b>password</b> is the password for the user.

The <b>Data Source</b> is the name of the physical server on which your database resides. If you are running your Qrimp Application on the same machine as the database, you can use (local) for the data source.

If enablecaching is "true" Qrimp will cache your database values. This will improve performance significantly, but does require clearing the cache in certain circumstances. In an pooled application environment, each application instance will have its own cache.

Any other value will disable caching.

In situations where you can access a [Tree View] for your drop down list boxes can also be displayed as trees. A value of "true" will show the data in these drop down list boxes as trees, any other value will show the data in a single list.

If you Automatically Approve Accounts, then users who fill out the Create Account page will be created assigned to the group id (see below) and instantly emailed a password they can use to log in to your Qrimp App. If you do not automatically approve accounts, then each new user will need to be manually approved and the Group can be set at that point.

This is the group id new users will be assigned to if you choose to Automatically approve accounts (see above).

If this value is true, then users will be required to access your Qrimp App via an SSL encrypted line. This will require a secure certificate on your server and users must use the HTTPS:// url protocol.

If caching is enabled, then select lists are cached in their HTML form to improve performance. There are some instances where caching these select boxes can be problematic. In this case, you can disable caching for a particular table by setting this key to true. For example, to turn off select cache for the users table, you'd add this key to your web.config:


The notification email is the email that will appear in the from line of emails sent by your Qrimp App.

The smtp-relay is the name of the email server you will use to send emails for notifications that occur within your Qrimp app.

The smtp-username is the username that will authenticate your SMTP session. Qrimp requires SMTP authentication to send emails to improve security and reduce the risk of spamming.

This is the password for your SMTP server.

This is the Amazon Access key that will allow you to perform remote backups and other functions that will be announced in future releases of Qrimp.

This is the Amazon secret key, see above.
Qrimp Server
deleteedit165Automated Backup ProcessIf you'd like to set up an automated process, here's how to do it.

Issue a form post to your application like this:
txtUsername= {your username}
txtPassword= {your password}

You can also use a get, but then the logs show the query string in some server setups. Better to use a post.

Now, the response will contain a GUID representing the user who just logged in. Next, download a file from the following url using GET:
https://yourqrimpappurl/inserts.aspx?backup=true&download=true&uid={uid from above}

or more securely using FORM Post to:

and then save the result to a local .zip file. By default, the filename will include the Qrimp app URL and the date and time in the file name, but you can save it as whatever filename you like.

Your file will be encrypted and zipped up and locked with a password to prevent tampering. If you ever need to restore your database to one of these points in time, then email [Qrimp Support] or [Open a Trouble Ticket] and we will restore your system. Additional fees may be required for certain hosted plans or download accounts.

Enterprise customers can backup their database to Amazon S3 in an automated fashion like this as well. Please contact [Qrimp Support] for more information about how to do this. We will soon be adding backup to Mosso CloudFS for databases smaller than 5 GB.

Also, remember, this does not copy the attachments, it only backs up the data. If you would like to copy attachments as well, use [Synchronizer] with automation.
Backing up your data
deleteedit250Table BackupYou can back up the information in your tables one by one by downloading a copy of your data to Excel or .csv format.

To download a copy of your data, go to the table you wish to export and go to grid view. At the bottom of the grid you will see a link that says 'excel/csv'. Click that link, and the file will download to excel and open in excel. You can then save that file in either Excel or csv format.

<img src="/attachments/" />

If you do not see this option below your table, please contact your site admin and ask for permission to see export options.
Backing up your data
deleteedit1296How Qrimp Handles DatesQrimp only has a date/time field. It does not have a time field. If you need to enter a time, you must do so in the date/time field, like so: 4/17/2003 10:30 AM. (See [datatypes]). If you want to have an event occur the same time every day, without setting the day, you can use the recurring feature of the calendar.

All dates and times are stored in the database in Universal Time Code (UTC). If you enter a time with your date, it's converted to UTC before the value is persisted (stored in the database).

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />
<span class="small">Entering dates and times together into Qrimp's date/time field.</span>

If you enter a time with the date, Qrimp stores the time AND the date in that field.

If you enter only a date, Qrimp will store the time as midnight. If you don't enter a time, time zone conversion is not performed on the date/time value in queries. If you just enter 4/17/2003 without a time, it will store it as 4/17/2003 00:00:00.

Dates without 00:00:00 are not converted using [Time Zone Awareness].

If you do enter a time when you do your data entry, the date/time is converted into the user's time zone before being compared to any query parameters.

This is only true of the search engine, query string parameters and the custom view builder. If you write a custom query using the query builder, you may need to accommodate the time zone yourself (depending on the query).

We have a square brackets value called <noeval>-5</noeval>.
Time Zone Awareness
deleteedit167Help TopicsThe Qrimp Help Files will teach you what you need to know to build and maintain your Qrimp app.

If there is a topic missing, or something is unclear, please contact us to let us know.
Getting More Help
deleteedit168Forums<!--Qrimp forums let you talk with other Qrimp users. The forums are also frequented by Qrimp Support. We get email alerts when new topics are posted. The forums are a great way to capture knowledge for all Qrimp users.
<a href="">
Visit the Qrimp Forums</a>.

<img src="/attachments/037713fb-f4d1-4296-9f0e-c701304d22cb/QrimpForum.png">-->
The Qrimp forums are currently closed. If you are interested in a forum venue for discussing your app with other users, please email support to place your vote for re-opening the forum system.
Thank you.
Getting More Help
deleteedit169EmailEmail support is available for paying customers. We also offer email support to customers during any free trial periods. Email support at qrimp dot com.

For issues that we can't resolve via email, we can set up a [Webinar], or even log in to your account remotely, with your permission. Just contact us, we will work with you.
Getting More Help
deleteedit170WebinarIf you have a bug that cannot be resolved, or would like hands on tutoring, please <a href="">request a webinar using our trouble ticket system</a>, contact [Qrimp Support], or fill out our <a href="">information request form</a> and indicate some days and times that are good for you.

Webinars let us show you our screen while we move the mouse around so you can see how we do things. In a webinar, we can also browse to your web application and give you control of our browser so you can log in. We can then help you from directly within your system and you can see what we are doing right on your screen. A webinar is a great way to learn more about Qrimp and how to perform these tasks yourself later.
Getting More Help
deleteedit31Tree ViewThis is tree view:<br/>
<img class="" src="attachments/416de4ab-cb95-4eaf-8a1d-079cc115b8d6/TreeViewHelp1.JPG" /><br/>

Use Tree View if your information has sub-categories and you want to see a drop-down folder "explorer-style" view of it.

<h2>Adding a Table with Tree View</h2>
You can only add tree view at the moment you are creating table. To enable tree view, simply click the tree view checkbox at the bottom of the create table page.

<h2>Navigating to your Tree View</h2>
Look for the following icon in your table header: <img align=absmiddle src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/>

<h2>Adding the tree view icon</h2>
Use the following url to add the tree view icon: src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_tree.png" alt="Tree View"/
deleteedit46Grid ViewThe "grid view" or "list view" is a view of a [database table] formatted as a table. By default, a grid view shows you all of the rows and columns in a table. It is represented with this icon <img align="absmiddle" alt="List View" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/view_text.png">.

You can usually get to the grid view by going to the menu tab and clicking the "grid view" sub-menu tab.

<img width="600" class="border" src="/attachments/">

By default, most views of your data have a link to the grid view in the [Content Header] above your data.

Click the id link or double click a row to view the record. Click the edit icon to edit.

<h2>Deleting and editing rows in grid view:</h2>
Next to the id field in most tables you will see two icons, a delete icon <img src="images/delete.gif" alt="delete icon"/> and an edit icon <img src="/images/edit.gif" alt="edit icon"/>.

Clicking the delete icon allows you to delete the row from the data table (it warns you if you want to delete first).

Clicking the edit icon allows you to change data in that row.

<img src="/attachments/4ec6c6cc-f65f-4668-bdc6-5837864d83d1/GridView1.png">

To add additional icons to your id columns, use [Field Templates].

deleteedit51Design ViewDesign view or the Form Designer lets you re-arrange the location of the fields on the screen. Design view is used exclusively for the [Detail View] and [Edit View]

To design a view for a table, go to the table and view you want to change, then go to Design > Form Designer. Your page will reload with a dotted background. Click and hold the the field you want to move until a multi-directional arrow appears, then drag and drop it in its new location.

<img src="attachments/" />

You can also move the "Save/Copy/Cancel" buttons that appear at the bottom of a page.
deleteedit56Calendar ViewAll tables with a date field (Date/Time [datatype]) will be viewable on a Calendar. When the Calendar view is available, the calendar icon <img align="absmiddle" src="/attachments/d8b7ffcf-fc7d-4ec9-ae46-a5428e455455/CalendarIcon.png">appears near the top of the page in the [Content Header]. A link to the calendar view also appears by default in sub-menu tabs.

The Calendar View opens for the current month. You can select other months and years from the drop-downs at the top of the page. You can also go to a day view.

<h2>Tables with CreateDate and Other Date Fields</h2>
If you choose the [Auditing] option when creating your table, your table will be given a "createdate" field, which means that when you click on the Calendar View icon, you will see a calendar of when items were created.

If there is more than one Date field in a table, the Calendar will show items with the FIRST date column by default. Once you are in the Calendar, you will be able to choose to show the calendar with items from another date field using a drop-down box.

<img class="border" src="attachments/" />

For example, if I have a Projects table with two date fields "Start Date" and "End Date", when I first open the table in Calendar view, I will see items that Start on days in the month I am in. If I want to see when items end, I can choose "End Date" from the "View By" drop-down box at the top left of the view.

<h2>Changing Due Dates with Drag and Drop</h2>
You can [drag and drop] an item on the Calendar and the selected date field will update the item to the new date.
deleteedit74Edit ViewClick the edit icon (<img alt="Edit Icon" src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/apps/kate.png">) in the [Action Icons] area to edit records in your table. You will see each of the fields in your table shown as textboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists etc. Enter or edit text, select options from drop-down list fields, change radio button options and dates and more. To save, click the save button at the bottom of the page.

<img alt="Edit View"src="/attachments/2603fbe4-4e91-43f7-a7df-b7d11c64c9c5/Edit View.png" />
deleteedit103Default ViewIf you don't change this setting, the default view is always the table/grid view, showing all of your data, dependent of course, on your [Security] rules.

On the Develop > [Table Settings] page, there is a field called "Defaultview" with a drop-down list that lets you choose among the many [Views] (these are basically page templates) in your application to set which one is the default for that table. This is handy if you want people to see your table laid out in a particular way.

<img src="/attachments/1a26b6f1-f45e-4fc2-b502-a9f2f88c1c54/DefaultView.jpg">

deleteedit104Creating your own viewsIf you would like to display your information on a page in a custom layout, and none of the pre-configured data [Views] match the data in the table or the desired layout effect, you can create your own view.

In the [Menus], go to Design > [Views] and click "Add New" <img src="/icons/crystal_project/32x32/actions/edit_add.png" />

Create a descriptive name for your view that will help you remember it. For example, if you are creating a view showing only the images from your table, with a border around them, name the view "Images With Borders". In the "Description" area, use Qrimp [Square Brackets] notation or urls to pull in data from your table.

<strong>Formatting your data with HTML and CSS</strong>
Enter HTML and inline CSS tags in the description field to control how your data is displayed.

For example, let's say we had a small inventory table with four fields: id, ItemName, Description and ItemCount. We'll want to display only the name of the inventory item.

We can get the using square brackets as such - [ItemName]

We can also style this information. Let's imagine that we wish to make the ItemName an h2 and we'd like to make in a div with a red background.

Here is what our HTML and square brackets would look like:

<style> #red{background:red;}</style>
<div id="red">

And here is what our result would look like:
<style> #red{background:red;}</style>
<div id="red">
<h2>Inventory Item 1</h2>

This is just a basic example. Learn more about pulling data into page templates with [Square Brackets]
go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 243 records. Showing